Dorsal capsulodesis is a reconstructive procedure that provides a checkrein mechanism to prevent abnormal flexion of the scaphoid. It is performed for patients with symptomatic scapholunate instability, a reducible scaphoid, and no arthritic changes about the wrist.

What is a Capsulodesis thumb?

Abstract. A deformity of hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb occurring in thirteen children with spastic cerebral palsy was corrected by capsulodesis of the joint. The technique involves shifting the metacarpal attachment of the volar plate more proximally in the metacarpal.

What is CMC arthroplasty surgery?

Thumb CMC arthroplasty involves removing the small wrist bone that is part of the CMC joint and replacing it with a wrist flexor tendon. During the procedure, a small incision (approximately 1.5 inches) is made over the CMC joint, and the trapezium wrist bone is removed.

Why is arthrodesis performed?

Bone or joint fusion surgery, called arthrodesis, is performed to relieve arthritis pain in the ankles, wrists, fingers, thumbs, or spine. In arthrodesis, two bones on each end of a joint are fused, eliminating the joint itself and making one continuous bone. This surgery is typically quite successful.

What is hyperextension of the thumb?

The joint may also hyperextend meaning that the torn ligament(s) may allow the joint to extend beyond its normal extended position. This type of injury is considered a moderate injury and one that needs immediate attention and treatment. The athlete may experience immediate pain and disability of the thumb.

When is a CMC arthroplasty needed?

The carpometacarpal joint is located at the base of the thumb and aids in many hand movements. When the cartilage shock absorber wears away, surgeons may recommend an arthroplasty to remove and replace the joint with a skin graft or an artificial implant made out of silicone, metal, or pyrocarbon.

How is CMC diagnosed?

CMC joint osteoarthritis is diagnosed by history, physical examination, and x-rays. Ligaments and muscles are the two key factors that affect joint stability in the thumb. Treatment options for CMC joint osteoarthritis include conservative care, steroid injections, and surgery.

Can I type after CMC arthroplasty?

You can use your hand for very light activities of daily living, such as eating, writing, typing, getting dressed, and brushing your teeth. Avoid any heavy gripping, pulling, or pinching with the thumb until your surgeon or therapist says you may do these things.

Is arthrodesis a major surgery?

Arthrodesis in the wrist stabilizes the joint. It fuses the long bone in your forearm to the smaller bones in your wrist. This is a major surgical procedure. Your doctor may only recommend it after trying conservative treatments first.

How is arthrodesis done?

Arthrodesis, also referred to as a joint fusion, the uniting of two bones at a joint, is typically completed through surgery. In simple terms, the orthopedic surgeon manually straightens out the damaged joint, removes the cartilage, and then stabilizes the bone so that they heal together.

Is arthrodesis the same as arthroplasty?

Conclusion Arthrodesis provides pain relief and satisfactory results but alters the biomechanics of gait. Like arthrodesis, arthroplasty improves pain significantly, being a more physiological alternative to preserve the biomechanics of the foot.

What causes Jersey finger?

A “jersey finger” occurs when the tendon responsible for flexing the tip of the finger is torn. The most commonly injured finger is the ring finger. The torn tendon can slide as far back as the palm. Athletes participating in sports requiring frequent grasping.

What does a hyperextended hand feel like?

Signs and Symptoms Of A Hyperextended Wrist Pain upon the onset of the injury. Feeling a popping or tearing in the wrist on the impact of injury. Swelling of the hand or wrist. Tenderness in the affected region.

Is hyperextension the same as a sprain?

A hyperextended finger injury occurs when the ligaments on the palm side of your fingers stretch or slightly tear, causing a sprain to those ligaments. Ligaments are connective tissues that hold two bones together at a joint.