Eating someone’s lunch generally refers to defeating or outwitting an opponent. … A more aggressive company eats the lunch of another company when it takes some of its competitor’s market share.

Is it correct to say eat lunch?

English – U.S. Either is fine. I ate/eat lunch.

How do you tell someone to eat lunch?

Using this phrase is a very popular way of telling someone to enjoy their meal. … If you’re having friends over for lunch or dinner, you can say the following:

  1. Let’s dig in (or ‘dig in’)
  2. Enjoy your meal (or ‘enjoy’)
  3. Hope you enjoy what we’ve made for you.
  4. Bon appetit.

What eat someone means?

tv. to perform oral sex on someone. (Usually objectionable.) She said she wanted to eat me!

What does the saying eat your heart out mean?

Question: Where does the expression Eat your heart out come from? Answer: This expression first surfaced in the late 1500’s and means look at me and be envious or suffer vexation over my situation from the Yiddish phrase Es dir cys s’harts or eat out your heart.

What does it mean to eat someone’s salt?

eat someone’s salt Rur. to be someone’s guest. The least you can do when you’re eating someone’s salt is to help them out around the house.

Is eat dinner correct?

Having dinner is much, MUCH more common than any of the others (including having my dinner, eating dinner and eating my dinner). It’s funny sometimes that one phrase is popular, but another phrase (meaning the same) just is never said. I’m eating dinner.

Is it correct to say eat breakfast?

Usually, we omit the a in a situation like this: I’m going to eat/have breakfast. Unless you want to say something like this: I usually eat a [adjective] breakfast.

Why do we say have dinner?

You could say I have dinner with a client but it’s essentially shorthand for a dinner meeting or event with the client. The one time where you’d always use a is when you’re talking about a specific dinner instead of other dinners.

How do you say Happy lunch?

There are many ways you can say this. Enjoy your meal/lunch/breakfast/dinner/food or have a good lunch are a couple of the most common examples.

How do you say let’s eat?

It is ‘bon appetit’.

How do you say eat in slang?


  1. consume. Andrew would consume nearly two pounds of cheese per day.
  2. swallow. Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed it.
  3. chew.
  4. hoover (informal)
  5. scoff (slang) I scoffed the lot!
  6. devour. She devoured half an apple pie.
  7. munch.
  8. tuck into (informal)

What eating him meaning?

what’s eating you What is annoying or bothering you? … The first slangy term, dating from the late 1800s, presumably uses eat in the sense of consume; the colloquial variant, from about 1940, uses bug in the sense of annoy. Also see what’s with.

What does it mean when you say you wanna eat someone?

I will eat you – I will consume you. … I will eat you alive – this is usually said in one of two ways. The first is romantically – the person saying this really likes you and can’t get enough of you/kissing you/etc.

Is eat your heart out an insult?

The idiom is most often used in an exaggerated gloating but humorous way, although sometimes it is boastful and rude. When someone tells you to eat your heart out they are saying you are going to be jealous (or envious). As a joke, the expression is often followed by the name of a famous person.

What is the meaning of keeping a straight face?

Definition of keep a straight face : to not smile or laugh It was hard to keep a straight face with everyone else laughing.

What does the idiom get your feet wet mean?

: to begin doing a new job, activity, etc., in usually a slow and simple way in order to become more familiar with it She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.

What does wet behind the ears mean?

Immature Immature, inexperienced, as in How can you take instructions from Tom? He’s still wet behind the ears, or Jane’s not dry behind the ears yet. This term alludes to the fact that the last place to dry in a newborn colt or calf is the indentation behind its ears. [

What does it mean to get something hung up and salted?

have something hung up and salted Rur. to know everything about something. (Often used ironically, as in the second example.)

What is the meaning of idiom once in a blue moon?

Once in a blue moon: This poetic phrase refers to something extremely rare in occurrence. A blue moon is the term commonly used for a second full moon that occasionally appears in a single month of our solar-based calendars.

Should families eat dinner together?

Studies suggest that children of families that regularly eat dinner together are less likely to suffer from anxiety, and more likely to enjoy boosted self-esteem. … That’s why kids who enjoy regular family meals enjoy something else too: boosted grades.

Is it correct to say I’m having?

Have should always be in the simple present tense for the meaning to own, or to describe medical problems. For example: They have a new car. … It is incorrect to say I am having a cold or I am having a new car. I’m having a heart attack does seem to contradict this rule.

Did you eat dinner?

Have a meal vs eat a meal?

When talking about a specific meal or food, the verbs eat and have are often interchangeable. That means either word can be used. … In the example, most Americans would probably use eat but have would still sound natural. And there is no different in meaning between the two.

Will eat or will eats?

Future Simple – He will eat steak for dinner. Future Perfect Simple – He will have already eaten his starter when he gets his main course. Future Perfect Continuous – He will have been eating his dinner for 15 minutes when his favourite tv programme starts.

Is it eat or have ate?

In standard English, the past participle form of eat is always eaten. Ate is the simple past form. In the perfect tenses, which are indicated by has, had and have, you will always use eaten, even in questions where has, had or have has moved to the front of the sentence away from the verb: I eat, we eat, Jeff eats.

Had a lunch or had lunch?

Both are acceptable, and both can mean that the speaker had eaten a lunch. Because had is a versatile word with several meanings, though, I had my lunch can also be used in other contexts, where it means something different.

Did you have your lunch reply?

You should reply, Yes, have you had yours yet?/Yes, have you had lunch yet?

What is the reply to having a dinner?

Have you had lunch? is the same as Did you eat lunch? You can say, Yes, I had lunch. or Yes, I ate lunch. OR No, I didn’t have lunch. or No, I didn’t eat lunch. If you’ve had lunch, say ‘yes’. If you haven’t, say ‘no’.