verb (used with object), begirt or begirded, begirding. to gird about; encompass; surround.

What does Girdest mean?

noun. a large beam, as of steel, reinforced concrete, or timber, for supporting masonry, joists, purlins, etc. a principal beam of wood, steel, etc., supporting the ends of joists.

What is a loin?

The loins, or lumbus, are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back. The term is used to describe the anatomy of humans and quadrupeds, such as horses, pigs, or cattle.

What is gird in the Bible?

: to prepare for action Both sides are girding for battle. gird one’s loins. : to prepare for action : muster up one’s resources.

What is girding your loins?

Loin-Girding 101 With a belt. … (Note: In this case, loins does not refer to the genitals, as with Nabokov’s light of my life, fire of my loins.) So, to gird your loins means, literally, to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don’t flop around.

What is a rump?

1a : the upper rounded part of the hindquarters of a quadruped mammal. b : buttocks. c : the sacral or dorsal part of the posterior end of a bird.

Where is a person’s loin?

loins, the parts of the body between the hips and the lower ribs, especially regarded as the seat of physical strength and generative power. the genital and pubic area; genitalia.

What is the loin of an animal?

loin, that part of an animal lying between the upper part of the hipbone and the last of the false ribs on either side of the backbonehence the butcher’s term for a piece of meat cut from that part of the body.

Where in the Bible does it say gird your loins?

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. The above passage from Job 38:3 is just one of several references in the Bible to girding up one’s loins — a directive that may have made sense to an ancient audience but which eludes us today.

Where did gird your loins come from?

The idiom gird one’s loins is derived from the Bible. People who lived during the time that the Bible was written wore flowing tunics. If a person had to take part in a difficult physical activity it was necessary to tie up the flowing fabric and tuck it in his girdle or substantial belt.

What does take up your cross mean?

It means to lay our ego strength aside. Taking up our cross means, instead, picking up those weaknesses that we so often try to run away from in life. Taking up our cross means carrying around those places where we are vulnerable, places where we are maybe even exposed to embarrassment and shame.

What does gird thyself mean?

to get ready to do something or deal with something: We girded ourselves for the fray (= prepared for action or trouble).

What does it mean to gird up your loins LDS?

The Woman at the Well.

What does gird up thy loins like a man mean?

Thus to tell someone to gird up their loins was to tell them to get ready for hard work or battle. It was the ancient way of saying man up! … In case tunics ever come back in style, you’ll now know how to gird up your loins and get ready for action.