What Does Below the Line Mean? Below the line credits (also called BTL) in film production refers to the positions responsible for the day-to-day work of making the filmduring pre-production, production, and post-production.

Why is it called below the line?

The line in below-the-line refers to the separation of production costs between script and story writers, producers, directors, actors, and casting (above the-line) and the rest of the crew, or production team.

What does below the line budget mean?

Below the line in production refers to, in a budgetary sense, any production costs that are not above the line. This can include film crew salary, publicity, music rights, and cutting together a trailer.

What does below the line talent mean?

The below the line talent is the crew involved with the day-to-day operations of getting the film made and can be broken down between production and post-production.

What does below the line mean in accounting?

What Puts Something Below the Line? An item is listed on the financial statement as below the line when it is excluded from the gross profit, and, therefore, does not affect the profit or loss from normal operations for that accounting period.

What is above the line and below the line?

In filmmaking, above the line refers to the budget for directors, actors, story writers, and the likes, while below the line includes the rest of the production team or crew. In marketing, above the line is related to mass media marketing, while below the line is direct marketing.

What does BTL mean in marketing?

Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio, television, billboards, print, and film formats.

What is the difference between ATL and BTL?

ATL stands for Above The Line, meaning that the advertising is going to be deployed around a wider target audience, e.g. television (TVC), radio, or billboards. … BTL, or Below The Line, suggests that the advertising is going to target a specific group of potential consumers.

Is Social Media BTL or ATL?

PPC/social media ads can be extremely well targeted and therefore should be considered for any BTL marketing campaign. While I said above that social media profiles are ATL in nature, any ads that you run through them are BTL as they should have a level of targeting attached to them.

What does below the line in the P&L mean?

Below the line refers to line items in the income statement that do not directly impact a firm’s reported profits. A firm may classify certain expenditures as being capital expenditures, thereby pushing them below the line by shifting them from the income statement to the balance sheet.

Is bad debt expense below the line?

Companies report revenues earned during the period on the Income statement. … When the period includes a bad debt write off, however, the Income statement does include the Bad debt expense balance as a line item. Items of this kind appear typically under Operating expenses, below the Gross profit line.

Are actors above the line?

Above-the-line refers to the list of individuals who guide and influence the creative direction, process, and voice of a given narrative in a film and related expenditures. These roles include but are not limited to the screenwriter, producer, director, and actors.

What does under the line mean?

adjective. (also below the line); (abbreviation BTL) MARKETING. relating to advertising, such as trade shows and direct mail, which communicate more directly with customers and are less expensive than television and newspaper advertising: below-the-line marketing.

What is below the line in real estate?

Is depreciation above or below the line?

As stated earlier, in most cases, depreciation and amortization are treated as separate line items on the income statement. Depreciation is typically used with fixed assets or tangible assets, such as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E).

What are below the line activities?

It is a marketing strategy where products are promoted on a more personal level than ATL advertising. BTL activities include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling, exhibitions and targeted search engine marketing.

Is Digital below the line?

Digital marketing has challenged both approaches and is actually Through The Line (TTL). Through The Line marketing takes an integrated approach ensuring both direct and larger reach mediums are utilised, the focus of such campaigns is conversion.

What does BTL mean in texting?

Between the Lines is a common definition for BTL on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. BTL. Definition: Between the Lines.

What is a TTL copywriter?

below-the-line copywriter? … And in passing, let’s not forget through-the-line (TTL) marketing where media advertising is used to drive prospects into a retailer to be targeted by in-store below-the-line marketing

Are events ATL or BTL?

Implementing BTL activities: Outdoor advertisements: Billboards, fliers, banners, sandwich boards, and so on. Direct marketing: SMS, emails, social media posts, pamphlets. Sponsorship: Events, competition.

Which is more expensive ATL or BTL?

When it comes to cost, the ATL marketing medium is comparatively more expensive than BTL marketing mediums. While ATL marketing drives customer response, BTL marketing increases the point of sale.

What is the best marketing strategy?

The best marketing strategies to try in 2020

How do you do BTL marketing?

BTL activations induce a list of activities that uses innovative ideas to engage its audiences. In the earlier times, BTL marketing activities revolve around direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling & exhibitions.

What is BTL example?

BELOW THE LINE ADVERTISING Some examples of BTL promotional mediums include: Outdoor advertising (billboards, posters, banners etc) Direct mail marketing (e-mails, text messages etc) Brand Activations.

Is sponsorship ATL or BTL?

Sponsorship. Sponsorship is a partnership with different corporates or events to get more impressions and is usually carried as a part of brand building strategies at a BTL level.

What is ATL advertising?

Above the line (ATL) ATL uses mass media to appeal to a large number of audiences, these include media channels such as TV, magazines, newspaper and radio advertising. This kind of marketing is untargeted towards the individual and is good for creating brand awareness and goodwill.