Enraged, furious, as in I was hopping mad when they left my name off the list. This expression conjures up an image of jumping up and down with rage. [ Colloquial; early 1800s] What’s another word for hopping mad?
What is another word for hopping mad?

angry irate
livid outraged
angered ballistic
indignant ireful
mad rankled

What does the phrase cool customer mean?

remains calm : someone who remains calm and is not easily upset. What do you mean by hopping?
To move with light bounding skips or leaps. b. Informal To move quickly or be busily active: The shipping department is hopping this week. 2. To jump on one foot or with both feet at the same time.

What do hot under the collar mean?

See synonyms for hot under the collar on Thesaurus.com. Angry, as in She is quick to get hot under the collar, but once the problem is ironed out she forgets it entirely. This expression alludes to the heat of anger. [ c. 1900] What is the synonym of hoping?

hopeful. hoping. idealistic. keeping the faith. looking on the bright side.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What’s the opposite of hopping?

What is the opposite of hopping?

inactive unbusy
inert static
unoccupied stationary
motionless immobile
unmoving still

What words describe excitement?


What means all star?

All star is defined as a team made up only of top performers who are the most skilled and accomplished. An example of all star is a team that is made up only of the best athletes from other teams in the league. … A member of an all-star team or group. noun. Of which all members or participants are celebrities.

What does being ivory tower mean?

1 : an impractical often escapist attitude marked by aloof lack of concern with or interest in practical matters or urgent problems. 2 : a secluded place that affords the means of treating practical issues with an impractical often escapist attitude especially : a place of learning.

What is rank and file members?

How can I be a cool customer?

Here are some tips for keeping your cool and keeping them cool during a bad customer care experience. … 5 Tips To Keep Your Cool In Customer Service

  1. Listen. …
  2. Apologize. …
  3. Show empathy. …
  4. Maintain a calm tone of voice. …
  5. Use the customer’s name.

How do you do hopping?

What are hops used for?

Hops are the dried, flowering part of the hop plant. They are commonly used in brewing beer and as flavoring components in foods. Hops are also used to make medicine.

What does hotel hopping mean?

One of them is hotel hopping, which is the act of switching hotels in order to maximize points and elite status. Most hotel programs allow qualification by either stays or nights. … Most hotel chains have caught onto this maneuver and will merge your reservations so you only get one stay credit.

What does out of woods mean?

Out of difficulties, danger or trouble, as in We’re through the worst of the recession—we’re out of the woods now, or That pneumonia was serious, but Charles is finally out of the woods. This expression, alluding to having been lost in a forest, dates from Roman times; it was first recorded in English in 1792.

What is tickled pink?

: very happy or amused I was tickled pink to see her.

What does wet behind the ears mean?

Immature Immature, inexperienced, as in How can you take instructions from Tom? He’s still wet behind the ears, or Jane’s not dry behind the ears yet. This term alludes to the fact that the last place to dry in a newborn colt or calf is the indentation behind its ears. [

What is the difference between hoping and hopping?

Hoping is the present participle of the verb hope, and hopping is the present participle of the verb hop. To hope for something means that we want it to happen.

What do you call someone who is hopeful?

An optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it’s not likely. Someone who’s a tad too confident this way is also sometimes called optimistic.

How do you spell hopping hoping?

Alice was hopping on one foot, hoping that she wouldn’t fall. The words hoping and hopping are both present participles (verb forms ending in -ing), but they’re pronounced differently and their meanings are not related at all.

What is hop antonym?

Opposite of to move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce. trudge. face. meet. stand.

How do you use hopping in a sentence?

1, He was hopping from foot to foot. 2, The little girl ran off, hopping and skipping as she went. 3, She’s always hopping from one project to the next. 4, The children were hopping to play on the ground.

What does elephantine mean in English?

1a : having enormous size or strength : massive. b : clumsy, ponderous elephantine verse. 2 : of or relating to an elephant. Elephantine.

What is another word for overexcited?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for overexcited, like: aroused, high-strung, hyper, overstimulated, incited, , stroppy, arsey and excited.

What is the word for intense pleasure?

ecstasy. noun. a feeling of great happiness and pleasure, often sexual pleasure.

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