Campanulate. (Bell-shaped) A flower with a wide tube and flared lobes (petal tips), typical of the Bellflower family (Campanulaceae). The length of the tube is variable, and the open-ness of the flower, but campanulate is generally shorter and fatter than tubular, and more closed than stellate.

What is Campanulate Calyx?

Bell-shaped as in many flower corollas. The adjective campanulate describes the calyx and corolla of certain flowers that are characterized by a broad tube more or less ventricose at the base, terminating with little recurved lobes, shaped like a bell or campana; Resembling in shape a flower of the genus Campanula.

What does Companulate mean?

: shaped like a bell campanulate flowers.

What is Campanulate Corolla?

A campanulate corolla is a bell-shaped corolla. This is a photo of balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus).

What is Bilabiate Corolla?

A bilabiate (means two-lipped) corolla is a zygomorphic, sympetalous corolla with the limb divided into two lips. … The upper lip is 2-lobed, while the lower lip is 3-lobed.

What is Gamopetalous condition?

gamopetalous (comparative more gamopetalous, superlative most gamopetalous) (botany) Having petals wholly or partially fused in such a way that the corolla takes the form of a tube, trumpet, channel, or similarly nearly-rigid structure.

What is Polysepalous and Gamosepalous?

Gamosepalous refers to a flower that possesses a calyx, consisting of fused sepals. … Polysepalous refers to a flower that possesses a calyx, consisting of separate sepals.

What is rotate Corolla?

A rotate (means wheel-shaped) corolla is a sympetalous corolla with a flat, circular, and spreading limb at nearly right angles to a very short tube, as on this longitudinal section of a flower of tomato (Lycopersicon). This corolla is also plicate which means that it is folded into pleats, as in a fan.

What is Infundibuliform Corolla?

Petals are modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers. They are often brightly colored or unusually shaped to attract pollinators. Together, all of the petals of a flower are called as a corolla. Funnel shaped corolla is called as infundibuliform corolla.

What is petaloids?

Petaloid is the condition of having structures resembling petals. In some flowers, sepals and petals are indistinguishable from each other as their color, size, and the shape are the same. … Here, the sepals and petals of a flower are collectively known as the perianth.

What do bell flowers symbolize?

The more common name of the flower is bell flower. … The flower is mostly used to convey a feeling of gratitude. There are many meanings attached to this plant. It is also found as a symbol of affection, constancy and everlasting love.

What is the meaning of Synandrous?

Synandrous meaning Filters. (botany) Having stamen fused along both their filaments and anthers. adjective. 2. (botany, rare) Having stamens fused together in any way.

Which family shows Hypocrateriform of corolla?

The corolla resembles an inverted cone like a funnel as seen in Datura or many plants of the family Convolvulaceae like Ipomoea pulchella . 4. Hypocrateriform or salver-shaped: The corolla tube is long and narrow with the limb placed at right angles to it as seen’ in Vinca rosea of Apocynaceac.

What is Caryophyllaceous corolla?

Caryophyllaceous When five petals are clawed and have their limbs spreading outside. Example: Caryophyllaceae family members. Papilionaceous It is an irregular, polypetalous corolla with its five petals arranged so as to resemble a butterfly. … Campanulate They have bell-shaped corolla.

Why is the corolla of Solanum described as Gamopetalous?

Explanation: Besides that corolla is also known to protect the inner whorls of the flowers which are also the reproductive parts of the flower that is the androecium and the gynoecium. … Solanum nigrum shows a rotate shaped corolla which is a wheel-shaped corolla and it consists of several pleats and has small tubes.

How do you pronounce Bilabiate?

What is Polypetalous Corolla?

Definition. Having petals free from one another. Same as choripetalous; opposite of sympetalous.

What is Rosaceous Corolla?

having a corolla of five broad petals, like that of a rose. like a rose; roselike: rosaceous loveliness.

What is Polypetalous and Gamopetalous?

Gamopetalous: Flowers with fused petals; examples are Bindweed and Elderberry. Polypetalous: Flowers with free petals; examples are Rose and Camellia.

What is Gamosepalous?

: having the sepals united.

What is Epicalyx flower?

An epicalyx, which forms an additional whorl around the calyx of a single flower, is a modification of bracteoles In other words, the epicalyx is a group of bracts resembling a calyx or bracteoles forming a whorl outer to the calyx. It is a calyx-like extra whorl of floral appendages.

What is poly sepals and gamma sepals?

(a) Gamosepalous: If sepals are joint or fused together, the calyx is said to be gamosepalous. E.g. Hibiscus. (b) Polysepalous: If sepals are free and not joined together, the calyx is said to be polysepalous. E.g. Rose, Mustard.

Who is calyx?

1 : the usually green outer whorl of a flower consisting of separate or fused sepals. 2 : a cuplike division of the renal pelvis surrounding one or more renal papillae. 3 : a cup-shaped animal structure (such as the body wall of a crinoid)

What is Sepaloid and Petaloid?

The difference between sepaloid and petaloid is: If a perianth is green, then it is known as sepaloid. If a perianth is colourful, then it is known as a petaloid.

What are cruciform crops?

A typical flower of Brassicaceae. Description: A flower of Allysimum saxatile based on an unvouchered plant from the Gargano Peninsula, Italy. … There are four long and two short stamens. Note the emarginate, obcordate petals arranged in a cruciate or cross-like pattern.

What is twisted Aestivation?

Twisted aestivation: In such a type of arrangement petals or sepals overlap with the next one. … Imbricate aestivation: In such a type of arrangement one petal or sepal is internal or overlapped on both the margins. Another one petal or sepal is external with both of its margins overlapping.

What is Hypocrateriform Corolla?

Definition. Referring to the shape of a sympetalous corolla in which the tube is slender and the lobes are abruptly spreading and flat.

What is Infundibuliform Corolla found in family?

Answer: Corolla is found in Flower family !!!!!!

Which flower has funnel Corolla?

Infundibuliform: ADVERTISEMENTS: Regular, gamopetalous corolla with their petals in the form of a funnel, e.g., members of Convolvulaceae. Corolla in Plants: Type # 7.

What is Hypocrateriform Corolla give an example?

Salver-Shaped or Hypocrateriform – Corolla tube is long and narrow with spreading limbs. eg. Vinca.