excessive muscular tonicity n. Extreme or excessive muscular tonicity. What is the opposite of Hypermyotonia?
The opposite of hypermyotonia is. Atomy. Dystonia is abnormal muscle. Tone.

What does the word Hypernatremia mean?

: the presence of an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the blood. What is Musculotendinous?
Medical Definition of musculotendinous : of, relating to, or affecting muscular and tendinous tissue the musculotendinous junction.

What is Fasciorrhaphy?

[ făsh′ē-ôr′ə-fē ] n. Suture of a fascia or of an aponeurosis. What is the medical root word for mouth?

Stomato- Stomato- is used in many medical and scientific terms. Stomato- comes from the Greek stóma, meaning “mouth.” This root is the source of the English words stoma and stomate (technical terms for a mouth, among other senses) and is related to stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does Atonia mean?

noun. Pathology. lack of tone or energy; muscular weakness, especially in a contractile organ.

What term means slanted or at an angle?

oblique. muscle name that means slanted or at an angle.

What is staccato speech?

(stă-kah-toh) abnormal speech in which there are pauses between words, sometimes associated with multiple sclerosis.

Is Hypernatremic a word?

(hī’per-nā-trē’mē-ă), An abnormally high plasma concentration of sodium ions.

How do you treat electrolyte imbalance?

What is too high sodium?

Hypernatremia occurs when the serum sodium concentration is higher than 145 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/l) . It means that the level of sodium in a person’s blood is too high. Two common causes of hypernatremia are insufficient fluid intake and too much water loss.

What is Tendinous?

1 : consisting of tendons : sinewy tendinous tissue. 2 : of, relating to, or resembling a tendon.

What is the Musculotendinous structure?

The thoracoabdominal diaphragm is a composite musculotendinous structure, separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Reemphasis of the already well-delineated variations of the muscular and tendinous portions, and blood and nerve supply of the diaphragm is becoming apparent.

Which tendons make up the rotator cuff?

Your rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons that keep the ball (head) of your upper-arm bone (humerus) in your shoulder socket. … What Is It?

What is Osteofibroma?

An osteofibroma is usually seen as a single mass involving one bone (most often a vertebra). The bone is replaced by a radiographically dense, hard, bony mass which grows beyond the cortex of the bone and displaces but does not invade adjacent tissue.

What is the correct pronunciation for term Fasciorrhaphy?

fas·ci·or·rha·phy. (fash’ē-ōr’ă-fē), Suture of a fascia or aponeurosis.

How do you pronounce Fasciorrhaphy?

What 2 word roots mean ovaries?

Ovary. Ov/o, ov/i, ovul/o. Egg, ovum. Papill/o.

What is the medical term for tongue?

[tung] a muscular organ on the floor of the mouth; it aids in chewing, swallowing, and speech, and is the location of organs of taste. The taste buds are located in the papillae, which are projections on the upper surface of the tongue.

What is the word root for brain?

Encephal/o: Brain.

What is a narcoleptic episode?

People with narcolepsy often experience a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking. These episodes are usually brief — lasting a few seconds or minutes — but can be frightening.

What is atonia in sleep?

With REM sleep behavior disorder, instead of experiencing the normal temporary paralysis of your arms and legs (atonia) during REM sleep, you physically act out your dreams. The onset can be gradual or sudden, and episodes may occur occasionally or several times a night.

What Is REM without atonia?

REM sleep without atonia (RSWA) is defined as excessive sustained or intermittent elevation of chin electromyographic (EMG) tone or excessive phasic chin or limb EMG twitching [1]. Together with dream-enacting behaviour (DEB) RSWA is a key polysomnograhic feature of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD).

What does oblique mean in anatomy?

(ō-blēk′, ə-blēk′) adj. Anatomy Situated in a slanting position; not transverse or longitudinal: oblique muscles or ligaments.

Which would be a ringlike muscle?

sphincter muscle, any of the ringlike muscles surrounding and able to contract or close a bodily passage or opening.

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