In everyday life, an example of cacophony would be the amalgamation of different sounds you hear in a busy city street or market. You hear sounds of vehicles, announcements on loudspeakers, music, and chatter of people, or even a dog barking at the same time and without any harmony.

What are two synonyms for cacophony?

synonyms for cacophony

How do you use cacophony in a sentence?

Cacophony Sentence Examples A cacophony of bleats, chomping and scuffling of hooves drowned out her words.Her thoughts were interrupted by a cacophony of squawks and wings beating against the chicken coop walls.We were greeted by a cacophony of sound as we entered the road.

What are cacophony words?

A cacophony is a combination of words that sound harsh or unpleasant together, usually because they pack a lot of percussive or explosive consonants (like T, P, or K) into relatively little space. … The opposite of cacophony is euphony, or the mixture of words that sound smooth or pleasant together.

What is an example of a hyperbole?

Hyperbole is a figure of speech. For example: There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army! … For example: This is the worst book in the world! the speaker doesn’t literally mean that the book is the worst one ever written, but is using hyperbole to be dramatic and emphasize their opinion.

What is the difference between euphony and cacophony?

What are euphony and cacophony? In the simplest possible terms, ‘euphony’ describes a harmonious mixing of sounds, while ‘cacophony’ describes a discordant mixing of sounds. Applied to writing, both terms can describe words, phrases, sentences, and even entire works.

What are some antonyms for the word cacophony?

Antonyms for cacophonykkf nicacophony

What is cacophony antonym?

Antonyms. comprehensibility soft agreement four-part harmony music musical harmony. noise blare blaring clamor.

What is the closest synonym for the word cacophony?

a loud harsh or strident noise. Synonyms: commotion, ruction, clamoring, rumpus, blare, tumult, din, clamouring, ruckus, hue and cry, clamour, clamor, blaring. cacophonynoun.

What do you call an annoying noise?

monotonous. adjective. a monotonous sound or voice is boring and unpleasant because it does not change in loudness or become higher or lower.

What is a cacophony in poetry?

Harsh or discordant sounds, often the result of repetition and combination of consonants within a group of words. The opposite of euphony. Writers frequently use cacophony to express energy or mimic mood. See also dissonance. Poetry Magazine.

What is a visual cacophony? says this: A cacophony is a jarring, discordant mix of sounds that have no business being played together. … Here’s an example of visual cacophony that might fit very well with’s definition. From an artist’s viewpoint, if our resource is in clutter, it has visual cacophony.

What letters are cacophony?

Cacophony examples often include harsh consonants or hissing sounds. Some of the letters you might see include b, d, g, k, p, s, and t.

Is cacophony and onomatopoeia?

It can be both but cacophony is slightly more specific as it’s used for ‘unpleasant’ sounds such as noise (‘bang’ – something with a loud sound/volume). Onomatopoeia is almost exactly the same and is defined as what a noise would sound like as a word (‘shh’ – so you hear the sound it makes). Hope this clears things up!

What does a cacophony sound like?

A cacophony is a jarring, discordant mix of sounds that have no business being played together. When the orchestra tunes up before a show, it sounds like a cacophony because each musician is playing a completely different tune, at different times, and at different volumes.

What is an example of a synecdoche?

Synecdoche refers to the practice of using a part of something to stand in for the whole thing. Two common examples from slang are the use of wheels to refer to an automobile (she showed off her new wheels) or threads to refer to clothing.

What is an oxymoron give an example?

An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words (as in Shakespeare’s line from Romeo and Juliet, Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate!). A paradox is a statement or argument that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet perhaps still truefor example, less is more.

What is the example of personification?

Common Personification Examples Lightning danced across the sky.The wind howled in the night.The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition. Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name.

What does euphony mean?

pleasing 1 : pleasing or sweet sound especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear. 2 : a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound.

Is Euphonic a word?

Resembling or having the effect of music, especially pleasing music: dulcet, euphonious, melodic, melodious, musical, tuneful.

Why do we use euphony?

The purpose of using euphony is to bring about peaceful and pleasant feelings in a piece of literary work. The readers enjoy reading such pieces of literature or poems. The long vowels create more melodious effect than short vowels and consonants, making the sounds harmonious and soothing.

Is cacophony a negative word?

Cacophony is usually used to describe a mixture of sounds that is not pleasing to the ear; therefore, it generally has a negative connotation.

What part of speech is the word cacophony?

noun cacophony

part of speech: noun
related words: clamor, discord, jar
contrasting words: music
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: cacophonous (adj.)

What is a discordance?

1 : lack of agreement or harmony : the state or an instance of being discordant. 2 music : dissonance.

What is a synonym for pantomime?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for pantomime. gesticulate, gesture, mime, sign.

What is imperviousness?

impervious im-PER-vee-us adjective. 1 a : not allowing entrance or passage : impenetrable. b : not capable of being damaged or harmed. 2 : not capable of being affected or disturbed.

What is a synonym for the word harmony?

1 concord, unity, peace, amity, friendship. 2 consonance, conformity, correspondence, consistency. See synonyms for harmony on

What is the synonym for Corpus?

noun. 1’his work has no parallel in the whole corpus of Renaissance poetry’ collection, compilation, body, entity, whole, aggregation, mass.

What is another name for xylophone?

synonyms for xylophone

What part of speech is xylophone?

part of speech: noun. definition: a percussion instrument having a series of graduated metal or wooden bars that sound the notes of the chromatic scale when struck with small wooden mallets.