comfortable : agreeably pleasant : comfortable.

What does Gemultich mean?

adjective. comfortable and pleasant; cozy. friendly; easygoing.

What does cinnamic mean?

: a white crystalline odorless acid C9H8O2 found especially in cinnamon oil and storax.

What Passim means?

: in one place and another used in citations of cases, articles, or books to indicate that something (as a word, phrase, or idea) is found at many places in the work cited see Arango, 621 F.2d 1371, passim.

What is the opposite of Gemutlich?

Opposite of in a state of comfort and relaxation. uncomfortable. inhospitable.

How do you use gemutlichkeit in a sentence?

Sentences Mobile It was an era dominated by an undisciplined goulash of decorating styles, most of them relying less on grace than on double helpings of gemutlichkeit. Yet residents refused to install a stop light, believing it would ruin their rustic coziness and signal ( literally ) the end of their Gemutlichkeit.

What is Estagfirullah?

it means I ask for Allah’s forgiveness ..this is the literal meaning of it.

What does Minuche mean?

: a minute or minor detail usually used in plural He was bewildered by the contract’s minutiae.

How do you say Astaghfirullah in Arabic?

What does umber mean in English?

1a : a moderate to dark yellowish brown. b : a moderate brown. 2 : a brown earth that is darker in color than ocher and sienna because of its content of manganese and iron oxides and is highly valued as a permanent pigment either in the raw or burnt state. umber. adjective.

Which of the following means the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts?

noun the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts.

What is the Iupac name of cinnamic acid?

IUPAC Name (E)-3-phenylprop-2-enoic acid
Alternative Names CINNAMIC ACID TRANS-CINNAMIC ACID (E)-Cinnamic acid 3-Phenylacrylic acid trans-3-Phenylacrylic acid
Molecular Formula C9H8O2
Molar Mass 148.161 g/mol
InChI InChI=1S/C9H8O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-7H,(H,10,11)/b7-6+

What is another word for Passim?

Passim Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus. … What is another word for passim?

around about
from one end to the other of to the end of
in all respects of in every place of

What does and passim mean?

adverb. In indexes and notes, passim indicates that a particular name or subject occurs frequently throughout a particular piece of writing or section of a book. … The Theories of their Relation (London, 1873), p. 8 and passim.

What does Passivism mean?

: a passive attitude, behavior, or way of life.

What does the word gemutlichkeit mean?

Gemtlichkeit (German pronunciation: [mytlkat] ( listen)) is a German-language word used to convey the idea of a state or feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer.

What does cosiness mean?

Definitions of cosiness. a state of warm snug comfort. synonyms: coziness, snugness. type of: comfort, comfortableness. a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain.

What is the meaning of Sehnsucht?

longing Sehnsucht (German pronunciation: [zenzxt]) is a German noun translated as longing, desire, yearning, or craving. Some psychologists use the word to represent thoughts and feelings about all facets of life that are unfinished or imperfect, paired with a yearning for ideal alternative experiences.

Is Astaghfirullah a bad word?

Astaghfirullah. An expression of disapproval.

What is an example of a minutia?

Minutia is defined as trivial or minor details. Paying attention to the color of door hinges or window hinges is an example of paying attention to the minutia. A minor detail, often of negligible importance. They spent all their time on minutiae, never making real progress.

What is a minutiae in a fingerprint?

In the field of biometrics, minutiae refer to certain small features of a fingerprint image. In certain security settings, computers may use small elements of a fingerprint shape to identify an individual for access.

What does minutiae mean in the dictionary?

plural noun, singular minutia [mi-noo-shuh, -shee-uh, -nyoo-]. precise details; small or trifling matters: the minutiae of his craft.

What does subhanallah mean?

praise be to God Among Muslims: ‘(all) praise be to God’. Also used as a general expression of praise, gratitude, or relief. Compare Alhamdulillah , mashallah .

What does BIS me Allah mean?

Bismillah (Arabic: ) is a phrase in Arabic meaning in the name of God, it is also the first word in the Qur’an, and refers to the Qur’an’s opening phrase, the Basmala.

What is tasbeeh in Islam?

Tasbih (Arabic: , tasb) is a form of dhikr that involves the glorification of God in Islam by saying Subnallh ( , meaning Glorified is God). It is often repeated a certain number of times, using either the phalanges of the right hand or a misbaha to keep track of counting.