Dactyl-, -dactyl: Prefix or suffix denoting the digits (fingers or toes), as in dactylitis (inflammation of a finger or toe).

What does the prefix costo mean?

rib Costo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning rib. It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology. … The Latin costa is also the source of the word coast.

What is another word for dactyl?

What is another word for dactyl?

toe appendage
digit phalanges
phalanx hoof
finger extremity
thumb pointer

What does Dacry mean?

tears Dacry-: Combining form used before a vowel to denote a relationship to tears.

What is Costoclavicular?

The costoclavicular space is the anterior portion of the superior thoracic aperture, between the clavicle and first rib. The subclavian vessels and brachial plexus pass though the space related to the scalene muscles.

What does Myelo mean in medical terms?

Myelo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning marrow or of the spinal cord. It is often used in medical terms. Marrow is a soft, fatty, vascular tissue in the interior cavities of bones that is a major site of blood cell production.

What is the medical term for rib?

Bones of the Thoracic Cage. The thorax, or rib cage, is made up of the ster- num, ribs, and thoracic (thoh-RAS-ik) vertebrae. The rib cage, formally called the thoracic cage, is. designed to protect many vital organs (Figure 2.8).

What does Sept mean?

sept/o. putrefying; wall, partition.

What does Conjunctiv o mean?

Conjunctiva: A thin, clear, moist membrane that coats the inner surfaces of the eyelids (palpebral conjunctiva) and the outer surface of the eye (ocular, or bulbar, conjunctiva). Inflammation of the conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis (pinkeye).

What does Blephar mean?

eyelid a combining form meaning eyelid, used in the formation of compound words: blepharitis.

What is the acromioclavicular ligament?

This ligament is a quadrilateral band, covering the superior part of the articulation, and extending between the upper part of the lateral end of the clavicle and the adjoining part of the upper surface of the acromion.

What is bra strap syndrome?

BRA STRAP SYNDROME: Medically known as costoclavicular syndrome and colloquially known as bra strap syndrome, your bra straps can pressurize your shoulders and cause pain in neck, shoulders and arm.

How do I release subclavius?

What is medical term Mye?

1. The bone marrow. 2. The spinal cord and medulla oblongata.

What does Myelo mean in Spanish?

Myelo is defined as spinal cord or bone marrow.

How does a person get multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma occurs when an abnormal plasma cell develops in the bone marrow and reproduces itself very quickly. The rapid reproduction of malignant, or cancerous, myeloma cells eventually outweighs the production of healthy cells in the bone marrow.

What are 3 types of ribs?

According to their attachment to the sternum, the ribs are classified into 3 groups: true, false, and floating ribs.

What is rib abbreviation?

Slang / Jargon (3) Acronym. Definition. RIB. Routing Information Base.

Why do I have pain in my ribs?

Rib cage pain can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from pulled muscles to a rib fracture. The pain may occur immediately upon injury or develop slowly over time. It can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition. You should report any instance of unexplainable rib cage pain to your doctor immediately.