C2 [ T ] to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time: Allen Ginsberg coined the term flower power.

What are synonyms for coined?

synonyms for coined

What is the example of coined?

Verb The coach coined the phrase refuse to lose. William Shakespeare is believed to have coined many words. The nation plans to coin more money.

Does coined mean created?

For those unfamiliar, to coin a phrase traditionally means to create a new phrase. These days, coin a phrase has also taken on a new meaning, first documented around the mid-twentieth century: to introduce a clich sentiment.

How do you use coined in a sentence?

Coined in a Sentence

  1. Before someone coined the word bae to mean one’s girlfriend/boyfriend, it was only a Danish word for poop.
  2. The artist coined the phrase pop art and used it as a catch-all term for culturally based pieces.
  3. Thirty years before the term chillax was coined, people simply called it resting.

What is the purpose of a military challenge coin?

In the military, challenge coins are proof that you are a member of a unit or served on a specific tour of duty. They mean you are a member of an elite group of people. In early military history, they were used for security. A service member may have been required to show the coin to prove their loyalty.

Has been named synonym?

Named Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus. … What is another word for named?

called christened
labeledUS so-called
tagged titled
described as by the name of
under the name of designated

What do you mean by formulated?

to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory. to devise or develop, as a method, system, etc. to reduce to or express in a formula.

Has been created synonym?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for created, like: produced, spawned, made, invented, established, reproduced, molded, generated, planned, contrived and actualized.

What are coin words?

If you coin a phrase, that means you come up with a new way to say something, like the person who coined webizens to describe people who constantly use the Internet. The verb coin literally refers to making coins, the change you probably have in your pocket.

What does mint verb mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to make (coins or money) out of metal : coin. 2 : create, produce. 3 : to cause to attain an indicated status newly minted doctors.

What does coin mean when selling something?

In the world of sports memorabilia, there is a term called coining. Basically, anytime you’re selling an item online, you put a coin or a piece of paper with the date and your name beside the card and send the buyer a picture of it. A lot of times, scammers will refuse to coin a card.

How do you use the word coined?

Coined sentence example

  1. Silver was coined in the island of Aegina soon afterwards. …
  2. Osawatomie was settled about 1854 by colonists sent by the Emigrant Aid Company, and was platted in 1855 its name was coined from parts of the words Osage and Pottawatomie.

What does coined mean in history?

(of a word, expression, etc.) invented or made up:A coined word, such as Xerox, is one of the most easily protected categories of trademark.

Who coined the term coin the term?

Coin came to English by way of Old French, which first adopted the legal tender sense of the word. The English word has been variously spelled coyne, coign, coigne or quoin. (And the word quoin is still used today to refer to keystones and cornerstones of buildings.)

Why do sailors carry coins?

Today coins are used to commemorate important dates and events for ships. … A special ceremony will be held and the public can watch all the sailors enter the vessel to man their stations. Coins can be created to commemorate this day.

What do coins on headstones mean?

A coin left on a headstone or at the grave site is meant as a message to the deceased soldier’s family that someone else has visited the grave to pay respect. … A nickel indicates that you and the deceased trained at boot camp together, while a dime means you served with him in some capacity.

Can civilians have challenge coins?

Inside and outside of the military, challenge coins can be used to recruit new members. … Even though they were created to acknowledge the service of military staff, they are now used in civilian life for all kinds of recruitment efforts.

How do you use eponymous?

In precise, traditional usage, an eponym is someone who gives a name to something else, and eponymous describes the giver of the name, not the receiver. A restaurateur named Terry Lamb could be described as the eponymous owner of Terry Lamb’s Restaurant, but the establishment is not Mr. Lamb’s eponymous restaurant.

What does it mean to be named after someone?

named after. DEFINITIONS1. (name someone after someone/something) to give someone or something the same name as someone or something else, especially the same first name as a member of your family. Albert was named after his grandfather. Synonyms and related words.

What is under the name of?

Definition of under the name (of) (someone/something) 1 used to say that something officially or legally belongs to a specified person The car is still under the name of my deceased mother. 2 used to say that something has or uses the name of a specified person We have dinner reservations under the name Jones.

What is putting together?

1. phrasal verb. If you put something together, you join its different parts to each other so that it can be used. He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again. [

What does formulating a response mean?

verb. If you formulate something such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully.

What feted means?

feted or fted; feting or fting. Definition of fete (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to honor or commemorate with a fete. 2 : to pay high honor to.

What’s another word for putting together?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for put together, like: assemble, compose, build, bring together, connect, combine, concoct, construct, engineer, erect and gather.

What is the meaning of the word enkindle?

1 : to set (something, such as fuel) on fire : to cause to ignite. 2 : to make bright and glowing. intransitive verb. : to take fire : flame.

What is the meaning of my own creation?

: the development or formation of one’s identity or conception of oneself : self-invention Adolescence is a time of self-creation for many people.