crenulated. adj. (Biology) having a margin very finely notched with rounded projections, as certain leaves.
What are crenulation folds?
Crenulation cleavages are zones of mineral differentiation that are coincident with the limbs of microfolds in crenulated fabrics. … The cleavages alternate with domains of a folded or otherwise inhomogeneously deformed preexisting schistosity or slaty cleavage fabric.
How do you spell crenulation?
Also crenulated [kren-yuh-ley-tid] .
What does crenellated mean in English?
English Language Learners Definition of crenellated : having open spaces at the top of a wall so that people can shoot guns and cannons outward.
What is the meaning of Crenulation?
(krny-lt, -lt) or crenulated (-ltd) adj. Having a margin or contour with shallow, usually rounded notches and projections; finely notched or scalloped: a crenulate leaf; a crenulate coastline. [New Latin crnultus, from crnula, diminutive of Medieval Latin crna, notch.] crenulation n.
What do Crenulations do?
Crenulations, because they are the result of a second (or more) foliation, preserve important information on not only the stresses which formed the crenulation foliation, but the orientation of previous foliations. … Eventually, the crenulation foliation overprints the S1 foliation.
How are Boudins formed?
Boudinage is a geological term for structures formed by extension, where a rigid tabular body such as hornfels, is stretched and deformed amidst less competent surroundings. The competent bed begins to break up, forming sausage-shaped boudins.
What is schistose texture?
schistosity, mode of foliation that occurs in certain metamorphic rocks as a consequence of the parallel alignment of platy and lath-shaped mineral constituents. It reflects a considerable intensity of metamorphismi.e., changes resulting from high temperatures, pressures, and deformation.
How is lineation created?
Stretching lineations are formed by shearing of rocks during asymmetric deformation of a rock mass. Stretching lineations record primarily the vector of greatest stretch, which is perpendicular to the principle plane of shortening.
Why do castles have crenellations?
Crenellations are one of the most recognizable elements of a medieval castle. These upright projections resemble teeth, bared at invaders to prevent their attempted entries and at allies to show the owner’s strength. Each upright section is called a merlon or crenel, and they protected defenders from attacks.
What means Castellation?
1 : having battlements like a castle. 2 : having or supporting a castle.
What is a crenellated wall?
adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] In a castle, a crenellated wall has gaps in the top or openings through which to fire at attackers.
What does crenellated mean in science?
(of a moulding, etc) having square indentations.
What is a crenelated parapet?
Crenellation is a feature of defensive architecture, most typically found on the battlements of medieval castles. A battlement is a low, defensive parapet. … In medieval England, a licence to crenellate had to be granted by the King or other regional authority before a property could be fortified.
What does the word diaphanous used to describe the mist mean?
1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through. 2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal. 3 : insubstantial, vague.
What is lineation in geography?
A lineation is any linear feature or element in a rock , and can occur as the product of tectonic, mineralogical, sedimentary, or geomorphic processes. The spatial orientation of a lineation is described by two angles known as bearing and plunge. …
What are the four types of foliation?
The various types of foliated metamorphic rocks, listed in order of the grade or intensity of metamorphism and the type of foliation are slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss (Figure 7.8).
What is the difference between castellated and crenellated?
As adjectives the difference between castellated and crenellated. is that castellated is having turrets or battlements, like a castle while crenellated is having crenellations or battlements.
Why do churches have battlements?
A fortified church is a church that is built to serve a defensive role in times of war. Such churches were specially designed to incorporate military features, such as thick walls, battlements, and embrasures.
What are castle parapets?
A parapet originally meant a defensive mini-wall made of earth or stone that was built to protect soldiers on the roof of a fort or a castle. Now it indicates any low wall along the roof of a building, the edge of a balcony, the side of a bridge, or similar structure.
What are the ridges on a castle called?
A battlement in defensive architecture, such as that of city walls or castles, comprises a parapet (i.e., a defensive low wall between chest-height and head-height), in which gaps or indentations, which are often rectangular, occur at intervals to allow for the launch of arrows or other projectiles from within the …
What is boudin in English?
1 : blood sausage. 2 : a spicy Cajun sausage containing rice and meat (such as pork) or seafood.
What is Boudinage in rocks?
boudinage, (from French boudin, sausage), cylinderlike structures making up a layer of deformed rock. Seen in cross section, the cylinders, or boudins, are generally barrel-shaped but may be lenslike or rectangular.
What is boudin from Louisiana?
Boudin is a regional specialty found only in Southern Louisiana. This scrumptious treat is traditionally made with pork, rice, seasonings, and various vegetables, such as onions and green peppers.
What is Granulose structure?
Explanation: Granulose structure is a typical structure of metamorphic rocks like marble and quartzite and is characterized by an essentially granular character of the constituent minerals.
What is Gneissosity?
In a metamorphic rock, commonly gneiss, the coarse, textural lineation or banding of the constituent minerals into alternating silicic and mafic layers. Synonym of: gneissosity.
What is Gneissose structure?
platy and prismatic minerals) first segregation of the minerals occur and alternating bands are formed, then foliation and lineation of platy and prismatic minerals take place. Such a texture or arrangement of minerals is called gneissose structure.
Why is lineation used?
Lineation shapes readers’ involvement in and understanding of a poem. As a writer of poetry, it’s one of the best ways to steer readers’ experience of language and different potential meanings.
What is meant by lineation?
1a : the action of marking with lines : delineation. b : outline. 2 : an arrangement of lines.
How do geologists measure lineation?
Graduated from ENSAT (national agronomic school of Toulouse) in plant sciences in 2018, I pursued a CIFRE doctorate under contract with Sun’Agri and INRAE in Avignon between 2019 and 2022. My thesis aimed to study dynamic agrivoltaic systems, in my case in arboriculture. I love to write and share science related Stuff Here on my Website. I am currently continuing at Sun’Agri as an R&D engineer.