The concept of ‘bureaucratization’ refers to the organization of political and economic administrative institutions on the basis of the principles of a bureaucracy.

What is the synonym of bureaucracy?

civil service, administration, government, directorate, the establishment, the system, the powers that be, corridors of power. ministries, authorities, officials, officialdom. informal Big Brother. 2’the unnecessary bureaucracy in local government’

What is the meaning of laconically?

concise : using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious.

What is bureaucratic language?

In the workplace, bureaucratic means involving complicated rules and processes that make something unnecessarily slow and difficult. People tend to use this style of phrasing because they believe there is permanence in writing. Say something and it’s gone, but write it down and it’s with us forever.

What does bureaucratization mean in history?

to divide an administrative agency or office into bureaus. to increase the number of government or business bureaus. to cause to become bureaucratic or to resemble a bureaucracy: to bureaucratize a city’s social services.

What is bureaucratization in history?

Historically, a bureaucracy was a government administration managed by departments staffed with non-elected officials. Today, bureaucracy is the administrative system governing any large institution, whether publicly owned or privately owned.

What are examples of bureaucracy?

Examples of bureaucracies can be found everywhere. State departments of motor vehicles, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), financial lending organizations like savings and loans, and insurance companies are all bureaucracies that many people deal with regularly.

What’s the opposite of bureaucratic?

Adhocracy is the opposite of bureaucracy, relying on self-organization and individual initiative to complete tasks. Bureaucracy, meanwhile, relies on defined rules and hierarchy to meet goals.

How do you use bureaucratic in a sentence?

Bureaucratic in a Sentence

What does Scurillous mean?

scurrilous SKUR-uh-lus adjective. 1 a : using or given to coarse language. b : vulgar and evil. 2 : containing obscenities, abuse, or slander.

Is laconic positive?

The word comes from Laconia, a region in ancient Greece where the local Spartan rulers gave very short speeches. Being laconic can be bad when it sounds rude to be so brief, but it can be good if you’re in a rush to get somewhere.

What is the meaning of condescendingly?

: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

What is an example of gobbledygook?

Examples and Observations: Gobbledygook or bureaucratese is another kind of doublespeak. … To the ordinary guy, all this is a bunch of gobbledygook. But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: you can’t trust the government; you can’t believe what they say, and you can’t rely on their judgment.

What is a Journalese?

noun. a manner of writing or speaking characterized by clichs, occasional neologism, archness, sensationalizing adjectives, unusual or faulty syntax, etc., used by some journalists, especially certain columnists, and regarded as typical journalistic style.

What is an example of inflated language?

It distorts words and phrases, often in order to conceal the truth. For example, if a pharmaceutical company said something like, There are some minor side effects, when they should clearly be stating, This drug may cause a heart attack, they’re using doublespeak and communicating in a deceptive manner.

What is bureaucracy Weber?

Max Weber, a German scientist, defines bureaucracy as a highly structured, formalized, and also an impersonal organization. He also instituted the belief that an organization must have a defined hierarchical structure and clear rules, regulations, and lines of authority which govern it.

Do bureaucracies still exist today?

Bureaucracy Is Not Diminished Through The Modern World Business Essay. Modern organisations have continuously come to exert and diffuse through human life. Therefore, these organisations need to be flexible and contemporary in order to satisfy the needs of human being.

What is the bureaucracy in the US?

Federal Bureaucracy The Federal Bureaucracy is the unelected, administrative body in the Executive Branch. It is the back bone of the US Government. It is arranged into departments, agencies and commissions.

What is bureaucratic system in Pakistan?

The bureaucracy consists of 12 directorates that provide vital office and secretariat related duties to the Government of Pakistan. The provincial bureaucracies are headed by the respective Chief Secretaries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan.

What is bureaucracy theory?

Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory of Management proposes that the best way to run an organization is to structure it into a rigid hierarchy of people governed by strict rules and procedures.

What does a bureaucracy do?

The job of a bureaucrat is to implement government policy, to take the laws and decisions made by elected officials and put them into practice.

What is a bureaucracy for dummies?

Bureaucracy is the structure and set of rules that control the activities of people that work for large organizations and government. It is characterized by standardized procedure (rule-following), formal division of responsibility, hierarchy, and impersonal relationships.

Is a judge a bureaucrat?

Judges, however, are also bureaucratic actors. In over half of the states they are part of the state welfare bureaucracy that has regulatory and supervisory oversight of local welfare agencies (Brodoff 2008). … Judges and bureaucrats are part of the same welfare apparatus, although they have different roles.

How is McDonald’s a bureaucracy?

Thus, from that definition of a bureaucracy, one would conclude that McDonald’s is a bureaucracy. The fact that it is bureaucracy is supported by the fact that each assigns workers to a specific job where each worker individually contributes to the overall success of the restaurant by doing his or her job.

What is bureaucratic leadership?

A leader who depends on his or her position in a clearly defined hierarchy to influence followers, who adheres to established rules and procedures, and who is generally inflexible and suspicious of change. Compare charismatic leader. See also leadership style.

What is the difference between bureaucracy and democracy?

Bureaucracy refers to both a body of non-elected government officials and an administrative policy-making group. … Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislation.

Is Adhocratic a word?

Characterized by adhocracy; informal, flexible. Also (frequently depreciative): lacking planning or strategy; ad hoc, inconsistent.

What is a bureaucratic business?

Bureaucracy in business is a hierarchical organization or a company that operates by a set of pre-determined rules. … A bureaucracy allows such a large business to create a set of rules. Bureaucratic organizations have an organizational chart for each department that delineates responsibilities and functions.

What is bureaucracy sentence?

Definition of Bureaucracy. a method of business or government in which red tape processes are used to delay action. Examples of Bureaucracy in a sentence. 1. The bureaucracy of the legislative government is delaying the passage of much needed educational funding.

How do you use autocracy in a sentence?

Autocracy in a Sentence

  1. The country is an autocracy that is controlled solely by a member of the royal family.
  2. Because the ruler wanted unlimited power, he fired his advisers and converted his nation to an autocracy.
  3. A dictatorship is one type of autocracy. …
  4. In an autocracy the leader has infinite authority.