. Possessing, or having the appearance of possessing, two lips: in botany, applied to an irregular corolla or calyx whose lobes are so arranged as to form an upper and a lower lip.
Which plant is having Bilabiate Corolla?
The mint family (the Lamiaceae, formerly known as the Labiatae, and that’s no coincidence!) is well known for having bilabiate corollas.
How do you pronounce Bilabiate?
What is mean by Protandrous animals?
In general, protandrous hermaphrodites are animals that develop as males, but can later reproduce as females.
What are Bilabiate flowers?
A bilabiate (means two-lipped) corolla is a zygomorphic, sympetalous corolla with the limb divided into two lips. Lamiaceae (the mint family) typically have bilabiate corollas. … The upper lip is 2-lobed, while the lower lip is 3-lobed.
What is Bilipped Corolla?
Bilipped or Bilabiate: Zygomorphic, gamopetalous corolla, in which petals are so fused together that they appear to be divided into two separate lips, e.g., Adhatoda, Ocimum.
Is corolla a flower?
All of the petals of a flower are collectively known as the corolla. Petals are usually accompanied by another set of modified leaves called sepals, that collectively form the calyx and lie just beneath the corolla. The calyx and the corolla together make up the perianth, the non-reproductive portion of a flower.
What is androecium and gynoecium?
Androecium and gynoecium are the two, opposite reproductive organs of the flower, the sexual reproductive structures in angiosperms. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or carpel, which comprises of stigma, style, and ovary.
What is Gamopetalous condition?
gamopetalous (comparative more gamopetalous, superlative most gamopetalous) (botany) Having petals wholly or partially fused in such a way that the corolla takes the form of a tube, trumpet, channel, or similarly nearly-rigid structure.
What is Protandric?
1. (Zool.) Having male sexual organs while young, and female organs later in life. Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G.
Are earthworms Protandrous?
Both male and female reproductive organs are present in the same worm. Hence the earthworms are known as hermaphrodites. Since the sperms develop earlier than production of ova, self-fertilization is avoided. It is known as protandry.
What is Protandry one sentence answer?
Protandry is a condition in which anthers mature first, but the stigma of the same flower is not receptive at that time.
What is rotate Corolla?
A rotate (means wheel-shaped) corolla is a sympetalous corolla with a flat, circular, and spreading limb at nearly right angles to a very short tube, as on this longitudinal section of a flower of tomato (Lycopersicon). This corolla is also plicate which means that it is folded into pleats, as in a fan.
What is Campanulate flower?
Campanulate. (Bell-shaped) A flower with a wide tube and flared lobes (petal tips), typical of the Bellflower family (Campanulaceae). The length of the tube is variable, and the open-ness of the flower, but campanulate is generally shorter and fatter than tubular, and more closed than stellate.
What are Didynamous stamens?
: having four stamens disposed in pairs of unequal length used especially of plants of the families Scrophulariaceae and Labiatae.
Which family shows Hypocrateriform of corolla?
The corolla resembles an inverted cone like a funnel as seen in Datura or many plants of the family Convolvulaceae like Ipomoea pulchella . 4. Hypocrateriform or salver-shaped: The corolla tube is long and narrow with the limb placed at right angles to it as seen’ in Vinca rosea of Apocynaceac.
What is Rosaceous corolla?
having a corolla of five broad petals, like that of a rose. like a rose; roselike: rosaceous loveliness.
What is Hypocrateriform corolla?
Definition. Referring to the shape of a sympetalous corolla in which the tube is slender and the lobes are abruptly spreading and flat.
What do sepals do?
Answer: When a flower is a bud, it is surrounded by sepals, which in many cases are green, as in this example. They protect the flower bud and are behind/underneath the petals when the flower opens. Together, all of the sepals are called a calyx.
Are sepals always green?
It is found on the outermost part of the flower, and like a petal, a sepal is considered to be a modified leaf. … However, sepals are more likely to be confused with leaves since they are typically, but not always, green.
Does a sunflower have corolla?
modified, mainly flat and elongate corolla that resembles an individual petal of most other flowers. Thus, the petals of a daisy or sunflower are actually the outermost flowers of the head. … The corolla is often divided to the base on one side, and the petals have marginal wings that may make each look trilobed.
What does gynoecium consist of?
The gynoecium, or female parts of the flower, comprises one or more pistils, each of which consists of an ovary, with an upright extension, the style, on the top of which rests the stigma, the pollen-receptive surface.
Is androecium and stamen same?
The stamen (plural stamina or stamens) is the pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower. Collectively the stamens form the androecium.
What is stamen and carpel?
Stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower that typically consists of a pollen-containing anther and a filament. The carpel is the female reproductive organ of a flower that consists of an ovary, a stigma, and a style and may be single or may be present in a group in some plants.
What is Polypetalous and Gamopetalous?
Gamopetalous: Flowers with fused petals; examples are Bindweed and Elderberry. Polypetalous: Flowers with free petals; examples are Rose and Camellia.
What is a Diadelphous?
: united by filaments into two fascicles used of stamens.
What is meant by Gamopetalous flower?
gamopetalous Describing a flower in which the petals are fused to form a corolla tube.
Graduated from ENSAT (national agronomic school of Toulouse) in plant sciences in 2018, I pursued a CIFRE doctorate under contract with Sun’Agri and INRAE in Avignon between 2019 and 2022. My thesis aimed to study dynamic agrivoltaic systems, in my case in arboriculture. I love to write and share science related Stuff Here on my Website. I am currently continuing at Sun’Agri as an R&D engineer.