(also daggum, us/d. m/ uk/d. m/) used to emphasize what you are saying, especially to express anger: Kids don’t learn a dadgum thing about voting in Florida schools, he said.

What is Dad blasted?

adjective, adverb. damned (used as a euphemism in expressions of surprise, disgust, anger, etc.): The dad-blasted door won’t lock.

Is Tarnation a bad word?

The word tarnation, which dates back to the 18th century, comes from darnation which is derived from damnation. It’s also associated with another curse word, tarnal, which is a form of eternal. As the Word Detective, put it, To speak of ‘the Eternal’ at that time was often to invoke a religious context ( …

What does dag gone mean?

Daggone is a slang expression means a polite way of saying ‘goddamn’. The subtitler does not translate it because before the word ‘daggone’ is a word ‘that’ that also can mean ‘really’. ‘Daggone’ in the context also means ‘really’ so the subtitler eliminates it, since there is two words that have the same meaning.

What is the saying Sam Hill?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for the devil or hell personified (as in, What in the Sam Hill is that?).

What does Heavens to Betsy come from?

Origin of Heavens to Betsy It may have originated sometime between the years 1850 and 1914. Heavens to Betsy is another variation of the phrase for Heaven’s sake, which began as a euphemism for what some considered the blasphemous for God’s sake and for Christ’s sake.

What is tar nation?

What in tarnation? is one of a wide variety of euphemistic expressions of surprise, bewilderment or anger that arose in 18th and 19th century America. … The root of tarnation is darnation, a euphemistic modification of the word damnation, which at that time was considered unfit for polite conversation.

What does Daggon mean?

Dagan, also spelled Dagon, West Semitic god of crop fertility, worshiped extensively throughout the ancient Middle East. Dagan was the Hebrew and Ugaritic common noun for grain, and the god Dagan was the legendary inventor of the plow.

Is dog gone a bad word?

As for doggone it, the expression probably originated as a euphemism for goddamn it. The Oxford English Dictionary says dog-gone is generally taken as a deformation of the profane God damn. … The OED says dog-gone, which in former times was also written as dog-on, is a 19th-century Americanism.

What is a dag in Australian slang?

dag. An unfashionable person; a person lacking style or character; a socially awkward adolescent, a ‘nerd’. These senses of dag derive from an earlier Australian sense of dag meaning ‘a character, someone eccentric but entertainingly so’.