1 : having a sloppy or unkempt appearance or aspect : frowsy. 2 : being coarse and ruddy of complexion.

How do you spell Blousy?

adjective, blousier, blousiest. blowsy.

Is Blowsy a word?

disheveled in appearance; unkempt.

What do Frowsy mean?

1 : musty, stale a frowsy smell of stale beer and stale smoke W. S. Maugham. 2 : having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance a couple of frowsy stuffed chairs R. M. Williams.

Is Blousy a Scrabble word?

Yes, blousy is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does tresses mean in English?

1 : a long lock of hair especially : the long unbound hair of a woman usually used in plural. 2 archaic : a plait of hair : braid.

Whats the meaning of showy?

showy, pretentious, ostentatious mean given to excessive outward display. showy implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste.

What is an epithet?

epithet, adjective or phrase that is used to express a characteristic of a person or thing, such as Ivan the Terrible. In literature, the term is considered an element of poetic diction, something that distinguishes the language of poetry from ordinary language.

What did the pariah do?

Pariah takes its name from a tribe in Southeast India. The pariahs were drummers, sorcerers, and servants who became untouchables in Indian society because of the unsanitary jobs they did. Pariah maintains this sense of untouchableness. Pariahs are not just unliked, they are avoided at all costs.

How do you pronounce blowsy?

What do you mean by petticoat?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a skirt worn by women, girls, or young children: such as. a : an outer skirt formerly worn by women and small children. b : a fancy skirt made to show below a draped-up overskirt.

What is ill lit?

adjective. Having dim or inadequate lighting. ‘a gloomy, ill-lit hallway’

What does Frownsy mean?

Definition of ‘frowzy’ 1. untidy or unkempt in appearance; shabby. 2.

What is sphinx like smile?

mysterious and not allowing people to know what you are thinking: He sat silently with a sphinx-like smile on his face. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Not showing or feeling emotions.

What does not worth a sou mean?

a very small amount of money /su/ a very small amount of money: I don’t have a sou.

What is a mane of hair?

English Language Learners Definition of mane : long, thick hair growing from the neck of a horse or around the neck of a lion. : long, thick hair on a person’s head. See the full definition for mane in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What do you call a lock of hair?

Dreadlocks, commonly called locks or dreads.

What does Consolidated mean?

1 : to join together into one whole : unite consolidate several small school districts. 2 : to make firm or secure : strengthen consolidate their hold on first place He consolidated his position as head of the political party. 3 : to form into a compact mass The press consolidates the fibers into board.

What is the synonym of showy?

The words ostentatious and pretentious are common synonyms of showy. While all three words mean given to excessive outward display, showy implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste.

What is the opposite of Consolidate?

consolidate. Antonyms: weaken, dissipate, disunite, dismember, disintegrate, colliquate, dissolve, melt, vaporize, sublimate, attenuate, triturate, pulverize. Synonyms: condense, incorporate, conglutinate, cement, solder, bond, weld, thicken, strengthen, fuse.

What are Odysseus epithets?

What Are the Epithets in The Odyssey. The epithets in The Odyssey apply primarily to Odysseus himself. He is variously described as a man of many ways and a man of many devices. The word in Greek translates to polytropos, which means many-wayed.

What is the example of Litotes?

Litotes is a figure of speech and a form of understatement in which a sentiment is expressed ironically by negating its contrary. For example, saying It’s not the best weather today during a hurricane would be an example of litotes, implying through ironic understatement that the weather is, in fact, horrible.

What is an example of a synecdoche?

Identifying Synecdoche vs. Let’s consider the earlier example relating to the car. As previously mentioned, wheels is a synecdoche for car. The word ride is an example of metonymy for a car. Why is it metonymy rather than synecdoche? Because the word ride is not part of a car, as is the case with the word wheels.

Is the word pariah offensive?

The word is used by others in a derogatory and insulting manner not unlike the ‘N’ word in your country. In an attempt to be alliterative, the magazine had unthinkingly deployed a term loaded with casteist prejudice. In its broadest sense, the term indicates an outcast.

What is the pariah in real life?

The Ocelot Pariah is perhaps one of the fastest cars featured in GTA Online. Its real-life inspiration comes from the popular Ferrari 812 Superfast and the Aston Martin V12 Zagato. Recorded at a top speed of 110 mph/177 km/h, the Pariah leaves many of its competitors in the dust.

Which caste is Paria?

pariah, member of a low-caste group of Hindu Indian society, formerly known as untouchables but now called Dalits.