A ‘white paper’ is a document produced by the Australian Government on a specific topic such as defence or foreign affairs. They tend to focus on government policies and can be used to propose future laws.

What exactly is a white paper?

A white paper, also written as whitepaper, is an informational document usually issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

What are Australia’s foreign policy priorities?

ensure Australians remain safe, secure and free in the face of threats such as terrorism. promote and protect the international rules that support stability and prosperity and enable cooperation to tackle global challenges, and.

Who writes the Defence white paper?

2016 Defence White Paper
Published front cover
Presented 24 February 2016
Commissioned by Department of Defence
Signatories Senator The Hon.Marise Payne, Minister for Defence

Why is it called white paper?

The term originated when government papers were coded by color to indicate distribution, with white designated for public access. Thus, white papers are used in politics and business, as well as in technical fields, to educate readers and help people make decisions.

What is a white paper example?

A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. … One famous example is the Churchill White Paper, commissioned by Winston Churchill in 1922.

Are white papers still a thing?

So, yes, whitepapers are still useful and will absolutely be so in the future. In fact, it’s most likely that, as voice search technology and machine learning become more prevalent, whitepapers will become the go-to standard for outputting valuable web content. Get those fingers ready for typing, marketers.

How long is a typical white paper?

six to eight pages Today’s typical white paper is six to eight pages long, a little shorter than in past years. Consider the format. The typical white paper looks more appealing than a technical manual yet not as slick as a brochure. White papers are typically distributed as a PDF on the web.

What happens after a white paper is published?

White Papers are often published as Command Papers and may include a draft version of a Bill that is being planned. This provides a basis for further consultation and discussion with interested or affected groups and allows final changes to be made before a Bill is formally presented to Parliament.

What countries are connected to Australia?

Australia has devoted particular attention to relations between developed and developing nations, with emphasis on the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Brunei – and the island states of the South Pacific.

What are Australia’s global priorities?

Australia’s development program

Why is international engagement important?

Ensuring Australians remain safe, secure and free in the face of threats like terrorism. Promoting a world with rules that support stability and prosperity and that also enable cooperation to tackle the many challenges that states cannot deal with alone.

What was Britain’s Singapore strategy?

In the 1920s Britain, with support from Australia, formulated its Singapore Strategy whereby it would build a huge naval base on the island as a means of protecting its interests in the region. The fall of Singapore in 1942 led the Australian Government to reconsider its alliance with Britain.

Why did Australia adopt the forward Defence?

The goals of forward defence in depth are to prevent a major-power adversary from threatening Australian and allied forces and facilities across northern Australia unmolested; to deny them access to our air and maritime approaches by controlling maritime straits across Southeast Asia; and to ensure the ADF can respond …

What is the purpose of the Defence white paper?

The Strategic Update replaces the Strategic Defence Framework set out in the 2016 Defence White Paper with three new strategic objectives: to shape Australia’s strategic environment; to deter actions against Australia’s interests; and. to respond with credible military force, when required.

What is the difference between a white paper and a blue paper?

These reports were called “Blue Papers” or “Blue Books,” named for their trademark blue covers. If the subject matter for a proposed Blue Paper was too light or informal, it would be printed with a white cover instead. These white-covered reports became known as “White Papers.”

Where can I find white papers?

White Papers

  1. White Paper Websites.
  2. Corporate White Papers.
  3. Government.
  4. NGO’s – Non-Government Organizations.

Where can I publish my white papers?

27 Places to Promote Your B2B White Papers

Are white papers still relevant 2021?

In 2021, white papers are still an essential part of a successful content marketing strategy. White papers are useful tools for building brand awareness, increasing thought leadership, ranking in search engines and earning qualified leads.

How do you structure a white paper?

The challenge, which is your audience’s pain points. An overview, which explains what you will highlight in the white paper and define the terms you’re going to use. The body, where you’ll discuss the topic, its solutions and quantifiable data/statistics. The conclusion, where you’ll wrap up what the reader has learned.

What is the difference between a white paper and a research paper?

Difference #1: The Author The author may have a background in the topic or product, but this is not required. … Ultimately, the white paper reflects directly on the company that sponsors it, not directly to the author. This anonymity could not be further from the authorship of scientific journal articles.

Are white papers useful?

White papers remain a highly influential, effective tool for generating leads and helping customers make the decision to buy. Don’t underestimate the value of clearly written, concise yet rich in technological detail, white papers.

What is the difference between white paper and ebook?

White papers are written for experts at a higher subject level expertise level. … Ebooks are written for non-experts at a low or no subject level expertise level.

How much does it cost to write a white paper?

Yes, there is Fiverr.com and Scripted where you can hire someone to write a white paper for anywhere between $5 and $300. However, our research shows that in 2021 the “average” cost for a white paper is around $4,500. Writers with specific professional knowledge and experience more often charge from $5,500 to $7,000.

How many pages should a white paper be?

To elaborate, the main body of a typical white paper is 6 to 8 pages long, shorter than in past years. With front matter and back matter, the total length is usually 10 to 12 pages.

Are white papers double spaced?

Your white paper should be 3-5 double-spaced pages (minimum of 3 full pages) with 12-point font and 1-inch margins. … You should organize your white paper carefully and use clear, specific headings so that busy readers can scan the document effectively.

Why are white papers important in interviews?

Why are interviews important when writing a white paper? They may provide new information that is not widely known. To ensure it is easy for readers to scan. … An e-book is written in a lighter tone.

What is the difference between green paper and white paper?

WHITE PAPERS are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes, which may be debated before a Bill is introduced. … GREEN PAPERS set out for discussion, proposals which are still at a formative stage.

Which comes first green or white paper?

A green paper usually presents a range of ideas and is meant to invite interested individuals or organizations to contribute views and information. It may be followed by a white paper, an official set of proposals that is used as a vehicle for their development into law.

What a white paper should contain?

White papers should identify and address a particular problem. The problem should be relevant and timely in your field. The document may focus on issues such as common dilemmas, new trends, changing techniques, industry comparison, etc.