transitive verb. : to tap sharply especially : to practice percussion on.

What does Tramontano mean?

Tramontano then traveled into English during the late 16th century as both the adjective tramontane, with the same meaning as the Italian word, and as the noun tramontane, meaning one dwelling in a tramontane region or a foreigner. During the 18th century, the adjective began carrying the meaning barbarous, …

What does Degressed mean?

1 : a stepping or movement downward : descent used chiefly as a correlative of progression.

What does administrivia mean?

: routine paperwork and other administrative tasks that are regarded as trivial, uninteresting, and time-consuming Without a doubt, current spending patterns put too many dollars toward administrivia and too often place political concerns ahead of real student needs.

What are chest percussions?

Chest percussion is clapping of the chest with percussor cups, which are similar to suction cups. This vibrates the airways in the lungs. The vibration helps loosen mucus so it can be coughed out.

What are percussions?

Percussion is a method of tapping body parts with fingers, hands, or small instruments as part of a physical examination. It is done to determine: The size, consistency, and borders of body organs. The presence or absence of fluid in body areas.

What do digressing mean?

Full Definition of digress intransitive verb. : to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument.

Is Degressed a word?

a downward movement; descent.

What’s the difference between digress and regress?

Digress means to side track or to divert attention from the topic at hand: Her speech often seemed to digress from the main topic of the seminar. Regress is to move backward, either physically or in one’s thinking: In old age, one’s body regresses.

Is administrivia a real word?

A collective term for the administrative details such as copyright, licensing, and privacy information that appear on websites.

Is administrativa a word?

Definitions for administrativa. administrativa.

How do you pronounce administrivia?

Does hitting your chest break up mucus?

While there are several medications that can help loosen mucus, making it easier to breathe, chest percussion is often used to help achieve this goal. Strategic clapping on the chest or back shakes the sticky mucus loose.

What foods help lung inflammation?

Foods that help fight inflammation include:

How do you do chest percussions?

Chest percussion is performed with cupped hands by trapping air between the patient’s thorax and caregiver’s hand in an alternating rhythmic manner over the lung segments in which the secretions are to be drained.

What does a percussionist do *?

Unlike most of the other players in the orchestra, a percussionist will usually play many different instruments in one piece of music. The most common percussion instruments in the orchestra include the timpani, xylophone, cymbals, triangle, snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs, chimes, celesta, and piano.

Who is called a percussionist?

A percussionist is a musician who plays a percussion instrument. Although drummers and vibraphonists are considered percussionists, this list only includes percussionists known for playing a variety of percussion instruments.

What family is the viola in?

violin family The violin family comprises the violin, the viola, the cello (violoncello), and the double bass; it forms the backbone of the modern symphony orchestra.

Why do we digress?

Digress is a verb. To digress means to temporarily wander or stray from your original plan or thought. You use ‘digress’ in a sentence (in both speaking and writing) to tell the listener or reader that you’ve left your topic but are trying to get back to it. ‘Digress’ is not often used, as it sounds formal.

What is a word for going backwards?

retrograde Add to list Share. Retrograde describes moving in a backwards or reverse direction.

When can I use digress?

I digress is a phrase used when someone realizes they’ve been rambling for a long time about something that isn’t even relevant to the original question or topic. It can also call attention to a smart observation.

What is opposite of progression?

Opposite of the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state. regress. regression. retrogression. recess.

What is the synonym of digress?

Some common synonyms of digress are depart, deviate, diverge, swerve, and veer. While all these words mean to turn aside from a straight course, digress applies to a departing from the subject of one’s discourse.

Do it at your discretion?

If something happens at someone’s discretion, it can happen only if they decide to do it or give their permission.

Does digress mean going backwards?

The simplest answer is that they are trying to steer things back towards the starting destination. As a result, when someone says, but I digress, what they are basically saying is We’ve gotten way off topic here, and I want to circle back to the original topic.

What is a sentence for digress?

Digress Sentence Examples He let the conversation digress into endless discussions about character. Let me digress a bit to let the ink dry. In order to disillusion anyone who may think that my position was a sinecure, I shall now digress. I need to digress for a moment here.

What is a digression in statistics?

is that digression is a departure from the subject, course, or idea at hand; an exploration of a different or unrelated concern while regression is an action of regressing, a return to a previous state.