transitive verb. : to put in a good humor were gruntled with a good meal and good conversation W. P. Webb.

What’s the difference between gruntled and disgruntled?

As adjectives the difference between disgruntled and gruntled. is that disgruntled is unhappy; dissatisfied while gruntled is (humorous) satisfied, pleased, contented.

What type of word is gruntled?

” Gruntle is what lexicographers call a frequentive, a verb that describes repeated or recurrent action.

How do you use a Gruntle?

Examples of ‘gruntled’ in a sentencegruntled

  1. I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.
  2. He was certainly a long way from gruntled. Times, Sunday Times (2018)
  3. Our gruntle had improved considerably, even if it was not actually fully gruntled. Times, Sunday Times (2010)

How do you use gruntled in a sentence?

It has been a few years since I had them around so I’m deeply gruntled to have them back. And as much as I wanted her to be a disgruntled employee, eager to dish the dirt, she was surprisingly gruntled.

What is Gruntled workday?

U.S. Gruntled Workers Day falls on July 13 this year and, contrary to what the word might convey, it was founded to celebrate all that is positive about one’s work or job.

Is Disgruntled a bad word?

Disgusted, disgruntled and disheveled are what you might call lonely negatives. They’re negative words whose positive partners have vanished or never existed in the first place.

What is a gruntled employee?

So often we read or hear about disgruntled workers who are unsatisfied or not content with their jobs. Today’s holiday, created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, is for all gruntled workersthose who are satisfied or content with their jobsto unite and demonstrate how happy they are.

What is the opposite of gruntled?

DISGRUNTLED is an adjective, meaning angry or dissatisfied. In many cases, the dis- prefix adds a negative element to a word, leading many people to ask if there is an opposite word, GRUNTLED. … Instead of being negative, the dis- prefix in disgruntled is an intensifier.

Can you be whelmed?

In the film comedy Ten Things I Hate About You (1999), the character Chastity Church asks, I know you can be underwhelmed and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed? The answer, Chastity, is yes. Contemporary writers sometimes use whelm to denote a middle stage between underwhelm and overwhelm.

Is Yeppers a word?

Yeppers is a diminutive or emphatic form of yep formed with the colloquial suffix -ers. (See preggers.) It isn’t usually included in dictionaries, and in corpus searches from the early 20th century the overwhelming result is a misscan or misprint of peppers.

What does Consolate mean?

adjective. Definition of consolate (Entry 2 of 2) obsolete. : consoled, comforted.

Is there such a word as Combobulate?

Discombobulate is one: English never had a word combobulate to which the negative prefix could be applied. Most dictionaries trace discombobulate to a variation of discompose, discomfit, or discomfort, all of which were formed by adding negative prefixes to existing words.

What is the origin of disgruntled?

Disgruntled actually comes from gruntle, an old verb meaning, not so surprisingly, to grunt. When you’re disgruntled, you might grunt with dissatisfaction and anger.

What is a digerati mean?

: persons well versed in computer use and technology.

Is Gruntle a Scrabble word?

Yes, gruntle is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does it mean grunted?

Meaning of grunted in English (of a pig) to make a low, rough noise: … (of a person) to make a short, low sound instead of speaking, usually because of anger or pain: He hauled himself over the wall, grunting with the effort.

What do you mean by the word grunting in English?

(of a person) to make a short, low sound instead of speaking, usually because of anger or pain: He hauled himself over the wall, grunting with the effort. [ + speech ] Too tired, he grunted and sat down.

What is Combobulated?

New Word Suggestion. To put together in order. To bring something out of a state of confusion or disarray.

What does disgruntled Pelican mean?

5 Stop Acting Like A Disgruntled Pelican A perfect example of this is when Moira tells David to stop acting like a disgruntled pelican. It’s hard to tell exactly what it means to act like a disgruntled pelican but it’s a fantastic phrase to say to anyone to get them confused.

What does disgruntlement mean?

unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something: A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion. The players were disgruntled with the umpire. Synonym.

Why is Chalant not a word?

There is no word chalant in English. Nonchalant comes from an Old French word nonchaloir, meaning to disregard. That word comes from non-, meaning not, + chaloir, meaning to concern. If you want a word that means the opposite of nonchalant, both concerned and interested can do the job.

What solatium means?

Solatium (plural solatia) is a form of compensation for emotional rather than physical or financial harm.

What is Astrous?

A star stone. … A reference to a star-shaped object or objects.

What is mayed?

simple past tense and past participle of may quotations