adjective. stingy; miserly; tight.

What does the term illiberal mean?

: not liberal: such as. a : not broad-minded : bigoted illiberal thinking.

What is an extravagant person?

Someone who is extravagant spends more money than they can afford or uses more of something than is reasonable. … Something that is extravagant costs more money than you can afford or uses more of something than is reasonable.

What does Ungenerously mean?

: not generous: a : petty, mean ungenerous criticisms. b : deficient in liberality : stingy an ungenerous offer.

What is spendthrift consumer?

: a person who spends money foolishly, profusely, or wastefully. spendthrift.

What is political illiberalism?

An illiberal democracy is a governing system in which, although elections take place, citizens are cut off from knowledge about the activities of those who exercise real power because of the lack of civil liberties; thus it is not an open society.

What does puritanical person mean?

very strict English Language Learners Definition of puritanical : very strict especially concerning morals and religion.

What is the Unguis?

Medical Definition of unguis : a fingernail or toenail.

What do you mean by Livres?

1 : an old French monetary unit equal to 20 sols. 2 : a coin representing one livre. 3 : the pound of Lebanon and Sudan.

What is the meaning of immoderately?

adverb. to a degree that exceeds the bounds or reason or moderation. synonyms: unreasonably. Antonyms: fairly, jolly, middling, moderately, passably, pretty, reasonably, somewhat. to a moderately sufficient extent or degree.

What is the meaning of squandered in English?

transitive verb. 1 : to spend extravagantly or foolishly : dissipate, waste squandered a fortune. 2 : to cause to disperse : scatter. 3 : to lose (something, such as an advantage or opportunity) through negligence or inaction.

What does generous guys mean?

A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected. … A generous person is friendly, helpful, and willing to see the good qualities in someone or something. He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.

What does laissez faire meaning?

The driving principle behind laissez-faire, a French term that translates to leave alone (literally, let you do), is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be, and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics is a key part of free-market capitalism.

What is the opposite generous?

Opposite of inclined to be generous or to share in abundance. stingy. selfish. begrudging. cheap.

What is the purpose of a spendthrift trust?

A spendthrift trust is a type of trust that limits your beneficiary’s access to assets. Instead of receiving their inheritance all at once, the funds are released incrementally. It serves as a protection mechanism against bad spending habits, as well as creditors.

Who hates money one word?

Piker. Piker can refer to a tightwad, a cheapskate, or basically anyone who does not like to spend or give money. One theory on the word’s origin connects it to a nickname given to Missourians in the 19th century around the time of the 1849 Gold Rush.

What kind of person is a spendthrift?

A spendthrift (also profligate or prodigal) is someone who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful with money, often to a point where the spending climbs well beyond his or her means.

Is China a democratic country?

China is not a democracy. It is an authoritarian state which has been characterized as totalitarian surveillance state, and a dictatorship. During a visit to Europe in 2014, Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping said that a multi-party system would not work for China.

What Neoliberalism means?

Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.

What is a populist?

Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of the people and often juxtapose this group against the elite or the establishment. … Populist parties and social movements are often led by charismatic or dominant figures who present themselves as the voice of the people.

What is censorious attitude?

/sens.ri.s/ formal. often criticizing other people: his censorious attitude to those who do not share his opinions.

What is puritanical rule?

Strict, straight laced, and unsmiling, someone who is puritanical follows moral or religious rules to the letter. Describing someone as puritanical is usually a bit of a criticism, since the word implies that the person is not just religious, but overly rigid in his or her beliefs and not a lot of fun to be around.

What is a priggish?

adjective. fussy about trivialities or propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner:At the beginning of the book, Eustace is an unpleasant, unlikable, and priggish character.

Are claws made of keratin?

A true claw is made of a hard protein called keratin. Claws are used to catch and hold prey in carnivorous mammals such as cats and dogs but may also be used for such purposes as digging, climbing trees, self-defense and grooming, in those and other species.

What does Inclivity mean?

: a rude or impolite attitude or behavior : lack of civility.

What is another word for Unguis?

What is another word for unguis?

hoof foot
ungula cleft
cloven frog
paw tramp
ungulate cloven hoof

What is the meaning of Livres in Tamil?

translation and definition livre, tamil lexicon Word. Tamil Definition. livre. (.) .

Which country currency is livres?

The livre (French for pound) was the currency of Kingdom of France and its predecessor state of West Francia from 781 to 1794. Several different livres existed, some concurrently. The livre was the name of both units of account and coins.

How is Livres pronounced?

noun, plural livres [lee-verz; French lee-vruh].