cytophilic antibody cytotropic antibody. cytotoxic antibody any specific antibody directed against cellular antigens, which when bound to the antigen, activates the complement pathway or activates killer cells, resulting in cell lysis.

What is Cytophilia?

: having an affinity for cells.

What is Cytotropic?

Medical Definition of cytotropic : attracted to cells a cytotropic virus.

Which is Cytophilic immunoglobulin?

IgE antibodies are cytophilic and selectively attach themselves to the cell membranes of circulating basophils and tissue mast cells.

What does cytotoxic mean?

Listen to pronunciation. (SY-toh-TOK-sik AY-jent) A substance that kills cells, including cancer cells. These agents may stop cancer cells from dividing and growing and may cause tumors to shrink in size.

What is a Cytotropic antibody?

n. An antibody that has an affinity for additional kinds of cells unrelated to its specific affinity for the antigen that induced it.

Which type of hypersensitivity is antibody dependent?

Type II hypersensitivity reaction refers to an antibody-mediated immune reaction in which antibodies (IgG or IgM) are directed against cellular or extracellular matrix antigens with the resultant cellular destruction, functional loss, or damage to tissues.

Are cytotoxins bad?

Disadvantages of Cytotoxic Agents Cytotoxic agents are associated with toxicity because of their mode of action. Cytotoxics attack all rapidly dividing cells, including healthy cells and cancer cells, and so they can cause side effects by damaging normal rapidly dividing cells.

What does high cytotoxicity mean?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cytotoxicity is the quality of being toxic to cells. Examples of toxic agents are an immune cell or some types of venom, e.g. from the puff adder (Bitis arietans) or brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa).

What does a cytotoxin do?

A cytotoxin (noun) has a direct toxic or destructive effect on certain cells of the body (usually those of a particular organ). Specific examples include nephrotoxins which damage the kidneys and neurotoxins which damage the nervous system and brain.