: a sagging or prolapse of an organ or part especially : a drooping of the upper eyelid.

What does Agrological mean?

: the branch of agriculture that deals with the origin, structure, analysis, and classification of soils especially in their relation to crop production.

What is the meaning of polik?

[hahlo-projin] a synthetic topical antifungal agent used in the treatment of tinea.

What does suffix ptosis mean?

downward displacement or position The combining form -ptosis is used like a suffix meaning downward displacement or position. It is often used in medical terms, especially in pathology. The combining form -ptosis comes from the Greek ptsis, meaning a falling.

What is the meaning of agriculturists?

a person who cultivates the land and grows crops on it. agriculturists who adhere to the organization’s standards of organic farming.

What is the concept behind agroecology?

Agroecology is sustainable farming that works with nature. … Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and principals in farming. Agroecology promotes farming practices that; Mitigate climate change – reducing emissions, recycling resources and prioritising local supply chains.

What is the study of Agrology?

agrology. / (rld) / noun. the scientific study of soils and their potential productivity.

What is the meaning of the suffix sclerosis?

[skl-rosis] an induration or hardening, especially of a part from inflammation, or in disease of the interstitial substance.

What is the meaning of the suffix Rrhaphy?

suture a combining form meaning suture, used in the formation of compound words: herniorrhaphy.

What is the meaning of the suffix Rrhage?

[Gr. – rrhagia, fr. rhgnynai, to break, burst forth] Suffixes meaning rupture, profuse fluid discharge.

What is agriculturist used for?

An Agriculturist is a specialist in all areas of cultivation and raising livestock. He/She is a scientist who advises farmers on soil management, breeding animals’ living conditions, crop protection, environmental sustainability, disease and harvesting.

What is agriculturist role?

The primary role of agriculturists are to prepare technical plans, specifications, and estimates of agriculture projects such as in the construction and management of farms and agribusiness enterprises.

What do agriculturists do?

Agriculturists study and develop the best practices for cultivating soil, raising livestock and growing crops. This includes caring for and breeding animals, protecting and harvesting crops and managing the soil. There are a variety of career options in this field, but many agriculturists specialize in a specific area.

How do you become an Agroecologist?

In general, an associate degree is a good place to start if you want to become an agroecologist. Often, two-year programs are rich in field experience opportunities and are community-focused, which are two aspects that are very important in agroecology.

Why is agroecology sustainable?

There is growing evidence that agroecological farming systems keep carbon in the ground, support biodiversity, rebuild soils, and sustain yields, providing a basis for secure livelihoods. … The current food production system increases humanity’s dependency on fossil fuels and contributes to climate change.

Is agroecology could be the key to food security?

They diversify farmers’ revenues (fruits, timber, medicinal plants and trees), sequester carbon and participate in better biodiversity preservation. Natural ecosystem regeneration through these practices is the key to long-term food security.

What is the difference between an agrologist and an agronomist?

Agrologist vs Agronomist: The Same or Different? agrologist. The profession of agrology refers to the application of scientific principles to agriculture. … Agronomists study elements of crop and soil science, and apply scientific knowledge specifically to crop production and soil management.

Is Agronomy a science?

Introduction. Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, and fiber. It presents agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective (American Society of Agronomy, 2014). … Plant breeding aims to adapt the genetics of plants to develop crops better adapted to human needs.