Or at least that’s how the folk definitions have it. Urbandictionary.com defines to chunk thusly: To throw something at someone originates in Texas.. ya’ll know what I’m talkin’ ’bout!! Like other Southernisms, it may not have originated here, but the meaning certainly retains peculiar strength in Texas.

What is an example of a chunk?

Chunks include lexical phrases, set phrases, and fixed phrases. ‘Utter disaster’, ‘by the way’, ‘at the end of the day’, ‘encourage + someone + infinitive’, ‘dependent + on’ are all examples of chunks. Areas of work such as idioms, collocations and verb patterns all focus on types of chunks.

What is chunk in food?

n. 1 a thick solid piece, as of meat, wood, etc. 2 a considerable amount. (C17: variant of chuck2)

What is Chonks?

noun. a large, solid object. an overweight person or animal. adjective also: chonky.

What is chunking mean in psychology?

Robert Nicholas / OJO Images / Getty Images. Chunking refers to the process of taking individual pieces of information and grouping them into larger units. By grouping each data point into a larger whole, you can improve the amount of information you can remember.

How do you identify chunks?

Form: chunks consist of at least one lexical word, and may include one or more function words, such as prepositions or articles: end up, get used to, loaf of bread. Typical structures include: adjective + noun: stale bread, or noun + noun: junk food, or noun + of + noun: loaf of bread.

What does it mean to be chunky?

When a person is described as chunky, it means they’re dense and thick-bodied, and sometimes quite muscular. Chunky is an American English word, from the sense of chunk as a thick piece of something, Definitions of chunky. adjective. like or containing small sticky lumps.

How do you practice chunking?


  1. Circle words that are unfamiliar.
  2. Use context clues to help define these words.
  3. Look up the meaning of unknown words.
  4. Write synonyms for these new words in the text.
  5. Underline important places and people and identify them.
  6. Read aloud.
  7. Read multiple times.

What are soya chunks?

Soya chunks are made using soy flour that has been ‘defatted’ or the oil is removed. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil and have a rough texture when left dry. The texture quickly changes to soft and spongy as soon as submerged in warm water or added to gravy.

Does junk food have any nutritional value?

Junk food term refers to fast foods which are easy to make and quick to consume. They are zero in nutritional value and often high in fat, salt, sugar, and/or calories. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, fried fast food, and carbonated drinks.

Is ice cream a junk food?

I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream. Ice cream is arguably one of the popular foods that are capable of driving the blues away. … The delectable treat, as everyone knows, is loaded with calories, sugar, and fat, counting in the list of junk foods.

What is a Slonk cat?

Slonk: a skinny cat. Smol: small. Teef: teeth.

What is Chonk Crypto?

$CHONK is a DeFi + NFT experimental protocol inspired by the pineapple $MEME coin. Fish with fat chonkers and get rewarded with NFT cards.

What does Thicc mean for a guy?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Big, Curvy and Sexy
Type: Slang Word (Jargon)
Guessability: 3: Guessable
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

Who invented chunking?

George A. Miller 43. Chunking. The term chunking was introduced in a 1956 paper by George A.Miller, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two : Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information.

Which is true of long-term memory?

LTM stores information for long periods of time. The capacity of LTM is virtually limitless. The duration of LTM is relatively permanent. … Long-term memory (LTM) encoding, storage, and retrieval are all improved through the use of such hierarchies.

How do you use chunk in a sentence?

What is a lexical chunk?

A lexical chunk is a group of words that are commonly found together. Lexical chunks include collocations but these usually just involve content words, not grammar.

How do you use chunks?

Noun She cut the fruit into large chunks. She spends a good chunk of her day on the phone. He devoted a large chunk of time to the project.

What is chunk in language teaching?

Chunks are groups of words that are learned as an unanalyzed whole. For example, beginning learners often memorize salutations as chunks, that is, without understanding the grammar of these expressions.

Is chunky a compliment?

Chunky can also mean someone is just a little overweight. This can be seen as endearing or used as a compliment about someone/something that is soft, chubby, pudgy.

What does thick set man mean?

/kset/ A thickset person, especially a man, has a body that is wide across the shoulders and chest and is short: A thickset young man appeared in the doorway. Synonyms. heavyset.

What chubby means?

The definition of chubby is someone plump, rounded or slightly overweight. When you have a toddler who is round and plump, this is an example of someone who would be described as chubby. adjective.

Which is the best way to chunk information?

Four Steps to Chunking Information

  1. Step 1: Start at the highest level. Use a chunking strategy while determining the content hierarchy of a course. …
  2. Step 2: Modules into lessons into topics. …
  3. Step 3: Chunk at the screen level. …
  4. Step 4: Do a working memory check.

What is chunk and chew?

Chunk and Chew is also known as ‘Turn and Talk’, ‘Stop and Jot’ and ‘Listen-Stop-and-Write’. It works like this: 1. The teacher beaks lesson information or content down into manageable ‘chunks’ and then allows time for learners to ‘chew’ or digest the material.

What is chunking in education?

Chunking refers to an approach for making more efficient use of short-term memory by grouping information. Chunking breaks up long strings of information into units or chunks. The resulting chunks are easier to commit to memory than a longer uninterrupted string of information.

Can men eat soy?

Soy foods can play an important role in the diets of men by providing high-quality protein and healthy fat. Soy protein also supports normal blood cholesterol levels and is a good choice of high-quality, plant-based protein for those wanting to increase muscle mass.

Is soya chunks bad for males?

Recommended. Soya is a complete source of protein which makes it ideal is men following a vegetarian or vegan diet, Ludlam-Raine added. Eating soya also has a positive impact on blood cholesterol levels which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Is soya chunks good for female?

Soya chunks are known for its various health benefits: It is known for high protein content- its exceeds than eggs, meat, milk. It is known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in menopausal women and also ease other symptoms as it’s a good source of isoflavones.