The English name for bael is stone apple, as its rather large fruit is like pale yellow to golden orange when ripe. In Sanskrit, it is called bilva or sriphal or shivadruma (the tree of shiva), while in Hindi, it is referred to as bel or bael or sripal (Kritikar and Basu, 1984).

What is the medicinal use of bel?

Bael contains chemicals called tannins, flavonoids, and coumarins. These chemicals help to reduce swelling (inflammation). This might help treat asthma, diarrhea, and other conditions. Also, some of these chemicals help to reduce blood sugar.

What is bel Leaf?

In India, Bael leaf is used in the worship of Shiva as its three-pronged leaf is believed to symbolize Shiva’s trident. The three-pronged leaf is also associated with the three functions of creation, preservation, and destruction. Bael is also known as Bengal quince, bilva, golden apple, and wood apple.

Is bel good for stomach?

Good for your gut It can help in preventing and curing several stomach ailments like constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, ulcer, piles. Having bel sharbat can help you improve your digestion.

What is Bael juice?

Bael fruit is a woody textured sweet and aromatic round-shaped fruit. Although its shell is hard to break, the pulp inside is quite soft and maudlin. Bael juice is extracted from this mushy pulp and it is yellowish-orange in colour with a sweet taste.

How do you eat bael?

How to Consume Bael fruit. You can consume bael either ripe or in juice form. One can make the juice out of the bael fruit by cutting the fruit and scooping the pulp out with a spoon. Peel of the skin, mash it well and soak the pulp for 2-3 hours before consuming it.

Is Bael good for kidney patients?

Bael also plays a key role in lowering the levels of cholesterol of the blood. It is useful in treating heart, liver and kidney problems. Due to the high amount of potassium, it purifies the blood, removes toxins and boosts the overall immunity of the body.

Is Bael good for diabetics?

Controls diabetes: Bael contains laxatives that keeps blood sugar levels in control, thereby helping in controlling diabetes.

Can we drink Bael juice daily?

One glass every day is a choice you can opt for if you need a filling drink which serves your sweet tooth as well. But, do not consume bael juice on a completely empty stomach. Due to the fiber content in bael juice, it is also diabetic friendly.

What is Lord Shiva’s Favourite fruit?

Dhatura Fruit Dhatura, which is generally considered to be a poisonous fruit, is an extremely favourite item of Lord Shiva. Dhatura flowers and fruits are offered to Lord Shiva after Abhishekham.

What is Bilva Patra called in English?

Bael – aegle marmelos, aegle marmelos, commonly known as bael, bengal quince, golden apple, stone apple, wood apple, bili, is a species of tree native to india.

Why does Lord Shiva like bel Patra?

Bel leaves are important as their trifoliate shape signifies Shiva’s three eyes as well as the three spokes of the lords Trishul . Since they have a cooling effect, they are offered to the Shivalinga to soothe this hot-tempered deity. … Even a fallen bel is never used as firewood, for fear of arousing Shiva’s wrath.

What are the benefits of eating Bael fruit?

Health benefits of bael fruit

Can we eat Bel in pregnancy?

Some of the associated risks of consuming wood apple during pregnancy are: Bel fruit possesses tannins that have a carcinogenic effects when utilized over the course of a long period of time. This can result in miscarriages. Eating too much of this fruit can result in pretty strong gas.

Is Bel good for health?

Bel naturally fights viral and bacterial infections, can reduce inflammation, and is considered a good cure for a number of diseases. It can relieve constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, ulcers, piles, and respiratory problems. That apart, it also helps the body fight against cancer, diabetes, and sexual dysfunctions.

What is bel fruit called in Gujarati?

Bengali : Bel. Gujarati : Bilwa Phal / Bela-Phal / Bilmi-Phal. Marathi : Bel.

How do you break bel fruit?

Break open the fruit by hitting on the floor. Scoop out the pulp in a large bowl using a spoon or a scooper. Pour in some water and mash the pulp with your hands so as to separate the seeds. Now strain the liquid using a sieve separating the seeds and the fiber.

Can Bilva leaves be eaten?

The leaves are soaked in water overnight and in the morning – strained and used as a beverage. It can be consumed daily and is also known to give relief from dyspepsia, sinusitis, cold, gastritis and indigestion. … Diabetes: Bilva leaves are known to effectively control blood sugar levels in one’s body.

Is Bael good for liver?

Is Bael good for liver? Yes, Bael is good for liver. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties. Bael leaves protect the liver against the damage caused by alcohol consumption[7][10].

How do you grow Bel?

They should be transplanted in rainy season, the stem is ordinarily 5-7 cm tall with 3-5 leaves, and the taproot, 20-25 cm long. It is also propagated by root cuttings and stem cuttings treating with IBA (4000 ppm) using quick dip method. Seedlings or budded plants are transplanted in the field at a spacing of 10-12 m.

Is Bel good for constipation?

Bael Fruit The pulp of bael (wood apple) fruit is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for constipation. Eating a half cup of bael fruit pulp and a teaspoon of jaggery every day in the evening before dinner may also help relieve constipation. You can also have bael sherbet along with tamarind water and jaggery added in it.

Can diabetic patient eat wood apple?

For those who are battling diabetes, wood apple is a perfect solution. It counteracts diabetes by controlling the severity of the condition. It manages the flow and secretion of sugars in the bloodstream. It also controls the spikes and plunges in sugar levels that can be dangerous for diabetics.

Is Bael good for weight loss?

Weight loss: Bael juice contains 140 healthy calories that are good for weight loss fanatics. As mentioned before, consuming it post a workout is a better option than going for a market sold energy drink. Due to the fiber content, it is also great to get rid of initial water weight in the body.

Is Bael fruit good for arthritis?

Arthritis and Gout Raw bael fruit is helpful in the treatment of arithritis and gout. Its pulp mixed with hot mustard oil when applied on swollen joints render relief from pain.

Can bel juice be stored in fridge?

How To Store Bael Juice? Bael juice can be stored for up to 5 days in a refrigerator. The best way to store the juice is in a glass container with an airtight seal. … Also adding Jaggery, Salt or any other condiment will not affect the quality of Bael juice.