Advancement flaps are conceptually the simplest local flaps and fall within the group of sliding flaps, along with rotation flaps. [1][2][3] For these sliding flaps, the tissue is moved or slid directly into the adjacent defect without jumping over the interposed tissue.

What is a VY advancement flap?

A V-Y flap is a modified advancement flap that is used for the repair of small and medium size cutaneous defects. It has the advantage of a robust vascular supply and a reliable healing pattern.

What is local advancement flap of finger?

Local Advancement Flaps An advancement flap is a segment of tissue with an intact blood supply that is advanced forward to fill an adjacent defect. The primary examples of local advancement flaps used in fingertip injuries are the VY advancement flaps described by Atasoy [ 7 ] and Kutler [ 8 ].

What is skin advancement?

Advancement flap the flap slides directly into the defect from nearby. Rotation flap semicircular flap that rotates about a pivot point into an adjacent defect. Transposition flap the flap moves into the defect over intervening intact skin.

What is an advancement flap repair?

Advancement flap repair can be used for two common colorectal conditions, ie, anorectal fistula and anal fissure. In both conditions, the procedure covers the defect, allowing it to heal while conserving anal muscle function and avoiding faecal incontinence.

What is a double advancement flap?

Conclusions: The double-opposing rotation-advancement flap closure is a versatile reconstructive option for small, medium, and large forehead defects. The technique involves elevation of opposing, asymmetric flaps, with subsequent rotation of one side and advancement of the contralateral side.

How do you use VY advancement flap?

A V-Y advancement flap is created by making a V-shaped incision and advancing the broad base of the V into the defect. The resulting defect is closed primarily in a Y-shape (see the image below). Drawing depicts a V-Y closure that converts the distal portion of the V-shaped distal defect into a straight-line closure.

What is an interpolated flap?

An interpolated flap is a two-stage technique in which the base of the flap is not directly adjacent to the recipient defect. These flaps are used when insufficient tissue or mobility in nearby skin prevents the coverage of a surgical defect with primary closure or an adjacent flap.

What is the CPT code for advancement flap closure?

Answer: You should have reported one CPT code 14040 for the advancement flap which includes the lesion excision and repair. You should resubmit the claim with CPT 14040 and you should get paid.

How long does it take to heal a broken finger tip?

Breaks in the bones of the finger usually heal well in about 3 to 4 weeks. The pain and swelling from a broken finger can last for weeks. But it should steadily improve, starting a few days after you break it.

What is a transposition flap?

A transposition flap is a random pattern flap that borrows skin laxity from an adjacent area in order to fill a defect in an area with little or no skin laxity and, in the process, redirects the vectors of tension during closure.

What is flap skin?

Expand Section. A skin flap is healthy skin and tissue that is partly detached and moved to cover a nearby wound. A skin flap may contain skin and fat, or skin, fat, and muscle. Often, a skin flap is still attached to its original site at one end and remains connected to a blood vessel.

What is island flap?

Island flaps are raised with a base consisting solely of a fully mobilized vascular pedicle, and they may include fascia, subcutaneous tissue, skin, and segments of vascularized muscle, bone, tendon, and cutaneous nerves, depending on the particular reconstructive needs.

What is a bowel flap?

Your surgeon will move a segment of your colon or small bowel to form your new vagina. The segment is called a bowel flap or conduit. Your surgeon will reconnect the remaining parts of your colon.

How do you fix a fistula?

There are several surgical options to treat fistulas, including:

  1. A medical plug to close the fistula and allow it to heal.
  2. A thin surgical cord, called a seton, placed into the fistula to help drain any infection and allow it to heal.
  3. Opening up the fistula with an incision along its length to allow it to heal.

What is the best way to treat fistula?


  1. Fistulotomy. This procedure opens up the fistula in a way that allows it to heal from the inside out. …
  2. Filling the fistula with a special glue or plug. This is a newer type of treatment that closes the inner opening of the fistula. …
  3. Reconstructive surgery or surgery that is done in stages. …
  4. Seton placement.

Who does fistula surgery?

The surgery is performed by a colon and rectal surgeon. The goal of the surgery is a balance between getting rid of the fistula while protecting the anal sphincter muscles, which could cause incontinence if damaged. Fistulas in which there is no or little sphincter muscle involved are treated with a fistulotomy.

What is a standing cone deformity?

At the ends of linear closure, an opposite effect occurs – bulging of tissue resulting in a more convex appearance. This is also called standing cone deformity or dog-ear deformity. The bulging of tissues can be exaggerated if the ends of the fusiform closure are not tapered enough.

What does VY plasty mean?

[ vw plst ] n. A surgical method for lengthening tissues in one direction by cutting in the lines of a V, sliding the two segments apart, and closing in the lines of a Y.

How do you do az plasty?

Basic z-plasty flaps are created using an angle of 60 degrees on each side, which can lengthen a scar by 50 to 70 percent and reorient the direction of the central wound by 90 degrees. Keeping the length and angle of each flap precisely the same is key to avoiding mismatched flaps that may be difficult to close.

What is a Limberg flap?

A Limberg flap operation is a procedure for people who have either extensive or recurrent pilonidal disease. In the operation, a diamond-shaped incision (cut) is made to remove the affected skin and underlying tissue. Another incision is made in the skin to free up tissue from the buttock next to it.

What is a tubed pedicle flap?

tube flap (tubed pedicle flap) a bipedicle flap made by elevating a long strip of tissue from its bed except at the two extremities, the cut edges then being sutured together to form a tube.

What is a regional flap?

A regional flap reconstruction is conducted when tissue is transferred from a part of the body in or near the head and neck region and rotated into the surgical defect. The blood supply to the flap is left attached, and the flap of skin and/or muscle is simply rotated with the blood supply as a pedicle.

What is a direct pedicle flap?

: a flap which is left attached to the original site by a narrow base of tissue to provide a blood supply during grafting.

What is procedure code 14000?

CPT Code 14000 in section: Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, trunk.

Is an advancement flap an adjacent tissue transfer?

Adjacent Tissue Transfer: A random pattern local flap which is used to fill in nearby or local defect. To be considered an Adjacent Tissue Transfer an incision must be made by the surgeon which results in a secondary defect. Examples include; transposition flaps, advancement flaps and rotation flaps.

What is procedure code 15839?

CPT 15839 (Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue (includes lipectomy); other area) would never be separately reported for only excision of excess skin during a breast reconstruction or revision procedure. This service is included in whatever primary procedure code you’re billing.