The honeybee and other social insects provide the clearest example of kin selection. … So any behavior that favors honeybee sisters (75% of genes shared) will be more favorable to their genotype than behavior that favors their children (50% of genes shared). Which best describes kin selection?
Kin selection is altruism that helps to increase a relative’s fitness and consequently the individual’s own fitness. Group selection is a process where an individual’s detrimental behavior is beneficial to the population.

What is kin selection in primates?

The theory of kin selection, first articulated by Hamilton (1964), provides a solution to the problem. … The ability to recognize kin implies that kin selection may shape altruistic behavior in primate groups. I focus on two cases in which kin selection is tightly woven into the fabric of social life. What is Hamilton’s inequality?
Hamilton’s rule underlies the theory of inclusive fitness (in which an organism’s genetic success is believed to be derived from cooperation and altruistic behaviour. … Given that the average genetic relatedness (that is, r) between two full sisters is 0.5, then according to Hamilton’s rule (0.5 × 1) > 0.25.

What is Hamilton’s rule?

Hamilton’s rule asserts that a trait is favored by natural selection if the benefit to others, B, multiplied by relatedness, R, exceeds the cost to self, C. Specifically, Hamilton’s rule states that the change in average trait value in a population is proportional to BR−C. Is kin selection the same as inclusive fitness?

Kin altruism can look like altruistic behaviour whose evolution is driven by kin selection. Kin selection is an instance of inclusive fitness, which combines the number of offspring produced with the number an individual can ensure the production of by supporting others, such as siblings.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How does kin selection explain altruism?

Kin selection theory predicts that animals are more likely to behave altruistically towards their relatives than towards unrelated members of their species. Moreover, it predicts that the degree of altruism will be greater, the closer the relationship.

How is kin selection different from altruism?

The main difference between kin selection and reciprocal altruism is that kin selection favors the reproductive success of the other relatives even at a cost to the organism’s own survival and reproduction. … Furthermore, kin selection uses shared genes, while reciprocal altruism does not use shared genes.

What is kin selection theory in social psychology?

Kin Selection. Definition. Otherwise known as inclusive fitness theory, kin selection refers to the theory that people have evolved to favor others who are genetically related to them. The logic of the theory is that a gene can propagate itself through two routes.

What is kin selection scholarly articles?

The basic empirical prediction of kin selection theory is that social behavior should correlate with genetic relatedness; in particular, altruistic actions, which are costly to the actor but benefit others, are more likely to be directed toward relatives.

How do primates recognize their kin?

What is kin selection and altruism and how are the two related?

Altruism is behaviour that is performed for the benefit of others. The two are related because kin selection is the tendency for an organism to act altruistically in the interest of genetic relatives and generally speaking the closer the genetic relationship the greater the level of altrusim, such as parents.

What is the difference between kin selection and group selection?

The intuitive idea is that kin selection occurs in populations that are structured such that relatives tend to interact differentially, whereas group selection occurs in populations in which there are stable, sharply bounded, and well-integrated social groups at the relevant grain of analysis.

How does Hamilton’s rule account for the persistence of spite?

how does hamilton’s rule account for the persistence of SPITE? Age is a deleterious aspect of our lives that does not seem to be adaptive.

How do you find the C in Hamilton’s rule?

Are humans Eusocial?

Humans, who are more loosely eusocial, dominate land vertebrates. Eusociality has arisen independently some 10 to 20 times in the course of evolution, says Tarnita, a junior fellow in Harvard’s Society of Fellows.

What is an altruistic person?

Altruism is the unselfish concern for other people—doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. It involves acting out of concern for the well-being of other people.

What is altruism and reciprocity?

Reciprocal altruism or reciprocity is one solution to the evolutionary paradox of one individual making sacrifices for another unrelated individual. If individuals interact repeatedly, altruism can be favoured as long as the altruist receives a reciprocal benefit that is greater than its initial cost.

Does kin selection require kin recognition?

Kin recognition, also called kin detection, is an organism’s ability to distinguish between close genetic kin and non-kin. There is debate over this, since in strict theoretical terms kin recognition is not necessary for kin selection or the cooperation associated with it. …

Is kin selection natural selection?

Kin selection is a part of natural selection. Selection normally favors a gene if it increases reproduction, because the offspring share copies of that gene, but a gene can also be favored if it aids other relatives, who also share copies. It is this selection via relatives that is referred to as kin selection.

What does relative fitness mean?

Models of Selection One can speak of the fitness of an individual or a genotype or an allele. Fitness can also be measured on a relative scale: Relative Fitness = The average contribution to the offspring generation relative to the contribution of another type.

What is altruism example?

Altruism refers to behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself. For example, giving your lunch away is altruistic because it helps someone who is hungry, but at a cost of being hungry yourself. … Recent work suggests that humans behave altruistically because it is emotionally rewarding.

What is the most altruistic animal?

Elephants bonding using their trunks.

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