A V-Y advancement flap is created by making a V-shaped incision and advancing the broad base of the V into the defect. The resulting defect is closed primarily in a Y-shape (see the image below). Drawing depicts a V-Y closure that converts the distal portion of the V-shaped distal defect into a straight-line closure.

What is an advancement flap?

Advancement flaps are random-pattern flaps frequently used in the reconstruction of surgical defects on the face after the removal of skin cancer. Proper design and meticulous execution is crucial in achieving reproducible esthetic results.

What is a volar VY advancement flap?

Fingertip amputations are common injuries with a myriad of management options. The VY advancement flap is classically used to cover distal transverse or volar favorable fingertip. amputations. Volar unfavorable amputations can be reliably resurfaced by thenar or cross-finger flaps.

What is local advancement flap of finger?

Local Advancement Flaps An advancement flap is a segment of tissue with an intact blood supply that is advanced forward to fill an adjacent defect. The primary examples of local advancement flaps used in fingertip injuries are the V–Y advancement flaps described by Atasoy [ 7 ] and Kutler [ 8 ].

What is an interpolated flap?

An interpolated flap is a two-stage technique in which the base of the flap is not directly adjacent to the recipient defect. These flaps are used when insufficient tissue or mobility in nearby skin prevents the coverage of a surgical defect with primary closure or an adjacent flap.

What is a karydakis flap?

The Karydakis flap procedure is a safe treatment alternative for the surgical treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease owing to the associated low complication rate, short hospital length of stay, rapid healing, and a high patient satisfaction rate.

How long do skin flaps take to heal?

Keeping the site moist with the above procedures will hasten healing and provide you with the nicest scar possible. Do not wear make up over the incisions or flap until the sutures are removed (or have dissolved), and a thin layer of new skin covers the area. This usually takes 7 to 10 days.

What are the different types of flaps?

There are four basic types of flaps: plain, split, Fowler and slotted.

What is a double advancement flap?

Conclusions: The double-opposing rotation-advancement flap closure is a versatile reconstructive option for small, medium, and large forehead defects. The technique involves elevation of opposing, asymmetric flaps, with subsequent rotation of one side and advancement of the contralateral side.

What is a Moberg flap?

In 1964, the volar advancement flap was first described by Moberg for the reconstruction of pulp defects of the thumb [3]. This flap is a pedicle advancement flap proximally based on an intact skin pedicle including both neurovascular bundles.

How long does it take to heal a broken finger tip?

Breaks in the bones of the finger usually heal well in about 3 to 4 weeks. The pain and swelling from a broken finger can last for weeks. But it should steadily improve, starting a few days after you break it.

What is VY plasty?

The V-Y plasty technique is an island pedicle flap procedure. While most local flaps rotate into a wound from nearby tissues, bringing the blood supply with the intact portion of the flap, island pedicle flaps receive the blood supply from below, in the capillaries immediately beneath the dermis.

What is covered by a flap like tissue?

Flaps composed of one type of tissue include skin (cutaneous), fascia, muscle, bone, and visceral (eg, colon, small intestine, omentum) flaps.

What is a regional flap?

A regional flap reconstruction is conducted when tissue is transferred from a part of the body in or near the head and neck region and rotated into the surgical defect. The blood supply to the flap is left attached, and the flap of skin and/or muscle is simply rotated with the blood supply as a pedicle.

What is a keystone flap?

The keystone flap is a fasciocutaneous flap supplied by perforating arteries. It is used in dermatology to repair surgical defects in areas with low skin extensibility (the upper and lower limbs and the back).

What is a Melolabial flap?

The melolabial flap is a versatile flap for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of the central face. Small to moderate-sized defects involving the eyelid, the nose, upper and lower lip, chin, and cheek area can readily be closed using tissue from the melolabial area.

What is a Bipedicle flap?

Bipedicled flaps are random but receive a blood supply from two pedicles, allowing the surgeon to use local tissue with an augmented nutrient blood flow. They are simple to elevate and economical in operating time.

What is nasolabial flap?

The nasolabial flap is a simple flap used for reconstructing small intraoral defects created after the excision of malignant tumors.

Is pilonidal sinus surgery painful?

Pilonidal sinus surgery is not typically painful compared with other anorectal procedures. There can be some pain. In addition to pain medication there are local measures that can be helpful. They are not important for healing and can be stopped when you don’t think they are useful.

Which surgery is best for pilonidal sinus?

Our results show that the wide excision and modified repair technique, which has been described for the first time, is an acceptable method due to a low recurrence rate and better wound outcomes comparing with wide excision alone and wide excision and flap techniques for the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus …

What is the difference between CPT 11771 and 11772?

In 11771 an extensive sinus, greater than 2 cm, is present superficial to the fascia overlying the sacrum, or there are extensions. The cystic tissue is excised and sutured in several layers. In 11772 the sinus may be infected and involves many subcutaneous extensions, which are excised.

Do skin flaps need stitches?

Any cut that squirts blood or has blood running from it needs medical attention. See a flap, stitch it back. If ever you get cut and there is a loose piece or flap of skin, it needs to be properly reattached. Got debris, the doc should see.

Will a flap of skin reattach?

A skin flap heals like a normal wound does. The flap is kept alive by the blood supplied by its own blood vessels. Over time, these blood vessels may grow and supply more blood to the area.

How do you treat skin flaps?


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Control the bleeding.
  3. Gently clean the wound with warm clean water.
  4. Gently pat dry with a clean towel.
  5. If a skin flap is still attached, try to replace it by gently rolling the skin back over the wound. …
  6. Cover the wound with a clean, non-stick pad.

What are the 4 main types of flaps on a plane?

Flaps come in 4 main varieties: plain, split, slotted and fowler (Fig. 3). The plain flap is the simplest of the four varieties. It works by lowering the aft portion of the wing, increasing its camber, which in turn causes the wing to produce more lift.

What are flaps on a woman?

The “skin flap” that you describe sounds like it could be your labia, which are located on the outside of your vagina. … Girls who have larger labia may complain of discomfort whenever they wear certain clothes such as bathing suits, and/or tights but the labia or “skin flap” shouldn’t hurt.

What is flap 3 flap full landing?

Normal flaps for landing is Flap 3 but, at the discretion of the pilot in command, up-to a maximum of 2 percent landings can be performed with Flap Full. People tend to avoid risk when a positive frame is presented but seek risks when a negative frame is presented, Singh says in his blog Mindfly.

What is Burow’s triangle?

Burow triangle – a triangle of skin and subcutaneous fat excised so that a pedicle flap can be advanced without buckling the adjacent tissue. Burow vein – one of the renal veins.

How do you do az plasty?

Basic z-plasty flaps are created using an angle of 60 degrees on each side, which can lengthen a scar by 50 to 70 percent and reorient the direction of the central wound by 90 degrees. Keeping the length and angle of each flap precisely the same is key to avoiding mismatched flaps that may be difficult to close.