verb (used with or without object), admixed or admixt, admixing. to mingle with or add to something else.

What is in play ads?

In-Play is Admix’s homegrown and lovingly crafted advertising solution, placing ads programmatically inside of game scenes in a non-intrusive way. … Ads are customizable with transforms, shaders, and lighting. 3 formats, all with great eCPM.

What is admixed population?

A population is termed admixed if its members possess recent ancestry from two or more separate sources. As a result of the fusion of source populations with different genetic variants, admixed populations can exhibit high levels of genetic diversity, reflecting contributions of their multiple ancestral groups.

What is commingle in English?

1 : to blend thoroughly into a harmonious whole that fine and funny book, in which horror and laughter are commingled William Styron. 2 : to combine (funds or properties) into a common fund or stock Proceeds from the sale have been commingled with other funds. intransitive verb.

What is American admixed?

Autosomal genetic structure in Tolima. Genetic structure for admixed groups indicates a composition from two main ancestral sources: Native Americans (lower shade) and Europeans (middle shade), while Indigenous from Nasa and Pijao are mostly from the Native American cluster with small admixture signals from Europe.

What is admixture in ancestry?

Admixture occurs when individuals from two or more previously isolated populations interbreed (Figure 1). The previously isolated populations are referred to as ancestral or parental and the newly formed population is referred to as admixed. Admixed or hybrid individuals have mixed ancestry. …

What is admixture in DNA?

Genetic admixture occurs when individuals from two or more genetically distinguishable groups have children together. This might happen when individuals from one part of the world settle into a new geographic region already inhabited by other people, e.g. due to invasions or large-scale migrations.

What is Amagameted?

verb (used with object), amalgamated, amalgamating. to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: to amalgamate two companies. … verb (used without object), amalgamated, amalgamating. to combine, unite, merge, or coalesce: The three schools decided to amalgamate.

What is the English meaning of intermingling?

English Language Learners Definition of intermingle : to mix together.

Is commingling illegal?

Is commingling legal? Commingling in general is legal and actually more common than you may think. Business partners who contribute their own personal funds into a joint account for the benefit of the creation or management of the business is a commingled fund.