sad manner con dolore. / (kn dlr) / adjective, adverb. music (to be performed) in a sad manner.

What does con dolore mean in piano?

sorrowfully sorrowfully (used as a direction in music)

What is the meaning of dolore?

[dolore ] masculine noun. (fisico) pain. (morale) distress sorrow grief.

What does the phrase sotto voce mean?

1 : under the breath : in an undertone also : in a private manner. 2 : very softly used as a direction in music.

What are Italian terms in music?


Italian term Literal translation Definition
L’istesso tempo the same time At the same tempo
Moderato moderate Moderate tempo
Mosso moved, agitated Agitated
Presto prompt, quick; ready for action Very fast

What does Morendo mean in music?

dying away : dying away : with a gradual softening of tone and slowing of movement used as a direction in music.

What is poco a poco in music?

: little by little : gradually used as a direction in music.

What is the Italian term for loud?

forte Now you know five Italian words: forte (loud), piano (soft), fortissimo (very loud), pianissimo (very soft), and mezzo (medium).

What does Con Spirito mean in music?

: with spirit or animation used as a direction in music.

What is Post cibos?

post cibos {adv} [after meals]

What is a Superscription?

1 : something written or engraved on the surface of, outside, or above something else : inscription also : address.

What is a precocious person?

unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development: a precocious child. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc. of or relating to premature development.

What is the meaning of Mephistopheles?

: a chief devil in the Faust legend.

What does Soto mean in Italian?

1. ( posizione) under beneath underneath.

What does poco andante mean?

The definition ABRSM give for poco is a litte, and for andante is at a medium (‘walking’) speed. So I interpret Poco andante as at a little medium speed .

What does con moto mean in music?

with movement : with movement : in a spirited manner used as a direction in music.

What does piano P mean?

Dynamic Markings The main dynamic levels are: p or piano, which means soft f or forte, which means loud

What does scherzando mean in music?

(Entry 1 of 2) : in sportive manner : playfully used as a direction in music indicating style and tempo allegretto scherzando.

What does grave mean in music?

slow and solemn Grave, a term for a slow and solemn music tempo or a solemn mood in general.

What is an Andante in music?

Andante is a musical tempo marking meaning moderately slow. … The literal meaning of the Italian word ‘Andante’ is ‘at a walking pace’, with suggestions of ‘easy-going’; or it could be simply ‘uniform’, like the regularity of a walker’s tread.

What is a tutti in music?

: with all voices or instruments performing together used as a direction in music.

What is someone’s forte?

a person’s strong suit, or most highly developed characteristic, talent, or skill; something that one excels in: I don’t know what her forte is, but it’s not music.

What does Meto Forte mean?

moderately loud : moderately loud used as a direction in music.

What is the Italian term for P?

piano 2. Dynamics

Term Symbol Meaning
piano p soft
mezzo piano mp moderately soft
mezzo forte mf moderately loud
forte f loud

What does Maestoso mean in music?

majestic and stately : majestic and stately used as a direction in music.

What does Subito mean in music?

immediately, suddenly : immediately, suddenly used as a direction in music.

What is allegro con Spirito?

adjective, adverb. music (to be performed) in a spirited or lively manner (also in the phrases allegro con spirito, presto con spirito)