A lot of us, who are keen on frogs, often say to one another, We’re going frogging. … You’re going what?! In short, ‘frogging’ basically means to go in search of frogs (I doubt it’s in the dictionary).

What is Phrogging?

Phrogging pronounced frogging is the act of a person secretly living in another person’s home. The term is thought to have originated from the metaphorical idea of people or phrogs leaping from home to home. The typical phrogger is someone with nowhere else to live.

Is there such a thing as frogging?

Frogging gets its name from Rip it, rip it, which sounds like a frog’s croak. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to get all the stitches back on the needle, especially with lace. … That way, if you make a mistake and have to rip back, you only have to rip back to the lifeline and all your stitches are caught for you.

What happens when you frog someone?

It means to punch someone hard, quickly and sharply, with the middle knuckle of your hand extended, in a way that imitates the sudden flash of a frog’s tongue.

What is a frog gigger?

Gigging is a particularly cruel form of hunting that involves painfully stabbing frogs or other small animals with multi-pronged spears (picture a sharp, over-sized fork) called gigs.

What do Froggers do with frogs?

Many froggers use long-handled, multi-pronged gigs to spear their catch. A few are skilled enough to hook frogs with a fishing fly or snippet of colored cloth dangled in front of the amphibian on a line. Some use bowfishing rigs to arrow the prey.

Is Phrogging legal?

Phrogging and squatting are both illegal in the sense that the person committing the crime is living on someone’s property without permission. … Although squatting is illegal in the US, most states allow squatters to legally possess property if they comply with specific legal requirements.

What is Kermit in slang?

Kermit is Cockney slang for Road.

What is it called when someone lives in your house undetected?

A squatter lives on a property to which they have no title, right, or lease. A squatter may gain adverse possession of the property through involuntary transfer.

What is frog in crochet?

to rip out your work In fiber arts like knitting and crochet, frogging means to rip out your work. Imagine yourself saying rip it, rip it, rip it while you are pulling out several rows or rounds of a project.

Are toad and frog the same?

They are both amphibians in the order Anura, which means without a tail. Toads are a sub-classification of frogs, meaning that all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. … Both frogs and toads have stubby front legs, but frogs have slimmer bodies and longer hind legs.

Is frog an amphibian?

Amphibians are frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. Most amphibians have complex life cycles with time on land and in the water. … Unlike amphibians, reptiles breathe only through their lungs and have dry, scaly skin that prevents them from drying out.

Why is it called frogging someone?

The word is pronounced frogging and gets its name because phrogs — as the people who engage in this activity are called — tend to hop around from house to house, as a frog might do from lily pad to lily pad.

What is the slang meaning for frog?

a slight hoarseness, usually caused by mucus on the vocal cords: a frog in the throat. … (often initial capital letter)Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a French person or a person of French descent.

Is frog gigging illegal?

California: Unlimited For Bullfrogs And Certain Leopard Frogs. … Amphibians may be taken only by hand, hand-held dip net, or hook and line, except bullfrogs may also be taken by lights, spears, gigs, grabs, paddles, bow and arrow, or fishing tackle.

Why do people do frog gigging?

Frog gigging Traditionally, flashlights or spotlights are used to locate the frogs as their eyes reflect the light at night. In addition to help the locating of frogs, shining a light in their eyes stuns or dazes the frogs, and makes it less likely for the frog to see an approaching hunter, or the incoming gig itself.

Do frogs gag?

The chemicals were never fatal, but they were unpleasant enough to force many of the toads to regurgitate the beetles. Toads have no gag reflex, though, so they can’t vomit in the same way that we can. Their only option is to turn their stomachs inside-outa process that takes around 45 minutes.

Is gig short for something?

Gig is slang for a live musical performance. Originally coined in the 1920s by jazz musicians, the term, short for the word engagement, now refers to any aspect of performing, such as assisting with and attending musical performance. … In recent years, the term gig has been used in a broader context in the economy.

What does Froging mean?

frogging. 1. Partial corruption of a text file or input stream by some bug or consistent glitch, as opposed to random events like line noise or media failures. Might occur, for example, if one bit of each incoming character on a tty were stuck, so that some characters were correct and others were not.

What is the best time to catch frogs?

The best time to go frogging is a warm, humid evening when frogs are sitting on shore and easier to see. During cool spells, they like to float in warmer water with only their heads exposed. Try to pick a body of water like a pond or a ditch bank with lots of brush-free shoreline.

How can you tell a frog at night?

Shining a bright light at a frog in the middle of the night will cause the frog to freeze, making it easier for you to catch it. Using a flashlight will also help you locate the frog at night, because the beam of the flashlight will reflect off their eyes. Gently return the frog to its environment.

Why do Cockneys call a watch a kettle?

Kettle and Hob is Cockney slang for Watch. When pocket watches first became fashionable, they were held against the body by use of a small chain. … These were called fob watches, and it’s from this expression that we get Kettle and Hob for watch.

What does Muppet mean in British slang?

stupid person (British English, informal) a stupid person. He’s a muppet.

What does Rabbit mean in Cockney slang?

If you don’t already know the relevance of the word rabbit in the title, rabbit and pork is rhyming slang for talk (and is variously used to mean speech, conversation, etc.).

How can you tell if someone is sneaking in your house?

What can you do if someone is in your house?

What To Do When an Intruder Is in Your Home

  1. Quickly verify their presence. Time is of the essence, so be quick about checking. …
  2. Stay calm. …
  3. Determine if you can escape. …
  4. Stay put if you can’t escape. …
  5. Call the police. …
  6. Keep quiet and follow instructions. …
  7. Take notes immediately afterward.