Command Papers are government papers that are presented to Parliament. They convey information or decisions that the government think should be drawn to the attention of one or both Houses of Parliament.

Is an Act of Parliament a command paper?

Command Papers are Parliamentary Papers presented to the United Kingdom Parliament nominally by command of the Sovereign, but in practice by a Government Minister. The term command arose from the formula that was carried on the Papers, Presented to Parliament … by command of Her (or His) Majesty.

How do you cite a command paper?

Command Papers

  1. To reference information from a Command Paper, you need to include the Author and the title in italics, followed by the Command paper number and year in brackets.
  2. Format: Author, Title (Command Paper number, year)

What is government white paper?

White papers are policy documents produced by the Government that set out their proposals for future legislation. White Papers are often published as Command Papers and may include a draft version of a Bill that is being planned.

What is a Command Paper UK?

A command paper is a document issued by the UK Government and presented to Parliament.

Who writes government whitepapers?

White Papers are drafted by civil servants in conjunction with Ministers. All White Papers are approved by the Cabinet, members of which receive what is known as the ‘confidential final revise’ the name given to the document before it is published (laid before Parliament).

What is a green paper law?

A Green Paper is a Government publication that details specific issues, and then points out possible courses of action in terms of policy and legislation. … White Papers are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes or the introduction of new laws.

What is blue paper in Parliament?

They are consultative documents and may be issued either as command papers or as non-parliamentary publications. Blue papers are documents brought before Parliament to enable the members to formulate judgment on foreign policy matters. They may be included in the Sessional Papers.

What are parliamentary papers?

‘Parliamentary paper’ is a term used to describe a document which is presented or ‘laid’ before Parliament. This guidance covers three types of parliamentary papers: Command Papers. House of Commons Papers. Un-numbered Act Papers.

What does an Oscola bibliography look like?

The basic structure of an OSCOLA bibliography includes three things: a ‘Table of Cases’, a ‘Table of Legislation’ and a bibliography listing secondary sources. As you might expect, the tables of cases and legislation are where you list case reports and legislative documents cited in your work.

How do you cite Ibid in Oscola?

To recap, the rules are:

  1. End the citation with a full stop.
  2. Only ever use ‘ibid’ to reference the immediately preceding footnote.
  3. We can use ibid more than once consecutively.
  4. Ibid can be used along with a pinpoint reference.
  5. Separate two footnoted authorities with a semicolon.
  6. Never italicise ibid.

How do you cite a Oscola briefing paper?

When citing a command paper, begin the citation with the name of the department or other body that produced the paper, and then give the title of the paper in italics, followed by the command paper number and the year in brackets.

What is a blue paper?

A blue paper sets out technical specifications of a technology or item of equipment. A yellow paper is a document containing research that has not yet been formally accepted or published in an academic journal. It is synonymous with the more widely used term preprint.

What are the 4 types of bills?

There are four types of Bills, namely (i) Constitution Amendment Bills; (ii) Money Bills; (iii) Financial Bills; and (iv) Ordinary Bills. What are the features of each of these Bills? Constitution Amendment Bills[i]: These are Bills which seek to amend the Constitution.

Why is it called a whitepaper?

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that often addresses issues and how to solve them. The term originated when government papers were coded by color to indicate distribution, with white designated for public access.

Is the Parliament a document?

Both Houses of Parliament publish documents that result from their work and that of their committees, such as: Votes and Proceedings (Commons) and the Minute (Lords) – the formal, authoritative record of the decisions taken by each House.

What will be in the energy white paper?

The Energy White Paper focuses on strategy in six key areas: consumers, power, the energy system, buildings, industrial energy and oil & gas. Much of what has been set out in the Energy White Paper is not new.

How do I find government reports?

Recommended Databases

  1. Govinfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. …
  2. Catalog of Government Publications. …
  3. Military and Government Collection.

What was white paper Project BTS?

This is a site recently made by ARMYs containing factual and in-depth research on the T-shirt controversy of BTS weeks ago. 20+ ARMYs made up of translators, researchers, and journalists/writers worked on this project to give extensive look on the matter.

How long is a white paper?

six to eight pages Today’s typical white paper is six to eight pages long, a little shorter than in past years. Consider the format. The typical white paper looks more appealing than a technical manual yet not as slick as a brochure. White papers are typically distributed as a PDF on the web.

How do you get a white paper?

Click the cover to order White Papers For Dummies today! … Where to find sources for a white paper.

Source Acceptable? Notes
Trade magazines Yes Best published in the last five years
Websites Sometimes Make sure they’re credible
White papers from other organizations Yes The more recognized the source, the better

Is a white paper law?

WHITE PAPERS are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes, which may be debated before a Bill is introduced. Some White Papers may invite comments. GREEN PAPERS set out for discussion, proposals which are still at a formative stage.

What is white paper in South Africa?

This leads to the development of a more refined discussion document, a White Paper, which is a broad statement of government policy. It is drafted by the relevant department or task team and the relevant parliamentary committees may propose amendments or other proposals.

Is a white paper a report?

A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. In the world of marketing, a white paper is a long-form piece of content, similar to an eBook.

What is a technical white paper?

A white paper is an authoritative guide or report that explains the benefits of a particular technology, product or policy. … White papers are commonly used to describe the theory behind a new technology of computer methodology.

What is laying before Parliament?

In parliamentary procedure, especially the Westminster system, a document is laid before the house or Laid on the Table of the House when it is formally recognised as having been made available for members of a deliberative assembly to read.

What is a House of Commons paper?

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers empowers researchers to explore the British perspective on historical and contemporary events through a vast and authoritative archive of official government documents spanning three centuries.

Is Hansard available online?

The text of many parliamentary debates (also known as Hansard or the Official Report) can be accessed online for free, or via paid subscription services.

How do you reference a parliamentary paper?

Guide to citation Cite the title, author, parliamentary session and paper number (as written on the document) according to your citation style. It may not be possible to work out the sessional year for command papers however the publication date should be sufficient.