Medical Definition of basilic vein : a vein of the upper arm lying along the inner border of the biceps muscle, draining the whole limb, and opening into the axillary vein.

What does Basilic mean in Latin?

kingly; royal. Also basilican, basilical.

Where is my basilic vein?

The basilic vein lies beneath the deep fascia in the upper two-thirds of the arm.

What is the basilic vein function?

The basilic vein drains the medial side of the superficial venous network of the dorsum of the hand, which in turn drains blood from the palm of the hand 2. As it ascends in the forearm and arm, the basilic vein drains the medial aspect of the upper limb via numerous superficial veins 1.

What are the 3 veins in the arm called *?

Veins of the upper extremities are grouped into deep veins which are accompanying veins of arteries from which they derive their names (Latin: vena comitantes), and superficial veins. … Veins of the upper limb.

Hand Superficial palmar arch Deep palmar arch
Arm Brachial veinsCephalic veinBasilic vein
Shoulder Axillary vein Subclavian vein

Whats a Basilique?

British English: basilica /bzlk/ NOUN. A basilica is a church which is rectangular in shape and has a rounded end.

What is the vein in your forearm called?

Along with other superficial veins in the forearm, the basilic vein is an acceptable site for venipuncture. …

Basilic vein
The most frequent variations of the veins of the forearm (schematic).
Source Dorsal venous network of hand
Drains to Axillary vein, Median cubital vein

What is the Antecubital?

: of or relating to the inner or front surface of the forearm the antecubital area.

Is basilisk in the dictionary?

a creature, variously described as a serpent, lizard, or dragon, said to kill by its breath or look.

Is basilic vein deep or superficial?

The basilic and cephalic veins, which are superficial veins, contribute to the axillary vein, though many anatomic variations occur. After passing the outer margin of the first rib, the axillary vein continues as the subclavian vein.

What is the difference between cephalic and basilic vein?

Basilic and cephalic veins begin their path from around the wrist and continue towards the upper region of the forearm. The basilic vein becomes deep around the mid-arm, while the cephalic vein becomes deep around the upper forearm, in deltopectoral groove. … Basilic vein is an appropriate vein for venepuncture.

Is basilic vein lateral or medial?

Brachiobasilic Arteriovenous Fistula. The basilic vein originates on the medial aspect of the forearm at the wrist from the dorsal venous network of the hand. It runs superficially in the forearm and usually communicates with the cephalic vein via the median cubital vein at the elbow.

Is basilic vein clot a DVT?

DVT-UE must be distinguished from thrombosis of the superficial veins, i.e., the cephalic and basilic veins (1). Idiopathic DVT-UE and cases due to anatomical variants are known as primary DVT-UE.

Is basilic vein considered a deep vein?

Superficial veins The main superficial veins of the upper extremity include the cephalic, basilic, median cubital, and accessory cephalic veins (figure 1). The basilic vein is a common access site for performing digital subtraction venography.

What happens when you draw from the basilic vein?

If a phlebotomist has chosen to use the basilic vein when there is a usable median antecubital vein or cephalic vein, and the patient suffers an arterial nick or nerve damagewith the possibility of loss of arm movement or bleeding into the arm legal action may be taken by the patient or the doctor.

What happens if the cephalic vein is cut?

A powerful cut to the outer side of the Pectoral muscle can potentially sever the cephalic vein, which will bleed profusely. A powerful cut across the front of the Deltoid muscle may sever the cephalic vein. A slashing cut across the biceps can disable any motion of the arm and can cause rapid blood loss.

What vein drains into popliteal?

femoral vein The popliteal vein is formed by the junction of the venae comitantes of the anterior and posterior tibial vein at the lower border of the popliteus muscle. It travels on the medial side of the popliteal artery. …

Popliteal vein
Drains to femoral vein
Artery popliteal artery
Latin vena poplitea

Why is the vein blue?

Blue light has a short wavelength (about 475 nanometres), and is scattered or deflected much more easily than red light. Because it’s easily scattered it doesn’t penetrate so far into the skin (only a fraction of a millimetre). … This means your veins will appear blue compared to the rest of your skin.

Why is it called a basilica?

A basilica is a large, important church. The word can also be used for an Ancient Roman building that was used for law and meetings. The word basilica is Latin which was taken from the Greek Basilik Sto. … A Roman Catholic church that has been given the right to use that name, by the Pope.

What is another French word for Basilique?

What does basilique mean in French?

basilic sacr basilic
basicit BASIC
basions basique
basiquement basiques
bas-joints basketball

What language was the source of the word Basilic?

Detailed word origin of basilic

Dictionary entry Language Definition
Ancient Greek (grc)
basiliscus Latin (lat) A basilisk or cockatrice.
basilicum Latin (lat) (Late Latin) basil. A royal or princely robe.
basilique Old French (fro) Basil (herb). Basilisk (legendary reptile).

Why is the basilic vein the last choice?

The basilic vein is responsible for taking blood that doesn’t have oxygen from the arms back to the heart and lungs, where it’s given oxygen again. While you can usually see it clearly, it’s considered a last resort in medical procedures.

Where should you not draw blood?

Do not use the tip of the finger or the center of the finger. Avoid the side of the finger where there is less soft tissue, where vessels and nerves are located, and where the bone is closer to the surface. The 2nd (index) finger tends to have thicker, callused skin.

What is the main vein in your wrist?

It is palpable on the anterior and medial aspect of the wrist. Along its course, it is accompanied by a similarly named vein or veins, the ulnar vein or ulnar veins. …

Ulnar artery
Vein Ulnar vein
Latin Arteria Ulnaris
MeSH D017535

What is a Olecranal?

(-lkr-nn) The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow.

What is the Antebrachium?

Medical Definition of antebrachium : the part of the arm or forelimb between the brachium and the carpus : forearm.

What is Antebrachial?

relating to the forearm: the antebrachial vein.

What is Starks?

1a : rigid in or as if in death. b : rigidly conforming (as to a pattern or doctrine) : absolute stark discipline. 2 archaic : strong, robust. 3 : utter, sheer stark nonsense. 4a : barren, desolate.

Who opened the Chamber of Secrets?

Tom Riddle The Chamber was opened during the 19421943 school year by a sixteen-year-old teenager by the name of Tom Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort. Through Merope Gaunt, his mother and a Witch, Riddle was the last remaining direct descendant of Slytherin, and he desired to see Muggle-borns driven from Hogwarts.

How is basilisk born?

The Basilisk is often confused with the cockatrice, but the Basilisk is born from a chicken’s egg hatched beneath a toad, while the cockatrice is hatched by a chicken’s egg incubated by a serpent.