bound to, be. Be certain or destined to; also, be determined or resolved to. For example, We are bound to hear from them soon, or No matter what they say, she is bound to run for mayor. This usage is derived from the older sense of bound as obliged. [ Mid-1500s]

What is the definition of being bound?

The definition of bound is destined to happen or tied or secured physically or emotionally. An example of bound is an accident occurring if someone continuously plays dangerously with sharp knives.

What does it mean to be bound?

To bound is to jump or hop usually as you run. Bound can also mean to go or to plan to go, especially to a certain destination, as in being bound for New York or homeward-bound. Superman can leap tall buildings in a single bound, but the word bound is usually about boundaries.

What does it mean to be legally bound?

Intention to be legally bound is an essential element of a valid, enforceable contract. It means that all parties to a contract must accept the terms of the contract with an intention of forming a legally binding relationship.

What does not being bound mean?

: not tied together with something (such as string or rope) : not having a cover or binding.

What does work bound mean?

: restricted to work at a desk.

Are bound to synonym?

Bound-to synonyms In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for bound-to, like: destined to, sure to, certain to, inevitable and doomed.

Can a person be bounded?

If someone’s life or situation is bounded by certain things, those are its most important aspects and it is limited or restricted by them. Our lives are bounded by work, family and television. If a person or animal bounds in a particular direction, they move quickly with large steps or jumps.

Is bound to happen synonym?

Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what scheme you come up with to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

How do you use bound?

Be bound to is followed by a verb, be bound for by a noun.

  1. She’s bound to fail. She’s certain to fail. …
  2. She is bound for stardom. She is destined to be a star. …
  3. He’s bound to be upset if you treat him improperly. He will certainly be upset if you don’t treat him properly.
  4. It’s bound to happen.

What does it mean to be bound by a settlement?

When the parties reach a settlement, they should put it in writing and have all parties sign it so that everyone understands the terms of the settlement and agree to be bound by it. Also, a written settlement agreement keeps the parties from later disputing the terms and conditions of the settlement.

What is a binding decision in law?

1. A decision that binds the parties affected by it and that they may not appeal. A binding decision may be the result of arbitration, the appeal to the highest court possible or a decision by a regulatory agency. 2.

What does it mean for a contract to be binding?

A binding contract is any agreement that’s legally enforceable. That means if you sign a binding contract and don’t fulfill your end of the bargain, the other party can take you to court.

What is the synonyms of bound?

OTHER WORDS FOR bound 5 liable, obligated, obliged; compelled.

What does it mean bound to fall in love?

And that is the addressee being bound to fall in love. It appears that said phrase is another way of Yeezus saying that the addressee has a natural propensity towards being in a serious romantic relationship. However, up until this point in her life she has been unable to find a partner with a similar disposition.

What do college bound mean?

intending to go to college (kldband) adjective. US. intending to go to college.

What is another word for going to?

What is another word for going to?

repairing retiring
leaving withdrawing
adjourning departing
going proceeding
transferring exiting

Is likely to be synonym?

What is another word for be likely to?

must will
be bound to be certain to
be going to will certainly
will likely will obviously
will probably should certainly

Is bound to sentence?

(1) Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear. (3) His sister had been bound to secrecy. (4) Everyone’s opinion is bound to be subjective. (5) Your work is bound to be successful.