In many cases, a torn gluteus medius can be repaired arthroscopically by sewing the torn part of the gluteus medius tendon back to the bone using tiny suture-anchors. This procedure has a high success rate in treating pain, and restoring strength to the gluteus medius muscle.

What is gluteus medius?

The gluteus medius is a highly functional muscle that helps with hip movement and should not be confused with the gluteus maximus. It sits along the outer surface of the ilium, near the pelvis, between the posterior and middle gluteal lines.

How do you repair a torn gluteus medius?

Surgical treatment may be recommended to repair a complete, full-thickness gluteus medius tear. The surgery can be performed endoscopically through tiny incisions to reattach the torn tendon back onto the greater trochanter with stitches. This helps to restore strength and function to the gluteus medius muscle.

Where is the gluteus medius tendon?

The gluteus medius muscle arises from the top of the pelvic bone and attaches to the outer side of the thigh bone or femur at the greater trochanter by the gluteus medius tendon. The muscle functions as a hip abductor, controlling side to side movement of the hip and providing stabilization to the joint.

How long does a gluteus medius take to heal?

Most people need about three months before their hip is fully functional again. Sometimes, it takes about a year before gluteus medius function is completely restored. The most important thing to remember during recovery is to follow the instructions provided to you by Dr. Van Thiel and your physical therapist.

How long is recovery from gluteus medius surgery?

Recovery. Postoperative recovery from a gluteus medius repair involves 6 weeks of restricted weight bearing with crutches or an assisted device and 6 weeks in a hip brace. This protects the repair during the early healing phases.

Is walking good for gluteus medius?

Building a strong, solid hip requires not only a strong gluteus medius muscle which is key in stabilizing our pelvis with weight bearing activities such as walking and running, but also working on the surrounding hip musculature, as this area is full of important anatomical structures!

What irritates gluteus medius?

Tendonitis or tears of this muscle can occur after injury or with long-term wear and tear. These tears generally cause pain and weakness on the side of the hip (not the groin). The IT band is a stiff band of tissue. It runs along the outside (lateral part) of the leg from hip to knee.

How do I strengthen my gluteus medius?


  1. Start with your feet parallel and one foot about 2 to 3 feet in front of the other. Square your hips straight ahead.
  2. Try to keep your front shin vertical and right above your ankle.
  3. Lower about halfway to the floor by bending both legs equally and keeping your torso upright. …
  4. Do 5 to 10 lunges on each side.

Can a gluteus medius tear heal without surgery?

Exercise can improve patient function without the risks associated with surgery. This case series suggests that atraumatic gluteus medius tendon tears may be effectively treated nonoperatively, especially for patients with a sedentary lifestyle.

How do you test for a torn gluteus medius?

Special tests such as single-leg squat test or positive trendelenburg sign confirms the diagnosis of a gluteus medius tear. MRI or ultrasound may be helpful to view the pathological changes of the muscle.

How should I sleep with gluteus medius pain?

How can I Sleep with Gluteal Tendinopathy?

  1. Sleep on the non-painful side.
  2. Sleep with a pillow between the knee when on your side.
  3. Place pillows under the knees with lying on your back.

How does a gluteus medius tear happen?

Tears of the gluteus medius usually occur where the tendon inserts at the greater trochanter, causing pain on the outside of the hip. Tears of the gluteus medius can occur due to traumatic injury or degenerative conditions such as tendinopathy (chronic inflammation of the gluteus medius tendon).

How wide is the gluteus medius tendon?

The superoposterior facet’s shape approximated that of a circle, with a mean diameter of 17 mm (SD, 2.0 mm). Conclusions: The gluteus medius tendon has 2 distinct and consistent insertion sites onto the greater trochanter.

Is walking bad for gluteal tendinopathy?

The bursa is often secondary but can be involved. The treatment for each is different. 3) Limit walking until symptoms are under control: often walking is an aggravating factor, especially in people who are not active in sport. Even walking for 20-30 minutes can keep you in a symptomatic/painful phase.

Do squats work gluteus medius?

The exercises you may rely on to work your glutes – squats, dead lifts, lunges – target the big part of your buttocks known as gluteus maximus. But that regime neglects the gluteus medius, the smaller muscle that runs along the side of your rear and keeps your pelvis steady when you run.

What causes weak gluteus medius?

Typically, the most prominent cause of weakness in these muscles is lack of activity or sedentary lifestyle. As technology advances and more people are confined to desk jobs in which most of the day is spent in a sitting position, the glutes atrophy and the anterior hips become accustomed to a shortened position.

What action does gluteus medius perform?

Function. Gluteus medius is the prime mover of abduction at hip joint. Anterior portion of Gluteus medius abduct, assist in flexion and medial rotation of hip.

How is walking gait affected by a weak gluteus medius muscle?

Bilateral weakness of the gluteus medius muscle: the gait shows accentuated side-to-side movement, resulting in a wobbling gait or “chorus girl swing”. Some people compensate this by flexing their trunk over the weight-bearing hip.