Pain in the colon [ kl-nlj ] n. Pain in the colon.

What does Coloptosis mean?

n. Downward displacement or prolapse of the colon, especially of the transverse portion.

What is Gastrocele?

[ gstr-sl ] n. The cavity of the gastrula of an embryo. archenteron.

What is a Pylorospasm?

n. closure of the outlet of the stomach (pylorus) due to muscle spasm, leading to delay in the passage of stomach contents to the duodenum and vomiting. It is usually associated with duodenal or pyloric ulcers. From: pylorospasm in Concise Medical Dictionary

What does Eupepsia mean?

good digestion noun. good digestion (opposed to dyspepsia).

What is Gastropexy surgery?

A gastropexy is a surgical procedure that is sometimes performed in large breed dogs to prevent gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), also known as bloat.

What is a Duodenostomy mean?

n. The surgical establishment of an opening into the duodenum.

What does atresia mean in English?

absence or closure 1 : absence or closure of a natural passage of the body. 2 : absence or disappearance of an anatomical part (such as an ovarian follicle) by degeneration.

What does projectile vomiting mean?

Projectile vomiting is when your body expels vomit with more force than usual. It’s one of your body’s reactions to something it recognizes as toxic, but there are medical conditions that can cause projectile vomiting as well.

What is Gingivoglossitis?

n. Inflammation of the tongue and the gums.

What is the opposite of Eupepsia?

Opposite of the characteristic of being hearty. illness. sickness. unhealthiness. unsoundness.

What does Salubrity mean?

: favorable to or promoting health or well-being a salubrious climate. Other Words from salubrious. salubriousness noun. salubrity -brt- noun, plural salubrities.

How much does stomach tacking cost?

Most spend a few days in critical care being monitored to look for post-operative problems. Emergency treatment, surgery, and critical care can be very expensive. At our facility it ranges from $1,200 2,000 without complications. At some emergency hospitals the cost can be as high as $6,000.

Is a gastropexy worth it?

If you have a bloat-prone dog, but are undecided about preventative gastropexy, the surgery may be worth considering: Studies show dogs with GDV that don’t undergo a gastropexy have recurrence rates of more than 70 percent and mortality rates of 80 percent.

What age is gastropexy?

The only universally accepted method of prevention of GDV is prophylactic gastropexy, which is recommended for any large and giant-breed dog over six months of age.