The C2C12 cell line is a subclone of myoblasts that were originally obtained by Yaffe and Saxel at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in 1977. … These cells are capable of rapid proliferation under high serum conditions and differentiation into myotubes under low serum conditions.

What is muscle differentiation?

Differentiation of skeletal muscle is a highly controlled, multistep process, during which single muscle cells initially freely divide and then align and fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. This process of muscle differentiation in vivo is governed by a complex interplay of a wide range of growth and trophic factors.

What are C2C12 myoblast cells where did they come from?

C2C12 is a subclone from a myoblast line established from normal adult C3H mouse leg muscle1. The original cell line, C2, was obtained by Yaffe and Saxel in 1977 by establishing primary cultures from the thigh muscle of 2 month old normal mice, 70 hours after crush injury2.

What is a myoblast cell?

: an undifferentiated cell capable of giving rise to muscle cells.

What is myogenic differentiation?

Myogenic differentiation proceeds through irreversible cell cycle arrest of precursor cells (myoblasts), followed by a gradual increase in expression of muscle function genes, leading to fusion of myoblasts into multinucleate myofibers in the animal.

What are Myotubes?

Medical Definition of myotube : a developmental stage of a muscle fiber composed of a syncytium formed by fusion of myoblasts.

What cells are differentiated?

A cell that can differentiate into all cell types of the adult organism is known as pluripotent. Such cells are called meristematic cells in higher plants and embryonic stem cells in animals, though some groups report the presence of adult pluripotent cells.

Is a muscle cell differentiation?

Muscle cell differentiation begins with the conversion of mesodermal precursor cells into single-cell myoblasts, which then fuse to form myocytes. Further fusion of the myocytes produces multinucleate myotubes. … Thus, CBP/p300 are required for specific events during the late stages of muscle cell differentiation.

What creates myofibrils?

Myofibrils are composed of overlapping thick and thin myofilaments organized into distinct, repeating units called sarcomeres. … They contain primarily actin, which interacts with myosin in the thick filament, during contraction. Thin filaments also contain the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin.

What is myoblast in biology?

Myoblasts are the embryonic precursors of myocytes (also called muscle cells). Myoblasts differentiate into muscle cells through a process called myogenesis. During myogenesis, the myoblasts fuse into multi-nucleated myotubes, which later become the muscle fibers.

What are HL 1 cells?

HL-1 Cardiac Muscle Cell Line is an immortalized mouse cardiomyocyte cell line able to continuously divide and spontaneously contract while maintaining a differentiated cardiac phenotype. … HL-1 cells: a cardiac muscle cell line that contracts and retains phenotypic characteristics of the adult cardiomyocyte.

How big are C2C12 cells?

At the time of the biophysical studies, mean myotube diameter was 12 microns (range 5-25 microns), and mean length was 290 microns (range 130-520 microns).

Is another name for muscle cell?

myocytes The muscle tissue is comprised of specialized cells capable of contraction. These cells are called muscle cells (also called myocytes or muscle fiber). The muscle cell is also called the muscle fiber because it is long and tubular.

Is a muscle Fibre a cell?

Each skeletal muscle fiber is a single cylindrical muscle cell. An individual skeletal muscle may be made up of hundreds, or even thousands, of muscle fibers bundled together and wrapped in a connective tissue covering. Each muscle is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the epimysium.

Which cells contain Sarcoplasm?

Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of a muscle cell. It is comparable to the cytoplasm of other cells, but it contains unusually large amounts of glycogen (a polymer of glucose), myoglobin, a red-colored protein necessary for binding oxygen molecules that diffuse into muscle fibers, and mitochondria.

Are myoblasts differentiated?

Myoblast differentiation is an ordered multistep process that includes withdrawal from the cell cycle and the expression of key myogenic factors leading to myoblast differentiation and fusion into multinucleated myotubes.

What does the term myogenic mean?

: taking place or functioning in ordered rhythmic fashion because of the inherent properties of cardiac muscle rather than specific neural stimuli a myogenic heartbeat.

Do humans have myoglobin?

Myoglobin is found in your heart and skeletal muscles. There it captures oxygen that muscle cells use for energy. When you have a heart attack or severe muscle damage, myoglobin is released into your blood. Myoglobin increases in your blood 2 to 3 hours after the first symptoms of muscle damage.

Are Myotube and Myofiber the same?

As nouns the difference between myofiber and myotube is that myofiber is muscle fiber while myotube is (anatomy) a structure of elongated multinucleate cells that contains some peripherally located myofibrils.

What cells form myotubes?

Primary myotubes are developed from embryonic myoblasts and can differentiate into both slow (type I) and fast fiber types (type II). This differentiation occurs before the motor nerve axons have contacted the newly formed muscle.

Are cardiac muscle myogenic?

The contractions of cardiac muscle cells in the heart are myogenic, although the rhythm of the heartbeat can be modified by neural and hormonal stimulation.

What are the advantages of cell differentiation?

The main advantage of cell differentiation is that cells become specialised to perform specific functions efficiently. E.g. the cell loses its protoplasm and develops a lignified cell wall to facilitate the transport of water by tracheary elements of the xylem.

What is the main purpose of cell differentiation?

Cell differentiation creates all of the different structures in your body, like muscles, bones and organs. Cell differentiation also produces the vast number of organisms on Earth and allows for many different cell structures to exist and function both properly and efficiently.

What is cell differentiation simple definition?

Listen to pronunciation. (sel DIH-feh-REN-shee-AY-shun) The process during which young, immature (unspecialized) cells take on individual characteristics and reach their mature (specialized) form and function.

Which acid accumulates in muscle tissue and cause fatigue?

Lactic acid is formed and accumulated in the muscle under conditions of high energy demand, rapid fluctuations of the energy requirement and insufficient supply of O2. During intense exercise sustained to fatigue muscle pH decreases to about 6.4-6.6.

What is a muscle cell and its function?

Muscle tissue is composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts. The tissue is highly cellular and is well supplied with blood vessels.

How muscle are formed?

Muscle tissue is formed in the mesoderm layer of the embryo in response to signals from fibroblast growth factor, serum response factor, and calcium. In the presence of fibroblast growth factor, myoblasts fuse into multi-nucleated mytotubes, which form the basis of muscle tissue.

What are the names of the two myofibrils found in muscles?

The filaments of myofibrils, myofilaments, consist of two types, thick and thin:

What is the main function of smooth muscles?

The primary function of smooth muscle is contraction. Smooth muscle consists of two types: single-unit and multi-unit. Single-unit smooth muscle consists of multiple cells connected through connexins that can become stimulated in a synchronous pattern from only one synaptic input.

What is the longest protein?

titin With its length of ~27,000 to ~35,000 amino acids (depending on the splice isoform), titin is the largest known protein.