Differential diagnosis: The process of weighing the probability of one disease versus that of other diseases possibly accounting for a patient’s illness. The differential diagnosis of rhinitis (a runny nose) includes allergic rhinitis (hayfever), the abuse of nasal decongestants and, of course, the common cold.

What is the difference between diagnosis and differential diagnosis?

A differential diagnosis means that there is more than one possibility for your diagnosis. Your doctor must differentiate between these to determine the actual diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Unfortunately, there are currently no lab tests to identify depression.

What is differential diagnosis and why is it important?

Generating a differential diagnosis that is, developing a list of the possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs is an important part of clinical reasoning. It enables appropriate testing to rule out possibilities and confirm a final diagnosis.

Why is it important to have differential diagnosis?

Differential diagnosis, that is, the creation of a list of suspected diseases, is important as it guides us in looking for these diseases in a patient during diagnosis. If a disease is not included in differential diagnosis, it is not likely to be diagnosed.

What does a differential diagnosis look like?

Most differential diagnoses include a physical exam and a health history. During a health history, you’ll be asked about your symptoms, lifestyle, and previous health problems. You’ll also be asked about your family’s health problems. Your provider may also order lab tests for different diseases.

What does DDx stand for?

differential diagnosis In healthcare, a differential diagnosis (abbreviated DDx) is a method of analysis of a patient’s history and physical examination to arrive at the correct diagnosis. It involves distinguishing a particular disease or condition from others that present with similar clinical features.

How do you do a differential diagnosis?

How to Create A Differential Diagnosis (Clinical Reasoning)

  1. Collect Data.
  2. Distill the Data into Pertinent Positive and Negative Findings.
  3. Create a problem representation.
  4. Adopt a Differential Diagnosis Framework.
  5. Apply the Pertinent Positive and Negative Findings to the Framework.

Why is it called differential diagnosis?

A differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions or diseases that could be causing your symptoms. It’s based off of the facts obtained from your symptoms, medical history, basic laboratory results, and a physical examination.

What is a differential diagnosis article?

Background. Differential diagnosis is a systematic process used to identify the proper diagnosis from a set of possible competing diagnoses.

What is differential diagnosis SLP?

In order to make the best treatment plan, a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) must make what is called a differential diagnosis . This means that he/she must evaluate your child and review his/her records regarding pregnancy, birth and development in order to figure out which of the many possibilities may be causing …

What is differential diagnosis in dentistry?

Diagnosing lesions of the oral mucosa is necessary for the proper management of patients. Clinical differential diagnosis is the cognitive process of applying logic and knowledge, in a series of step-by-step decisions, to create a list of possible diagnoses.

What are the 4 types of nursing diagnosis?

There are 4 types of nursing diagnosis according to NANDA-I. They are: Problem-focused. Risk. …

What is a differential diagnosis for ADHD?

The differential diagnosis for ADHD includes developmental variations, neurologic or developmental conditions, emotional and behavioral disorders, psychosocial or environmental factors, and certain medical problems (table 1).

What does bad differential sound like?

A failing differential will often produce loud whirring noises or sometimes rattling. Any time you hear a strange noise coming from your vehicle, you should get it checked out by an auto repair expert. It can be any number of problems, including the differential.

What is the differential diagnosis of appendicitis?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or tubo-ovarian abscess. Endometriosis. Ovarian cyst or torsion. Ureterolithiasis and renal colic.

What is differential assessment?

Differentiated assessment. Differentiated assessment involves teachers making adjustments to and modifying assessment activities for individual students or a group of students.

What are some issue of differential?

Noisy differential. Noise coming from the differential is often a sign that something is wrong. However, there are a few different situations that can lead to a ring and pinion noise. If the ring and pinion was previously quiet and suddenly began making a loud noise, the gears are most likely wearing out.

What are the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain?

Selected Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain

Pain location Possible diagnoses
Left lower quadrant Colonic: colitis, diverticulitis, IBD, IBS
Gynecologic: ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, ovarian mass, torsion, PID
Renal: nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis
Any location Abdominal wall: herpes zoster, muscle strain, hernia

What is DDX medical term?

Diff dx: Abbreviation for differential diagnosis, the process of weighing the probability of one disease versus that of other diseases to account for a patient’s condition.

What is a differential diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder?

ASD often co-occurs with other disorders [3]. Children with ASD are likely to have psychiatric comorbidities, often including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, and depression [4,5,6]. Anxiety disorders are among the most common comorbid disorders in ASD.

What are the differential diagnosis of malaria?


Differential diagnosis of Malaria Symptoms Diagnosis
Brucellosis Relative lymphocytosis
Typhoid fever Decreased hemoglobin
Malaria Microcytosis, elevated LDH
Tuberculosis Mild normocytic anemia, hyponatremia, and hypercalcemia

What is a differential diagnosis in nursing?

Differential diagnosis, the process by which providers use clinical reasoning to filter through possible diagnoses, is routine practice for advanced practice nurses.

What is the difference between comorbidity and differential diagnosis?

Differential diagnoses are disorders that mimic ADHD while comorbid disorders are disorders that occur together with ADHD (either causally-related or independent and occur concurrent with ADHD). A careful assessment of other possible diagnoses should be undertaken at the time of evaluation.

What are the different types of diagnosis?

In reality, a diagnostic procedure may involve components of multiple methods.

What is a differential diagnosis psychology?

Step 3: Rule Out a Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. There are many general medical conditions that can cause mental health symptoms. Nearly every diagnosis in the DSM-5 states that causative general medical conditions must be ruled out prior to diagnosing a mental health disorder.

What’s a rear differential?

The rear differential is responsible for changing the direction of the power, so it is no longer along the car or longitudinal. From there, the differential directs that power to the wheels. The differential contains gears that help with this 90-degree change of direction on the rear axles.

What are the differential diagnosis of stroke?

The differential diagnosis of ischemic stroke may include brain tumour, hemorrhagic stroke, subdural hemorrhage, neurosyphilis, complex or atypical migraine, hypertensive encephalopathy, wernicke’s encephalopathy, CNS abscess, drug toxicity, conversion disorder, electrolyte disturbance, meningitis or encephalitis, …

What are the differential diagnosis of pneumonia?

Pneumonia should be differentiated from other conditions that cause cough, fever, shortness of breath and tachypnea, such as asthma, COPD, CHF, cancer, GERD, pulmonary emboli.