: of great importance : momentous an earthshaking announcement.

What is the synonym of earth shaking?

apocalyptic, fateful, epoch-making, earth-shaking. in the sense of fateful.

What is a synonym for groundbreaking?

innovative, inventive, creative, disruptive, innovatory, innovational, seminal, original, new, novel, fresh, unconventional, unorthodox, off-centre, unusual, unfamiliar, ingenious, unprecedented, avant-garde, experimental.

What does slithered mean?

1 : to slide on or as if on a loose gravelly surface. 2 : to slip or slide like a snake. transitive verb. : to cause to slide.

What was the earth shaking decisions of the narrator?

Answer: the narrator decided to look handsome. and give a cute smile.

Is earth shaking a naming word?

Answer: The correct answer is earth shaking.

What is another word for life changing?

What is another word for life-changing?

serious momentous
historic critical
vital eventful
pivotal monumental
of moment life-and-death

What is a synonym for shocking?

appalling, awful, disgraceful, disgusting, disquieting, distressing, dreadful, ghastly, heinous, horrible, horrific, horrifying, shameful, terrible, ugly, burning, crying, foul, glaring, nauseating.

What is another word for powerful?

What is another word for powerful?

forceful violent
strong vigorous
almighty hard
mighty ferocious
explosive fierce

What is the synonym of progressive?

liberal, reforming, reformist, modern, advanced, forward-looking, forward-thinking, go-ahead, enlightened, enterprising, innovative, new, dynamic, avant-garde, modernistic, disruptive. radical, left-wing, revolutionary, revisionist, progressivist, freethinking. politically correct, PC.

What is the synonym of Pioneer?

settler, colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, frontierswoman, explorer, trailblazer, discoverer. 2’a pioneer of motoring’ developer, innovator, groundbreaker, trailblazer, pathfinder, front runner, founder, founding father, architect, experimenter, instigator, avant-gardist, creator. avant-garde, spearhead.

What type of adjective is groundbreaking?

(grandbrek ) also ground-breaking. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] You use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.

What is a slithering snake?

Slither means to move in a sideways motion, usually silently. Snakes, of all kinds, slither, from the original snake in the Garden of Eden, to that untrustworthy-looking individual who approaches you in the street.

What is Glissade?

gliding step 1 : a gliding step in ballet. 2 : the action of glissading.

Is Slith a word?

slith is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc. The word ‘slith’ is made up of 5 letters.

What two important and earthshaking decision did the doctor take while he was looking into the mirror?

The doctor took two important and earth-shaking decisions while he was looking into the mirror. These were: First, he decided to shave daily and grow a thin moustache.Second, he would always keep an attractive smile on his face.

What happened to the doctor while he was sitting in the chair?

Answer: As the doctor resumed his seat on the chair, suddenly there came a dull thud as if a rubber tube had falled on the ground. … Then a fat snake wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on the doctor’s shoulder.

Why did the snake leave the doctors arm?

Answer: The snake left the doctor’s arm because it saw its reflection in the mirror and was fascinated by it and so wanted to enjoy its own reflection by having a closer look.

Is sister a naming word?

The noun sister can be used as either a proper or common noun. It is a proper noun when used as a title, as in Sister Maria led the other nuns in…

Is birthday a naming word?

The noun ”birthday” is a common noun. Common nouns make reference to non-specific objects, people, places or concepts, as opposed to proper nouns,…

Is mother a naming word?

‘Anu’, ‘Mona’, ‘Mother’, ‘Grandparents’ and ‘Gift’ are all naming words. These naming words have been replaced by ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘you’, ‘them’ and ‘it’.

What is a fancy word for change?

adjustment, advance, development, difference, diversity, innovation, modification, reversal, revision, revolution, shift, switch, transformation, transition, variation, turnaround, adjust, alter, diminish, evolve.

What’s a word for positive change?

What is another word for change for the better?

improvement development
growth boost
rise progression
breakthrough embellishment
elevation cultivation

What do you call a once in a lifetime event?

never-to-be-repeated. rare.

What means frightful?

1 : causing intense fear or alarm : terrifying. 2 : startling especially in being bad or objectionable a frightful novel. 3 : extreme frightful thirst.

What is something shocking?

: extremely startling, distressing, or offensive shocking news.

Is shocked a feeling?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishshocked /kt $ kt/ S3 adjective 1 feeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasantshocked by I was deeply shocked by Jo’s death.

How do you say someone is powerful?

Powerful – thesaurus

  1. powerful. adjective. able to influence or control what people do or think.
  2. influential. adjective. able to influence the way other people think or behave.
  3. formidable. adjective. …
  4. commanding. adjective. …
  5. autocratic. adjective. …
  6. high-powered. adjective. …
  7. dominant. adjective. …
  8. omnipotent. adjective.

How do you call someone powerful?

In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for powerful, like: mighty, indomitable, omnipotent, influential, strong, dominant, stalwart, dynamical, vigorous, herculean and ruling.

What is a word for strong emotion?

While the synonyms passion and emotion are close in meaning, passion suggests a very powerful or controlling emotion.