What is Adnexa pelvis?

The adnexa is the region adjoining the uterus that contains the ovary and fallopian tube, as well as associated vessels, ligaments, and connective tissue. Pathology in this area may also be related to the uterus, bowel, or retroperitoneum, or metastatic disease from another site.

What is an adnexal pelvic mass?

An adnexal mass is a growth that occurs in or near the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the connecting tissues. They’re usually benign, but are sometimes cancerous. Some of them are filled with fluid, and some are solid.

What is meant by Adnexa?

Adnexa: In gynecology, the appendages of the uterus, namely the ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, and the ligaments that hold the uterus in place.

What does Adnexa mean on CT scan?

The adnexa of the uterus is the space in your body occupied by the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. An adnexal mass is defined as a lump in the tissue located near the uterus or pelvic area (called the adnexa of uterus).

Where is the pelvic Adnexa?

Adnexa is a Latin word meaning attachment or appendages. It refers to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that hold the reproductive organs in place. These are all located in your lower abdomen near your pelvic bone.

What is a normal Adnexa size?

The size of a normal ovary varies throughout a woman’s life, with a normal ovary measuring 3.5 2 1.5 cm in the premenopausal patient and 1.5 0.7 0.5 cm two to five years after menopause.

What is the treatment for adnexal mass?

Treatment options for adnexal masses vary depending on the specific diagnosis. Some masses can be treated conservatively, and others may require surgery. Observation is generally recommended when the appearance of the adnexal mass on ultrasonography suggests a benign growth.

Do adnexal masses need to be removed?

Removal of Adnexal Mass While some women may have no symptoms, others may experience pain, bleeding, bloating, and other issues due to the mass. Depending on the size of the mass and whether it is suspected to be benign or malignant, surgery may be necessary.

What are the cause of the adnexal masses?

Some of the causes of adnexal masses include: Ectopic pregnancy: A pregnancy where the fertilized egg implants somewhere outside the uterus. Endometrioma: A benign cyst on the ovary that contains thick, old blood that appears brown. Leiomyoma: A benign gynecological tumor, also known as a fibroid.

What does Adnexa mean in pregnancy?

Adnexa refer to the anatomical area adjacent to the uterus, and contains the fallopian tube, ovary, and associated vessels, ligaments, and connective tissue.

What is Adnexa on ultrasound?

An adnexal mass (mass of the ovary, fallopian tube, or surrounding connective tissues) is a common gynecologic issue and may present with pelvic pain or pressure or be an incidental finding on pelvic examination or pelvic imaging.

What does Pyosalpinx mean?

A pyosalpinx is the acute inflammation of the Fallopian tube fills up and swells with pus, which commonly results from inadequate or delayed treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. Herein we report a case of bilateral pyosalpinx mimicking an ovarian torsion.

Are adnexal masses cancerous?

Adnexal tumors are growths that form on the organs and connective tissues around the uterus. Adnexal tumors are most often noncancerous (benign), but they can be cancerous (malignant).

What are the symptoms of adnexal mass?

The most common symptoms encountered in a patient with an adnexal or pelvic mass are abdominal fullness, abdominal bloating, pelvic pain, difficulty with bowel movements, and increased frequency of urination, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or pelvic pressure. Some patients will present with only one of these symptoms.

What is adnexal abnormality?

An adnexal mass is an abnormal growth that develops near the uterus, most commonly arising from the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or connective tissues. The lump-like mass can be cystic (fluid-filled) or solid. While most adnexal masses will be benign (noncancerous), they can sometimes be malignant (cancerous).

Is an adnexal mass a cyst?

Adnexal masses are characterized on ultrasonography as cystic, solid, or complex. According to an American College of Radiology guideline, simple cysts in premenopausal women are considered benign. 11 Complex masses may rarely be malignant in premenopausal women.

Is an adnexal cyst An ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts, also known as ovarian masses or adnexal masses, are frequently found incidentally in asymptomatic women. Ovarian cysts can be physiologic (having to do with ovulation) or neoplastic and can be benign, borderline (low malignant potential), or malignant.

What are the symptoms of pelvic congestion syndrome?


How fast do adnexal cysts grow?

Dermoid cysts are thought to be very slow growing, with an average growth rate of 1.8 mm/year in premenopausal women. In fact, rapid growth of an ovarian mass, greater than 2 cm per year, has been used to exclude ovarian teratomas as a diagnostic consideration.

What is the normal size of ovarian cyst in MM?

Average cyst size was 71 mm (range 40-80 mm) in the laparoscopy group, and 72 mm (range 36-180 mm) in the laparotomy group.

What is the normal size of uterus?

The average uterus, which is also known as a woman’s womb, measures 3 to 4 inches by 2.5 inches. It has the shape and dimensions of an upside-down pear. A variety of medical conditions can cause the uterus to increase in size, including pregnancy or uterine fibroids.

What is adnexal surgery?

Adnexal surgery involves any of the organs that are on the sides of (next to) the uterus (womb), such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Adnexal surgery can be minimally invasive or open. Minimally invasive surgery (also called laparoscopy) is done with a small telescope that is attached to a camera.

Can adnexal cyst prevent pregnancy?

Having a cyst on an ovary does not usually affect one’s chances of becoming pregnant, which is why doctors will typically only investigate further if a couple has been trying to conceive naturally through regular intercourse for a year, but have not yet been successful in falling pregnant.

What does a mass on your ovaries mean?

What is an ovarian mass? The ovaries are the sex organs that produce female hormones, and store and release eggs between puberty and menopause. An ovarian mass may be a cyst or a tumor growth, which may be non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous, that develops in one or both of a girl’s/woman’s ovaries.

When should an adnexal cyst be removed?

Large or persistent ovarian cysts, or cysts that are causing symptoms, usually need to be surgically removed. Surgery is also normally recommended if there are concerns that the cyst could be cancerous or could become cancerous.

What is considered a large adnexal mass?

If an adnexal mass larger than 6 cm is found on ultrasonography, or if findings persist longer than 12 weeks, referral to a gynecologist or gynecologic oncologist is indicated.

How is adnexal mass biopsy done?

For ovarian cancer, the biopsy is most commonly done by removing the tumor during surgery. In rare cases, a suspected ovarian cancer may be biopsied during a laparoscopy procedure or with a needle placed directly into the tumor through the skin of the abdomen.

What is the cause of ovarian cysts?

The main causes of ovarian cysts may include hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, endometriosis, and pelvic infections. Ovarian cysts are sacs of fluid that form on either the ovary or its surface. Women possess two ovaries which sit on either side of the uterus.

What is the most common adnexal cyst found during pregnancy?

Ovarian cysts are the most commonly encountered masses in pregnancy. Corpus luteum cysts constitute 13%17% of cystic masses in pregnancy. [4,16,17] The corpus luteum forms after ovulation and persists for 89 weeks during pregnancy.