: a line joining points on the earth’s surface having the same mean winter temperature β€” compare isothere. What does Isokeraunic mean?
isokeraunic (not comparable) Indicating areas that have the same amount of thunderstorm activity.

What does Isochime mean?

winter temperature a line on a map connecting places with the same mean winter temperature. What is Isohaline in social?
Isohaline is an ‘imaginary line’ on a map that connects all points of the ocean with same salinity. Explanation: Iso means ‘same’ and haline means ‘salinity’.

What is an Isobront?

: a line on a chart marking the simultaneous development of a thunderstorm at different points on the earth’s surface. Which area of the United States shows the lowest number of lightning strikes?

the west coast In the United States, the west coast has the fewest lightning strikes, and Florida sees more lightning than any other area; In 2018, 14 Florida counties ranked in the top 15 counties in the United States for having the highest lightning density. Florida has the largest number of recorded strikes during summer.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does Isogonal mean?

: an imaginary line or a line on a map joining points on the earth’s surface at which the magnetic declination is the same. β€” called also isogonal.

What is isodose?

: of or relating to points or zones in a medium that receive equal doses of radiation.

What is an index Isobath?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart that connects all points having the same depth below a water surface (as of an ocean, sea, or lake) 2 : a line similar to an isobath indicating depth below the earth’s surface of an aquifer or other geological horizon.

What is Isonephs geography?

: a line on a map connecting points that have the same average percentage of cloudiness.

What is Isonif?

What does Isotachs mean?

equal wind speed : a line on a map or chart connecting points of equal wind speed.

What state has the worst lightning?

According to a 2020 report published by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network, in 2019, Texas had 16,032,609 in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning strikes, the highest number of any state in the country, with Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Florida, Missouri, South Dakota, Iowa, Colorado, and New Mexico rounding out …

What country gets the most lightning?

3. The most lightning-struck location in the world. Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is the place on Earth that receives the most lightning strikes. Massive thunderstorms occur on 140-160 nights per year with an average of 28 lightning strikes per minute lasting up to 10 hours at a time.

What U.S. city has the most thunderstorms?

Lakeland, Florida averages 100 thunderstorm days a year, the most of any significant city in the entire country.

Is Agonic a word?

adjective Mathematics Now Rare. not forming an angle.

What is the Isogonic line?

An isogonic line is a line over the surface of the earth upon which magnetic declination is constant. An agonic line is an isogonic line upon which the declination is zero.

What is Isogonal mapping?

An isogonal mapping is a transformation. that preserves the magnitudes of local angles, but not their orientation. A few examples are illustrated above. A conformal mapping is an isogonal mapping that also preserves the orientations of local angles.

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