What is chyle fluid?

Chyle is a milky fluid made in the bowels (intestines) during digestion. Depending the cause, doctors can treat chylous ascites (KYE-lus uh-SYE-teez) and often cure it.

What causes Chyle leak?

What causes chylothorax? It results from leakage of lymph fluid from the thoracic duct (or one of its tributaries) by either direct laceration, such as from surgery, or from nontraumatic causes. The most common nontraumatic cause is malignancy, especially lymphoma.

What is chyle drainage?

Chyle is the lymphatic fluid in the wall of the bowel consisting of an emulsion of lymph and triglyceride fat (chylomicrons); chyle is transported from the lymphatic vessels in the wall of the intestine to the lymphatic vessels in the mesentery, where they coalesce into the cisterna chyli, which joins the thoracic duct …

How is chyle fluid different from lymph fluid?

Chylothorax is a rare but serious condition in which lymph formed in the digestive system (chyle) accumulates in your chest cavity. Lymph is a fluid containing white blood cells and proteins that moves through your lymphatic system and drains into your bloodstream.

What is the function of chyle?

Chyle plays a critical role in immune function, transporting immunoglobulins and T lymphocytes around the body. However, its primary function is nutritional. Ingested fats and lymph from the stomach, pancreas and intestine are absorbed by the peritoneal lymphatics and transported, in chyle, to the cisterna chylii.

What is chyle made up of?

Chyle is made primarily of chylomicrons, an aggregate of long-chain triglycerides, cholesterol esters, and phospholipids. It is also rich in lymphocytes, primarily T lymphocytes as the major cellular component with concentrations that range from 400 to 6800 cells.

How do I stop chyle from leaking?

Octreotide therapy has been shown to be successful in high-volume leaks, with reported success in a 2300-mL chyle leak that persisted after 8 days of MCT diet then resolved 6 days after initiation of octreotide therapy with no adverse events.

What causes chyle leak after abdominal surgery?

Conclusion. Chylous leakage is a common postoperative complication of abdominal neuroblastoma, predisposed by the number of lymph nodes resected. It responds to conservative management and does not compromise further the oncological treatment and outcome hence; it should not be a deterrent to complete surgery.

How serious is a chyle leak?

Chyle extravasation can result in delayed wound healing, dehydration, malnutrition, electrolyte disturbances, and immunosuppression. Prompt identification and treatment of a chyle leak are essential for optimal surgical outcome.

What happens if you have a chyle leak?

Chyle extravasation can result in delayed wound healing, dehydration, malnutrition, electrolyte disturbances, and immunosuppression. Prompt identification and treatment of a chyle leak are essential for optimal surgical outcome.

What is a chyle in medical terms?

(kile) A milky-white fluid that forms in the small intestine during digestion. It is made of lymph fluid and fats. Special lymph vessels carry chyle from the intestines to the blood.

How do I know if my chyle is leaking?

The presence of chylomicrons and a triglyceride level higher than 110 mg/dL confirm the diagnosis of a chylous leak. The presence of chyle may be confirmed in the laboratory by measuring fat and protein content, pH, and specific gravity.

What is the difference between chyle and Chyme?

Chyme is a mixture of partially digested food and abdominal fluids. Chyle is a milky fluid that drains out from the small intestine during the digestion into the lymphatic system.

What is the difference between Hydrothorax and pleural effusion?

When unspecified, the term pleural effusion normally refers to hydrothorax. A pleural effusion can also be compounded by a pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleural space), leading to a hydropneumothorax. …

Pleural effusion
Diagram of fluid buildup in the pleura
Specialty Pulmonology

Why does chyle have a milky white appearance?

In people on a normal diet, this fluid collection can sometimes be identified by its turbid, milky white appearance, since chyle contains emulsified triglycerides. Chylothorax is a rare but serious condition, as it signals leakage of the thoracic duct or one of its tributaries.

What is chylomicron and chyle?

Chyle: A fluid consisting of a mixture of lymphatic fluid (lymph) and chylomicrons that has a milky appearance. Chylomicrons are small fat globules composed of protein and lipid (fat) which are combined in the lining of the intestine.

What are the 4 main functions of the lymphatic system?

Your lymphatic system, part of your immune system, has many functions. They include protecting your body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fats and removing cellular waste.

What is the function of right lymphatic duct?

The lymphatic vessels return the lymph to the venous system via two main channels: The right lymphatic duct drains the right thorax, upper limb, head and neck. The thoracic duct drains all lymph from the lower half of the body.

How chyle is formed?

The chyle is formed from the chyme during the digestion of fatty foods. During the digestion of dietary fat, bile is discharged from the gallbladder into the duodenum to emulsify the lipids. The bile salts, in particular, aggregate around the droplets of lipids and form micelles.

What is the fluid found in Lacteals called?

chyle The lymph in the lacteals has a milky appearance due to its high fat content and is called chyle. The third and probably most well known function of the lymphatic system is defense against invading microorganisms and disease.

How is chyle delivered to the blood?

Chyle is delivered to the blood via the lymphatic system. All lymphoid organs develop from the mesoderm. About 3 liters of fluid are lost to the tissue spaces every 24 hours and are returned to the bloodstream as lymph.

Why does MCT leak for Chyle?

Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are often recom- mended in the treatment of chyle leaks. As discussed previously, MCT is thought to be absorbed directly across the mucosa into the portal circulation and does not require transport via the lymph system.

How does octreotide help Chyle leak?

It is used in the treatment of chylothorax, because it acts directly on vascular somatostatin receptors to minimize lymphatic fluid excretion. In addition, octreotide increases splanchnic arteriolar resistance and decreases gastrointestinal blood flow, indirectly reducing lymphatic flow.

What is the treatment of Chyluria?

The treatment of chyluria generally includes a low-fat meal and medium-chain triglyceride diet as noninvasive treatment, and instillation of sclerosing solutions (such as silver nitrate) into the renal pelvis and surgical or retroperitoneoscopic renal pedicle lymphatic disconnection as invasive treatment [8], [9].

What causes fluid build up after surgery?

Surgery causes damage to the blood and lymph vessels and surrounding tissue. An inflammatory response occurs, and the severed vessels and tissues will produce clear fluid in response. This is why there is pain and swelling after surgery. In some cases, the fluid forms a pocket, which leads to the formation of a seroma.

How do you prevent Lymphorrhea?

A non-adherent, absorbent sterile dressing should be applied to the leaking area to prevent further trauma to the skin and to absorb the leakage. Pressure is the key to stop lymphorrhea. This may be in the form of bandaging, compression garments or wraps.

What is chyle fistula?

Chyle fistula is a potentially devastating phenomenon that results from violation of the thoracic duct or right lymphatic duct in the neck, most commonly during radical neck dissection. It may impair nutrition, compromise and delay wound healing, and prolong hospitalization.

Can Chylothorax be cured?

Long-term outlook for chylothorax Nearly all patients with thoracic duct trauma can be cured. Experts at CHOP have also seen encouraging results when treating patients with other types of chylothorax. Treatment often provides a long-term cure.

How do you manage thoracic duct injury?

Without treatment, the mortality is up to 50% and thus, early aggressive therapy is indicated. Traditional conservative management includes low-fat diet, parenteral nutrition, careful monitoring of fluid and electrolytes, and drainage of the neck wound or chylothorax.

How is thoracic duct injury diagnosed?

Chyle leak should be suspected in the post-surgical period when there is a serosanguinous fluid or milky fluid in the drain. A triglyceride level >110 mg/dL in the fluid is indicative of a chyle leak. CT scan is useful in diagnosing a chyle leak.