An abomination in English is that which is exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile. …

What is an example of an abomination?

abomination Add to list Share. The noun abomination means a thing or action that is vile, vicious or terrible. For example, if you see a neighbor kick an old blind dog that’s done nothing wrong, you might remark, That kind of cruelty is an abomination!

What is the real definition of abomination?

1 : something regarded with disgust or hatred : something abominable considered war an abomination. 2 : extreme disgust and hatred : loathing a crime regarded with abomination.

Is abomination good or bad?

Abomination was a villain played by Tim Roth that appeared in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. Here’s everything you need to know about the character and his future in the MCU.

Can you kiss before marriage?

And since romantic kissing or making out leads to sexual arousal, it’s best to avoid French kissing or making out before marriage. Even if your intent is not to have sex, since your body was designed to bond and crave sex from kissing, it’s best not to make out with someone that you aren’t married to.

What is the one unforgivable sin?

One eternal or unforgivable sin (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit), also known as the sin unto death, is specified in several passages of the Synoptic Gospels, including Mark 3:2829, Matthew 12:3132, and Luke 12:10, as well as other New Testament passages including Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 10:26-31, and 1 John 5:16.

What’s the opposite of abomination?

abomination. Antonyms: love, affection, desire, enjoyment, longing, acquisition, gratification, blessing, treat, delight, benefit. Synonyms: loathing, detestation, hatred, abhorrence, plague, nuisance, evil, annoyance, infliction, curse.

What is the difference between hate and abomination?

As nouns the difference between hatred and abomination is that hatred is strong aversion; intense dislike; hateful regard; an affection of the mind awakened by something regarded as unpleasant, harmful or evil while abomination is an abominable act; a disgusting vice; a despicable habit .

How do you use the word abomination?

Abomination in a Sentence

  1. The marketing team thought the new ad to be an abomination and worked hard to come up with one they didn’t hate.
  2. People outside of the temple did things that the Lord hated, one woman making herself an abomination in his sight.

What does desolation mean in the Bible?

1 : the state of being deserted or ruined Photos showed the desolation left by the fire. 2 : sadness resulting from grief or loneliness.

How do you say abominations?

How was abomination made?

Emil Blonsky first appeared in Tales to Astonish, and was introduced as a KGB agent and spy who became the Abomination after deliberately exposing himself to a greater quantity of the same gamma radiation that transformed Bruce Banner into his alter ego the Hulk, using a machine Banner was planning on using to commit …

What does the Bible say is an Abomination?

According to Leviticus 11:10, as rendered in the KJV, And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you. This means that eating squid, prawns, lobsters and other shellfish is …

How strong is the abomination?

STRENGTH LEVEL: The Abomination possesses vast superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 100 tons. SUPERHUMAN POWERS: The Abomination possesses superhuman strength that surpasses that of the Hulk at the Hulk’s normal calm functional level.

Who is the villain in Hulk 2003?

In the 2003 film Hulk, Brian, renamed David Banner (a reference to the television series), appears as the main antagonist in the film and is portrayed by Nick Nolte as an old man and by Paul Kersey as a young man in the film’s prologue and subsequent flashbacks.

Why do we lip kiss?

Your lips have more nerve endings than any other part of your body. When you press them against another set of lips or even warm skin, it just feels good. … Along with the oxytocin and dopamine that make you feel affection and euphoria, kissing releases serotonin another feel-good chemical.

What does God says about dating?

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. The Good News: The Bible keeps it simple: Love one another and be kind. Marriage wasn’t meant to be difficult. Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.

What are the 3 unforgivable sins?

I believe that God can forgive all sins provided the sinner is truly contrite and has repented for his or her offenses. Here’s my list of unforgivable sins: Murder, torture and abuse of any human being, but particularly the murder, torture and abuse of children and animals.

What are the 3 worst sins?

These evil thoughts can be categorized into three types: lustful appetite (gluttony, fornication, and avarice) irascibility (wrath) corruption of the mind (vainglory, sorrow, pride, and discouragement)

How do you show God your sorry?

Tell God that you believe He has forgiven you. Tell yourself you believe Him and tell God you believe Him. 1 John 1:9 tells you that, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Say this scripture to God and believe it.

What is a better word for evil?

OTHER WORDS FOR evil 1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

What is a bete?

: subject to a penalty for failure to fulfill one’s contract also : down, beaten. bete. noun.

What is the synonym of abominable?

abhorrent, atrocious, awful, contemptible, despicable, disgusting, heinous, horrible, horrid, odious, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, terrible, vile, wretched, bad, base, beastly.

Is lying an abomination?

A lie is an abomination unto the Lord, and a very present help in time of trouble.

What does Toevah mean in Hebrew?

abhorrent The new Jewish Publication Society Bible translates toevah as abhorrent. This is just as bad, since to abhor is to detest extremely; to loathe; to be full with horror or disgust. This doesn’t help too much.

What does abomination mean in a sentence?

anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.: Spitting in public is an abomination.

How do you use abominable in a sentence?

Abominable sentence example

  1. It’s abominable ! she screamed. …
  2. Although not a mere grasping adventurer, he was largely responsible for reducing the internal administration of the country to an abominable system of espionage, corruption and cruelty. …
  3. All winged creeping things that have four feet were equally abominable .

What is the definition of detestation?

1 : extreme hatred or dislike : abhorrence, loathing. 2 : an object of hatred or contempt.