: an ax with a 2-edged blade specifically : such an ax used as a sacred symbol in the art of prehistoric Crete and later associated with the worship of Zeus.

What is a 2 sided axe called?

Labrys Labrys (Greek: , romanized: lbrus) is, according to Plutarch (Quaestiones Graecae 2.302a), the Lydian word for the double-bitted axe. (in Greek it was called , plekus). The Ancient Greek plural of labrys is labryes ().

Who used double axes?

14. A double axe appears among the Hittite remains of Syria and Cappadocia where its use was evidently symbolic. It is found in Asia Minor and among the early Etruscan remains in Italy. Scandinavia had double axes of stone in the Stone Age, evidently meant for use.

What is a labrys symbol?

The labrys is a double-headed axe. In Greek and Roman mythology, it’s associated with Amazons, as well as various goddesses including Laphria, Artemis, and Demeter. In the 1970s, lesbians embraced it as a symbol representing lesbian feminism. 8 of 12.

Why are double-headed axes a thing?

Double-Headed Battle Axe The need for battle axes arose when swords proved to be ineffective against plate armor; that’s why maces, axes and war hammers were preferred by foot soldiers during the Middle Ages. … Instead, these were used for two other purposes, namely to cut wood and as ceremonial axes.

Why use a double-headed AXE?

The Double Bit Axe has a two-sides for cutting, chopping and splitting. … The purpose of the Double Bit Axe head is to have one side razor sharp and the other side more dull and rounded. Use the razor sharp side for chopping and cutting, and use the duller, rounded side for splitting.

What kind of axe do lumberjacks use?

The broadaxe, as its name denotes, is a large-headed axe used for digging deep into lumber with minimal swinging. There are other types of axes that lumberjacks may use for different purposes, but the felling, splitting, and broadaxe types of tools are the most common axes used for industrial wood chopping.

What is a forestry axe?

The distinguishing feature of Forest Axes is a long, rounded edge, with a flat elongated axe head. Forest Axes are specially designed to cut across the grainof the wood fibres, for example when felling and limbing, in contrast to log splitting, where the axe goes along the grainof the wood fibres.

What is a double Bitted axe?

A double-bit axe is one with a cutting edge on both sides of the head instead of one side. Usually, one side is kept sharp for cutting and chopping, while the other side is kept duller and more rounded for splitting. Using this method, a double-bit axe can be used for almost any purpose.

What God used an axe?

According to Greek mythology Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths, struck Zeus, Father of the Gods, over the head with his double-headed axe.

What were labrys used for?

It was also used as an instrument to slaughter animals, bulls in particular, for religious sacrifices. In Greek mythology, Labrys is considered the symbol of Zeus, the thunder God, who used the axe to summon storm clouds and invoke storms. The Greeks used the word Pelekys to refer to the axe of Zeus.

Which Greek God used an axe?

God Hephaestus Interesting Facts About the Greek God Hephaestus When Zeus got a terrible headache, Hephaestus split his head open with an axe and out jumped a fully grown Athena. Zeus arranged the marriage between Aphrodite and Hephaestus. He did it mostly to stop the other male gods from fighting over Aphrodite.

Who was the ugliest god?

Facts about Hephaestus Hephaestus was the only ugly god among perfectly beautiful immortals. Hephaestus was born deformed and was cast out of heaven by one or both of his parents when they noticed that he was imperfect. He was the workman of the immortals: he made their dwellings, furnishings, and weapons.

What is a Viking axe called?

A bearded axe, or Skeggx (from Old Norse Skegg, beard, and x, axe) refers to various axes, used as a tool and weapon, as early as the 6th century AD. It is most commonly associated with Viking Age Scandinavians.

What Greek God used a sword?

Perseus was provided with such a sword by his father, Zeus (Cronus’ youngest son and later overthrower), who also used the harpe to battle Typhon. Of Zeus’s children, Hermes had also used the harpe to slay the titan Argus, and Heracles had defeated the Hydra with the same weapon.

Did Vikings use double bladed axes?

Double-bitted axes were not forged by the Norse. Just about every axe they forged was single headed. Vikings most commonly carried sturdy axes that could be thrown or swung with head-splitting force. The Mammen Axe is a famous example of such battle-axes, ideally suited for throwing and melee combat.

Are double sided axes real?

Where double headed axes are actually used is generally in the logging industry. If you take a look at war axes you’ll notice that the neck of the axe is relatively thin as throwing axes were sometimes meant to break, while logging axes are thicker and mean to be used for a very long time.

When was the Dane axe invented?

type M axe head, wherefore it can be given an approximate dating of late Viking Age-early Middle Ages (Petersen 1919: 45-47). A more precise rendering to between the 11th and 12th century is a plausible suggestion. Being slightly octagonal in shape, the design of the shaft hole lobe is typical of the Viking Age (fig.

What is a Michigan ax?

Michigan Axe. This axe is a common shape for felling axes, having originally risen to popularity in the 1860s. It has a curved head, which is ideal for chopping large trees and dense wood types.

What’s the difference between an axe and a hatchet?

You could conceivably chop down a tree with a hatchet, but it would take hundreds more strikes and would dull the blade much faster. By choking up on an axe you can take shorter one-handed swings, and that is a technique that is widely used.

Who makes a good double bit axe?

Our Top Picks For The Best Double Bit Axes

Brand Length Head
Helko Werk 34.5 3.5 lbs, High Carbon Steel
Ochsenkopf 35 2.2 lbs, Steel
Velvicut 16 2.0 lbs, Steel
Collins 35.5 3.5 lbs, High Carbon Steel

What axe do loggers use?

What is the sharpest axe in the world?

The cool new Council Tool Velvicut is a premium felling axe that holds the sharpest, strongest edge in the world. This hardcore tree chopper features a 4 lb. axe head forged from 5160-grade alloy steel that’s been tempered to a Rockwell C hardness rating between 50-54 and is attached to an American hickory handle.

What axes do timbersports use?

A lumberjack axe also known as a competition axe or Racing axe is a custom-made axe for chopping fresh, knot-free white pine during Timbersports events.

Can axes slice?

The shape and edge of a chopping axe are designed to chop away wood fibres and split the wood apart, while a carving axe has to slice into the wood. … The Carpenter’s Axe is not suitable for heavier work such as tree felling and log splitting.

What are carpenter axes used for?

Carpenter’s axes or Carpenter’s hatchets are small axes, usually slightly larger than a hatchet, used in traditional woodwork, joinery and log-building. They have pronounced beards and finger notches to allow a choked grip for precise control.

What kind of steel are axes made from?

5160 Tool Steel As it has been mentioned earlier in the article, 5160 steel is quite often used for making tools and utensils like knives, mostly big ones, swords, axes and so on, and it is also largely used in automobile manufacturing due to its incredible durability properties and a very high level of yield strength.

Where are Husqvarna axes made?

Sweden Made in Sweden by the same company that makes the highly-regarded Hults Bruk axes, Husqvarna’s axes are also high-quality axes at around half the price or less than Hults Bruk axes go for.

How much does an ax cost?

Axe price range Axes can cost anything from $15 to $200, with the average price being about $40. The price depends on the axe type, not to mention its function and also the brand.

What is a cruiser axe?

The single bit axe used for felling or splitting usually has a 3-5 lb axe blade and a 30-36 inch curved handle. … Smaller double bit axes (2-4 lbs.) are referred to as cruisers. Boy’s axes are significantly smaller than the single bit or double bit axes.