to warn in advance : to warn in advance.

What is a prognosticate?

transitive verb. 1 : to foretell from signs or symptoms : predict. 2 : to give an indication of in advance : foreshadow.

What is a prefigure?

transitive verb. 1 : to show, suggest, or announce by an antecedent type, image, or likeness. 2 : to picture or imagine beforehand.

What is Incapacit?

1 : to deprive of capacity or natural power : disable. 2 : to make legally incapable or ineligible.

What does trivilization mean?

the act of making something seem less important, serious, difficult, etc. than it really is. the trivialization of serious issues.

How do you do forewarning?

It happened that we had a forewarning of what might be expected. My one last hope, that I had only felt an ordinary forewarning of danger in the presence of an ordinary enemy, was a hope destroyed for ever. Some dread forewarning of a sterner fate seemed to hang above him.

What is a brandished?

transitive verb. 1 : to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly brandished a knife at them. 2 : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner brandishing her intellect. brandish.

What is whip slang for?

What is a whip in slang? Whip has been used as a slang word for car since the late 20th century. It’s also used as a verb meaning to drive (a car).

What is prognosticate example?

Prognosticate is defined as to predict. An example of prognosticate is to say who is going to win an election before the results are announced.

What is prefigure in the Bible?

Prefiguration (theology), a relationship between elements of the Hebrew Bible / Torah, and aspects of Jesus’s life as depicted in the New Testament.

What does the term decried mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to depreciate (something, such as a coin) officially or publicly the king may at any time decry any coin of the kingdom William Blackstone. 2 : to express strong disapproval of decry the emphasis on sex has decried the medical marijuana ballot initiative as being rife with loopholes.

What is mean by allayed?

1 : to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : alleviate expect a breeze to allay the heat. 2 : to make quiet : calm trying to allay their fears. intransitive verb. obsolete : to diminish in strength : subside.

What does disqualification mean?

1 : to deprive of the required qualities, properties, or conditions : make unfit. 2 : to deprive of a power, right, or privilege. 3 : to make ineligible for a prize or for further competition because of violations of the rules.

What can incapacitate someone?

To incapacitate someone is to cause him or her to be unable to function normally, like a bad cold that incapacitates you. The verb incapacitate is related to the word capacity. Capacity comes from the Latin word capacitas, meaning that can contain, or how much something brain, bucket or otherwise can hold.

What is a Pentagonist?

the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. a proponent for or advocate of a political cause, social program, etc. the leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.

Can you trivialize someone?

If you say that someone trivializes something important, you disapprove of them because they make it seem less important, serious, and complex than it is.

What does Ikonic mean?

1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon. 2a : widely recognized and well-established an iconic brand name. b : widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence an iconic writer a region’s iconic wines.

What is forewarning example?

When you give someone forewarning you let that person know that some event will happen in the future. You might give your elderly grandmother forewarning about her upcoming surprise birthday party, for example.

What is forewarning in psychology?

A forewarning is a warning of an impending influence attempt. … Consistent with the old adage, forewarned is forearmed, psychologists have discovered that forewarning often leads to resistance, which is decreased persuasion in the direction of the influence attempt.

Is forewarned redundant?

There is forewarn as in the phrase Forewarned is fore-armed. It means to warn beforehand, which, I must admit, does seem a bit redundant. It’s not redundant. You could warn before, during, perhaps even after, a disaster.

What is a heath?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a tract of wasteland. b : an extensive area of rather level open uncultivated land usually with poor coarse soil, inferior drainage, and a surface rich in peat or peaty humus.

What is a laconic person?

Laconic is an adjective that describes a style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas. … There’s a friend of yours who doesn’t talk very much, and when he does, he says maybe three words and then becomes quiet again. You could describe that friend as laconic.

What does fruitlessly mean?

1 : unsuccessful a fruitless attempt. 2 : lacking or not bearing fruit. Other Words from fruitless Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More About fruitless.

Where did the slang whip come from?

In the early automobile era, the steering wheel became known as the whip. In more modern times, various hiphop artists noticed that the Mercedes Benz logo resembled a steering wheel, which as mentioned was also known as the whip. So by association, the Mercedes Benz and later any fancy car was called a whip.

What is a Stan slang?

Over the years, stan has morphed into a go-to slang term for diehard fans and was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017. … As a noun, stan is defined as an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan, while as a verb it’s defined as to exhibit fandom to an extreme excessive degree.

What is Simp slang?

Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.

How do you use leery in a sentence?

Leery Sentence Examples

  1. Just be leery of who you trust.
  2. I would think if they see the connection they might be leery of taking our calls.
  3. He roused himself, leery of becoming too comfortable in the home of his enemies.
  4. I don’t know why I didn’t do it earlier, but I suspect I was a little leery of the unknown.

What is a antonym for prognosticate?

prognosticate. Antonyms: record, register, recal, remember, note, rehearse. Synonyms: foretell, presage, predict, forebode, foretoken, augur, portend, indicate, betoken.

How do you use procure in a sentence?

Procure Sentence Examples

  1. Is there anything I can procure for you?
  2. He used his influence to procure as much autonomy as possible for the province of Hanover, but was a strong opponent of the Guelph party.
  3. The doctor promised to procure it for him and began to ask how he was feeling.