Compound odontomas are regularly calcified tissue that bear similarity to teeth or appear as a collection of small teeth. We report a rare case of compound odontoma in the mandible of an adult patient with clinical and radiological features and a review of the literature.

What is the difference between compound and complex odontoma?

There are two types of odontomas: complex and compound. A compound odontoma has a tooth-like structure and is arranged in a uniform manner, similar to a normal tooth, while a complex odontoma has a mixed structure of disorganized tissue mass, according to the WIMJ article.

What is odontoma composed of?

A compound odontoma consists of the four separate dental tissues (enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp) embedded in fibrous connective tissue and surrounded by a fibrous capsule.

Are odontomas cancerous?

Ameloblastoma is the most common with 39.6 percent of odontogenic tumors. Odontomas are not cancer. They are considered benign tumors, though in humans they are often surgically removed.

What causes compound Odontoma?

Odontomas have been extensively reported in the dental literature, and the term refers to tumors of odontogenic origin. Though the exact etiology is still unknown, the postulated causes include: local trauma, infection, inheritance and genetic mutation.

Do odontomas grow back?

Adenomas can recur, which means you will need treatment again. About 18% of patients with non-functioning adenomas and 25% of those with prolactinomas, the most common type of hormone-releasing adenomas, will need more treatment at some point.

What is a complex odontoma?

Complex odontoma is a common odontogenic tumor, and it is usually a hard painless mass, which rarely exceeds diameter of the tooth. Most of these lesions are discovered accidentally on radiographic examination. The common signs and symptoms include impacted permanent teeth and swelling.

What is AOT in dentistry?

Abstract. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a well-recognised slow growing benign tumor derived from complex system of dental lamina or its remnants. This lesion is categorised into three variants of which the more common variant is follicular type which is often mistaken for dentigerous cyst.

How rare is an odontoma?

Odontomas constitute about 22% of all odontogenic tumors of the jaws. Approximately, 10% of all odontogenic tumors of the jaws are compound odontomas. The incidence of compound odontome ranges between 9 and 37% and the complex odontome is between 5 and 30%.

Does odontoma need to be removed?

While an odontoma is a tumor, it’s a benign one and not uncommon. That alone is great news! However, odontomas usually require surgical removal. They’re made up of dental tissue that resembles abnormal teeth or calcified mass that invade the jaw around your teeth and could affect how your teeth develop.

What does an odontoma look like?

The complex odontoma appears as an irregular mass of calcified material surrounded by a thin radiolucent area with smooth periphery and the compound type shows calcified structures resembling teeth in the center of a well-defined radiolucent lesion.

What does odontogenic mean?

Medical Definition of odontogenic 1 : forming or capable of forming teeth odontogenic tissues. 2 : containing or arising from odontogenic tissues odontogenic tumors.

How can you tell if a lump is cancerous?

Bumps that are cancerous are typically large, hard, painless to the touch and appear spontaneously. The mass will grow in size steadily over the weeks and months. Cancerous lumps that can be felt from the outside of your body can appear in the breast, testicle, or neck, but also in the arms and legs.

What are the bumps inside my lower jaw?

This condition occurs on the inner side of the lower jaw. Torus or Tori (plural) is a benign bone growth in the mouth, and in 90 percent of cases, there is a torus on both the left and right sides of your oral cavity, making this an overwhelmingly bilateral condition.

How do you remove an Odontoma?

Odontoma requires surgical removal and following surgery, the adjacent impacted tooth may spontaneously erupt; otherwise, a surgical-orthodontic treatment is necessary. When an odontoma is associated with a tooth aplasia, an orthodontic space-closure may be the appropriate treatment option.

What does Dilaceration mean?

Dilacerations. Dilaceration is defined as a deviation or bend in the linear relationship of a tooth crown to its root. This occurs most often in the permanent dentition and frequently affects the maxillary incisors (Fig.

Is Amelogenesis imperfecta hereditary?

Amelogenesis imperfecta can have different inheritance patterns depending on the gene that is altered. Many cases are caused by mutations in the FAM83H gene and are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern . This type of inheritance means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder.

What is Ameloblastoma?

Overview. Ameloblastoma is a rare, noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops most often in the jaw near the molars. Ameloblastoma begins in the cells that form the protective enamel lining on your teeth. Ameloblastoma occurs in men more often than it occurs in women.

What are odontogenic tumors?

Odontogenic tumor is the medical term for a growth or cyst that affects the jaw. They range greatly in size and severity and most are benign (non-cancerous; non-spreading). In rare cases they may be cancerous (malignant) and may spread.

Are Odontomas asymptomatic?

Most odontomas are asymptomatic and are discovered during routine radiographic investigations and can cause disturbances in the eruption of the teeth, most commonly delayed eruption or deflection.

What is idiopathic Osteosclerosis?

Idiopathic osteosclerosis is a focus of increased bone density. Usually appears to be elliptical, round, or irregular in shape. No expansion. Also known as dense bone island, bone scar, focal periapical osteopetrosis, or enostosis.

How can you tell the difference between AOT and Dentigerous cysts?

The characteristic radiographic difference between dentigerous cyst and follicular AOT is that the radiolucency in the former is never associated with part of the root (always attached at the cervix) whereas in the latter it is most commonly associated with the part of the root.

What is Ameloblastic fibroma?

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is an extremely rare true mixed benign tumor that can occur either in the mandible or maxilla.[1] It is frequently found in the posterior region of the mandible, often associated with an unerupted tooth.[2] It usually occurs in the first two decades of life with a slight female predilection, …

What is Gorlin cyst?

The calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT), also known as calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) or Gorlin cyst is a rare developmental lesion which arises from odontogenic epithelium. Although the lesion has been commonly recognized as a benign odontogenic cyst since Gorlin et al.

Does Odontoma cause pain?

Odontomas rarely erupt into the mouth and tend to be associated with impacted teeth. Despite their benign nature, however, their eruption into the oral cavity can give rise to pain, inflammation, and infection and different clinical appearance.

Are Odontomas genetic?

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare, inherited condition caused by a defect in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Most people inherit the gene from a parent. But for 25 to 30 percent of people, the genetic mutation occurs spontaneously.

What is cause Hypercementosis?

Hypercementosis is excessive deposition of cementum on the tooth roots. In most cases, its cause is unknown. Occasionally, it appears on a supraerupted tooth after the loss of an opposing tooth. Another cause of hypercementosis is inflammation, usually resulting from rarefying or sclerosing osteitis.