basipetal movement Movement of substances towards the basal region of the plant from the root and shoot apices. Compare ACROPETAL MOVEMENT.

What is Basipetal in biology?

1. basipetal – of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from apex to base. phytology, botany – the branch of biology that studies plants. acropetal – of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex.

What is the meaning of Basipetal order?

It is a modified form of cymose inflorescence. Here, new flowers are placed at the bottom, and the relatively older flowers are placed at the top. Basipetal order is clearly visible in biparous and multiparous cymose inflorescences. Basipetal order is the opposite arrangement of acropetal order.

What is meaning of Acropetally?

acropetal (-krp-tl) adj. Of or relating to the development or maturation of tissues or organs or the movement of substances, such as hormones, from the base toward the apex. acropetally adv.

What is acropetal and Basipetal movement?

acropetal movement The movement of substances within the plant toward its root and shoot apices. Compare BASIPETAL MOVEMENT. A Dictionary of Plant Sciences.

What is acropetal auxin transport?

An acropetal stream, arriving from the shoot, flows through xylem parenchyma cells in the central cylinder of the root and directs auxin toward the root tip. A basipetal stream then reverses the direction of flow, moving auxin away from the root tip, or basipetally, through the outer epidermal and cortical cell files.

What is difference between Basipetal and acropetal?

Acropetal order is the arrangement of new flowers at the apex and older flowers at the base. In contrast, basipetal order is the flower arrangement in which older flowers are present at the apex while new flowers are present at the base. So, this is the key difference between acropetal and basipetal order.

What is Basipetal arrangement of flowers?

Basipetal succession is the arrangement of flowers on plant in which new flowers and buds are present at the bottom and the older flowers are present at the top. This type of succession is found in plants like Clerodendrum and Jasmine.

What is capitulum discuss with examples?

1 : a rounded protuberance of an anatomical part (such as a bone) 2 : a racemose inflorescence (as of the sunflower) with the axis shortened and dilated to form a rounded or flattened cluster of sessile flowers see inflorescence illustration.

What is called pedicel?

Pedicel refers to a structure connecting a single flower to its inflorescence. … The word pedicel is derived from the Latin pediculus, meaning little foot. The stem or branch from the main stem of the inflorescence that holds a group of pedicels is called a peduncle.

What is acropetal and centripetal succession?

Acropetal succession refers to the arrangement of flowers, where the older flowers are present at the base and younger flowers are present at the apex. In the centripetal succession, the younger flowers are present at the centre and older flowers are present towards the periphery.

Which inflorescence flower is produced in Basipetal order?

The Basipetal order is seen in the cymose inflorescence.

What is Pedicellate flower?

A flower which bears a stalk or pedicel is called as a pedicellate flower e.g. Hibiscus, Rose. A flower which is borne directly on the stem is called to be a sessile flower. It is devoid of a stalk. Examples are sunflower florets, Sisyrinchium.

What does nascent mean here?

1 : coming or having recently come into existence : beginning to develop nascent polypeptide chains. 2 : of, relating to, or being an atom or substance at the moment of its formation usually with the implication of greater reactivity than otherwise nascent hydrogen.

What is the difference between Racemose and Cymose inflorescence?

The main difference between racemose and cymose inflorescence is that the flowers are borne laterally and the main floral axis continues to grow in the racemose inflorescence, whereas in the cymose type, flowers are borne terminally on the floral axis and the main axis shows limited growth.

How is auxin transported in roots?

(a) Auxin (IAA) is transported down to the root tip from the shoot in the vascular cylinder. Here it is redistributed to the root cortex and epidermis, and transported back up the root to the elongation zone, where it regulates the rate of cell elongation.

How do you dissolve an NPA?

DMSO is a very good solvent for all plant hormones (NPA as well). BUT you must keep DMSO concentration less than 1 l/ml (less than 0.1%). You can also use a control medium with same amount of DMSO like in the treated roots.

How do plants control the direction of auxin movement?

These cells respond to gravity by special organelles, the statoliths, that redistribute auxin from the vasculature to the root epidermis and the lateral root cap. These tissues (which form the external cell layers of the root) transport auxin back to the elongation zone where it regulates cell elongation.

What is acropetal Leaf?

(krptl) adj. (Botany) (of leaves and flowers) produced in order from the base upwards so that the youngest are at the apex.

What is Apex in plants?

In botany, apex refers to the highest point or vertex of a plant stem or root. The shoot apex is where fresh stems, leaves, and other parts of a plant grow after the old parts fall off or dry up.

What do you mean by acropetal succession Class 11?

The racemose inflorescence is characterized by acropetal succession which means that the newly developing and young buds and flowers are arranged at the top and the older buds and flowers are found to be present at the bottom of the plant.

What is Calyx and Corolla?

Calyx and corolla are two important parts of a flower. They are together called perianth. Calyx is the collection of sepals while the corolla is the collection of petals of a flower. Calyx basically protects the developing flower and provides structural support to the flower.

What is the function of the capitulum?

Anatomical terms of bone In human anatomy of the arm, the capitulum of the humerus is a smooth, rounded eminence on the lateral portion of the distal articular surface of the humerus. It articulates with the cupshaped depression on the head of the radius, and is limited to the front and lower part of the bone.

What is capitulum in biology?

capitulum An inflorescence that consists of closely packed flowers or florets which have no stalks and arise on a flattened axis, all at the same level. The capitulum is surrounded or subtended by an involucre of bracts giving it the appearance of a single flower. Capitula are typical of the Compositae.

What is the Capitula of a flower?

A head (capitulum) is a short dense spike in which the flowers are borne directly on a broad, flat peduncle, giving the inflorescence the appearance of a single flower, as in the dandelion (Taraxacum). … This results in a grouping of small flowers in such a way as to appear as a single flower.