Calcinosis universalis is a rare and interesting condition of unknown etiology characterized by deposits of calcium in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The diagnosis is easily made roentgenographically.

What causes calcinosis?

Calcinosis may be caused by trauma, inflammation, varicose veins, tumors, infections, connective tissue disease, hyperphosphatemia, and hypercalcemia. Calcinosis cutis is associated with systemic sclerosis.

Is calcinosis treatable?

The treatment of calcinosis cutis is often challenging and the subtype influences the approach to treatment. Potential interventions include treatment for an underlying disease, medication to reduce calcium deposits, medication to minimize inflammation, and physical removal of calcium deposits.

What does calcinosis mean?

Dystrophic calcinosis is the abnormal collection of calcium salts in or under the skin and in muscles or tendons, even when levels of calcium in the blood are normal.

What does crest syndrome mean?

Limited scleroderma, also known as CREST syndrome, is one subtype of scleroderma a condition whose name means hardened skin. The skin changes associated with limited scleroderma typically occur only in the lower arms and legs, below the elbows and knees, and sometimes affect the face and neck.

What is calcinosis Circumscripta?

Calcinosis circumscripta is an uncommon syndrome of ectopic idiopathic, dystrophic, metastatic or iatrogenic mineralization characterized by deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues.

Is calcinosis serious?

The lesions may have no symptoms, or they may be severe, painful, or oozing a whitish substance. In rare cases, a lesion may become life-threatening. Here are areas where the lesions typically appear in each of the subtypes of calcinosis cutis: Dystrophic calcification.

What autoimmune disease causes calcium deposits?

Key points. Dermatomyositis is a rare disease that causes muscle weakness and skin rash. Symptoms include a red or purple rash on sun exposed skin and eyelids, calcium deposits under the skin, muscle weakness, and trouble talking or swallowing. There is no cure, but treatment is done to reduce the symptoms.

Which organ is metastatic calcification typically associated with?

Typical locations for metastatic calcification include the lungs (metastatic pulmonary calcification) and kidneys but the condition can also occur in the liver and heart.

Does lupus cause calcium deposits?

In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the formation of ectopic calcium deposits is a rare finding. The first cases were described in 1961 and occurred at a mean of 9.8 years following diagnosis of SLE.

What does calcinosis feel like?

Calcinosis. Calcinosis is a collection of insoluble calcium salts within or beneath the skin, that feel like hard, chalky lumps. It often occurs in people with systemic sclerosis, especially with the limited type. Calcinosis tends to occur over pressure points, for example at the fingertips.

Is calcinosis cutis an STD?

Idiopathic calcinosis cutis of the penis is a benign, albeit rare, condition appearing as asymptomatic nodules on the mid to distal penile shaft or foreskin of predominantly uncircumcised men.

How do you get rid of calcinosis?

Calcinosis cutis treatments These can include corticosteroids (cortisone), magnesium supplements, and aluminum antacids, although these are generally of limited benefit. Your doctor may recommend surgical removal of the calcinosis if it repeatedly becomes infected, is very painful, or restricts motion.

What causes calcium deposits under the skin?

Medical conditions that cause abnormal amounts of calcium or phosphorus trigger a form of calcium deposits called metastatic calcinosis cutis. 3 The most common cause is chronic kidney disease. Other causes include hyperparathyroidism, tumors, sarcoidosis, excess vitamin D levels, and milk-alkali syndrome.

What kind of doctor treats calcinosis cutis?

A nephrologist, a rheumatologist, and/or a hematologist should be consulted, as indicated by the underlying disease.

What are the first signs of CREST syndrome?

People with this form of the disease have at least two of the symptoms below:

What are the first signs of scleroderma?

Scleroderma Symptoms

Is CREST an autoimmune disease?

Scleroderma refers to a number of conditions that cause an abnormal buildup of collagen in the body. Too much of this protein makes your skin and other connective tissues thicken and harden. In some cases, it can also affect your organs, such as the lungs and heart. CREST syndrome is an autoimmune disease.

How does Cushing’s cause calcinosis cutis?

Cause: Calcinosis cutis occurs when calcium crystals are abnormally deposited in the skin. The most common cause is high levels of steroids, either due to steroid administration or due to increases in steroid production by the body (

How long does it take for calcinosis cutis to heal?

Idiopathic CC has no underlying cause and will resolve on its own within 12 months.

Why do dogs get calcium deposits?

The most common cause of metastatic calcinosis cutis in dogs is overproduction of adrenal hormones (corticosteroids or steroids). This may be due to overgrowth or cancer of the adrenal glands or of the pituitary, the gland that controls the adrenals.

What medicines cause calcinosis?

Iatrogenic calcification happens when you are given a calcium phosphate drug or solution. This is usually an accidental outcome of a procedure or treatment. These can include: Intravenous calcium chloride or calcium gluconate for tuberculosis treatment.

Is calcification a tumor?

Calcifications aren’t connected to the calcium in your diet. They also can’t develop into breast cancer. Rather, they are a marker for some underlying process that is occurring in the breast tissue. In most cases, the process is benign (not associated with cancer).

Is calcification a form of arthritis?

Calcific periarthritis (perry-arth-ritus) is a condition that involves painful swelling around joints. It’s known as a calcium crystal disease because the pain is caused by crystals of the mineral calcium rubbing against soft tissue inside the body.

What does autoimmune rash look like?

Autoimmune rashes can look like scaly red patches, purplish bumps, or more. The appearance of autoimmune rashes will be different, depending on which autoimmune condition is triggering the skin rash. For example, cutaneous lupus may cause a scaly red patch that does not hurt or itch.

What does scleroderma rash look like?

Nearly everyone who has scleroderma experiences a hardening and tightening of patches of skin. These patches may be shaped like ovals or straight lines, or cover wide areas of the trunk and limbs. The number, location and size of the patches vary by type of scleroderma.

Can you have an autoimmune disease and not know it?

Autoimmune diseases are not easy to diagnose unless specific prominent symptoms are present. Autoimmunity, however, can be diagnosed with a blood test that looks for auto-antibodies or tests looking for inflammation and dysfunction of certain organs most likely to be damaged by an immune system gone rogue.

What is the major cause of metastatic calcification?

Metastatic calcification is caused by an increased calcium phosphate product in the blood, and may result from hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia, or both. It is commonly associated with hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis, metastatic disease, and myeloma (Fig.

Is Metastatic calcification reversible?

It is partially reversible by parathyroidectomy in some patients, in contrast to large vessel calcification.

Why is metastatic calcification called?

Metastatic calcification is deposition of calcium salts in otherwise normal tissue, because of elevated serum levels of calcium, which can occur because of deranged metabolism as well as increased absorption or decreased excretion of calcium and related minerals, as seen in hyperparathyroidism.