Famciclovir (brand name Famvir®) is an anti-viral medication used to treat feline herpesvirus (FHV-1). Its use in cats is ‘off label’ or ‘extra-label’. Many drugs are commonly prescribed for off label use in veterinary medicine. In these instances, follow your veterinarian’s directions and cautions very carefully.

What is FCG cats?

Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is a severe, immune-mediated, oral mucosal inflammatory disease of cats. The typical location of the ulcerative and/or proliferative inflammatory lesions is lateral to the palatoglossal folds, previously referred to as the fauces.

How long should I give my cat famciclovir?

Dosage and Administration of Famciclovir Dosing is commonly 250-500mg per dose twice daily for two weeks. If your pet is experiencing severe ocular symptoms, an antiviral eye drop may also be prescribed.

Can famciclovir be compounded for cats?

Famciclovir is used to predominantly treat cats suffering from feline herpes virus and FHV (feline viral rhinotracheitis.) Consult your veterinarian. This is a compounded medication specifically made for your pet based on a prescription from your licensed veterinarian. Compounded medications are not returnable.

What causes feline Gingivostomatitis?

Unfortunately, the exact cause of FCGS is still unknown. It seems that cats with FCGS have a hyper- immune reaction to plaque and oral bacteria that leads to this inflammation. This may first show up with the eruption of the adult teeth. Most cats are not diagnosed with this condition until they are over 6 years old.

What percentage of cats with stomatitis are FIV positive?

While 10 to 81 percent of cats with stomatitis may be positive for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), the prevalence of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection has been consistently low, ranging from 0 to 17 percent.

How do you treat stomatitis in cats?

The treatment of stomatitis involves treating the underlying cause of the problem if there is one that can be identified. Most often no specific cause is determined. Many cats will require broad-spectrum antibiotics, chlorhexidine rinses or gels, and anti-inflammatory medications.

How long does it take for antivirals to work in cats?

Topical and oral antiviral medications can be used together. Because antiviral medications do not kill the virus, it can take several days and up to 1 to 2 weeks to note significant improvement of clinical signs. Antiviral medications slow viral replication allowing the immune system to control virus shedding.

Why has Famvir been discontinued?

Novartis has informed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the discontinuation of Famvir (famciclovir). The reason for the discontinuation is not due to manufacturing, product quality, safety or efficacy concerns.

How long does it take for famciclovir to work?

The recommended dosage of Famvir is 250 mg three times daily for seven days. Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after herpes zoster is diagnosed. Studies have shown Famvir to be of benefit when started within 72 hours of the onset of rash. Greatest benefit occurs if Famvir is started within 48 hours.

What does gabapentin do to a cat?

Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant and analgesic drug used by vets to treat chronic pain, seizures, and anxiety in cats. Mild sedation in cats is the main potential side effect of the drug. Your cat might also experience incoordination and diarrhea.

What does L-lysine do for cats?

For both people and cats, L-lysine is a way to manage and control herpes effectively. This amino acid is present in every cat’s body, but some cats do not have enough of it to ward off infections and illnesses.

How do you get a cat to take a pill?

Can you reverse gingivitis in cats?

If a cat has severe gingivitis, tooth brushing can be quite painful, so consult with a veterinarian before considering brushing the teeth of a cat with gingivitis. Luckily for cats who have already developed gingivitis, the condition is usually reversible.

How can I treat my cats mouth infection at home?

If your cat is suffering from stomatitis, then either switch to a soft canned food or moisten your cat’s dry food with water, so it forms a mash. Some cats may even find it difficult to eat canned food; in this case, you may have to puree canned food until their gums heal.

How do I stop my cats teeth from Resorpting?

As there is no known cure for this disease and no known way to prevent it, an annual oral exam and radiographic monitoring of the teeth are recommended to ensure your pet’s mouth remains healthy and comfortable.

Should a cat with stomatitis be euthanized?

No matter what treatments are done, a small percentage of treated cats don’t really improve significantly with full mouth extractions. Sadly, some pet parents choose humane euthanasia when pain continues despite exhausting all treatment options.

How long do cats live with stomatitis?

However, with appropriate oral health care such as a dental diet and yearly exams/cleaning, this form of dental disease is treatable and cats can live for many years with their pearly whites. In contrast, stomatitis is characterized by extreme inflammation and pain and thus requires more extreme treatment.

Is feline stomatitis fatal?

Stomatitis in cats is rarely fatal. But it is serious and causes problems when not treated due to the pain associated with the disease and the resulting inappetence that arises when cats find their mouth too painful to eat.

What is the fastest way to cure stomatitis?

Anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids (including prednisone) are the most effective treatment for canker sores, as they will reduce swelling and pain.

How can I help my cat with mouth pain?

The only effective treatment for dental pain is to address the cat’s underlying dental disease. While pain medication may help decrease pain levels for a short time, the pain will continue to recur until the underlying issue is addressed. address the cat’s underlying dental disease.

What can you do for a cat with a mouth ulcer?

Be sure to tend to your cat’s mouth ulcers frequently to prevent them from experiencing severe inflammation or bacterial infections. If an infection arises, your veterinarian will likely prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to treat the condition.