A technique of mandibular nerve block is described which uses a more lateral approach at a higher level than those techniques currently used, in order to enable the deposition of anesthetic solution on the one position at the neck of the condyle, thereby anesthetizing the inferior alveolar, lingual, buccal, and …

What are the types of regional anesthesia?

Regional anesthesia makes a specific part of the body numb to relieve pain or allow surgical procedures to be done. Types of regional anesthesia include spinal anesthesia (also called subarachnoid block), epidural anesthesia, and nerve blocks.

What is infiltration anesthesia?

Local infiltration anesthesia is the technique of producing loss-of-sensation restricted to a superficial, localized area in the body. A low concentration of anesthetic agent is infiltrated into the tissues in the area that requires anesthesia.

What medication is used for regional anesthesia?

Among the adjuvants to local anesthetics, clonidine is by far the most used drug in regional anesthesia; its yield in improving and prolonging the effects of local anesthetics is apparent in neuraxial techniques.

What does long buccal nerve supply?

The buccal nerve, often called the long buccal nerve by dentists, supplies sensory information to areas of the face and mouth, specifically the cheeks and the gum areas near the second and third molars.

How many lengths of needles are used in dentistry?

Needle length – Dental needles are available in three lengths: long, short, and ultra-short. The two most common lengths of needles used for intraoral injections with the traditional syringe are the long and the short (see Figure 2).

What type of anesthesia is used for colonoscopy?

Most often, either moderate sedation or deep sedation with the anesthetic propofol are used for colonoscopies. An anesthesiologist is sometimes present for moderate sedation sometimes called conscious sedation by patients, though the term is technically incorrect.

What are the three types of anesthesia?

3 types of anesthesia

Which type of anesthesia is also called balanced anesthesia?

ambulatory anesthesia anesthesia performed on an outpatient basis for ambulatory surgery. balanced anesthesia anesthesia that uses a combination of drugs, each in an amount sufficient to produce its major or desired effect to the optimum degree and to keep undesirable effects to a minimum.

What is infiltration anesthesia used for?

Infiltration anesthesia is often used for minor surgical and dental procedures. Nerve block anesthesia is used for surgical, dental, and diagnostic procedures and for pain management. Uses for infiltrative anesthetics are as follows: Subcutaneous infiltration (IV placement, superficial/shave biopsy, suturing)

What is the difference between infiltration and block anesthesia?

Local cutaneous infiltration is the most commonly used anesthetic technique and involves direct injection into the area requiring anesthesia. Field blocks provide anesthesia by circumferentially blocking innervation to the area.

How do you give infiltration Anaesthesia?


  1. Retract the cheek so the tissue of the mucobuccal fold is taut.
  2. Apply topical anesthetic.
  3. Orient the needle bevel toward the bone.
  4. Penetrate the mucous membrane mesial to the primary molar to be anesthetized directing the needle to a position between the roots of the tooth.

Which type of anesthesia is also known as a nerve block?

Regional anesthesia, also known as a nerve block, which blocks pain in a specific part of your body during and after surgery.

Which drug blocks nerve conduction in the local region of body?

Drugs commonly used for peripheral nerve blocks include lidocaine, ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and mepivacaine. These drugs are often combined with adjuvants (additives) with the end goal of increasing the duration of the analgesia or shortening time of onset.

What’s the difference between local and regional anesthesia?

Local anesthesia numbs just a small area of tissue where a minor procedure is to be done. Regional anesthesia numbs a larger (but still limited) part of the body and does not make the person unconscious.

Where does the buccal nerve exit?

The BN, commonly referred to as the long buccal nerve by dental clinicians, is a sensory nerve that emerges between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle and then descends toward the cheek along the tendon of the temporalis muscle.

Where is the buccal nerve located?

The buccal nerve (long buccal nerve) is a nerve in the face. It is a branch of the mandibular nerve (which is itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve) and transmits sensory information from skin over the buccal membrane (in general, the cheek) and from the second and third molar teeth.

Which nerve has a buccal branch?

the facial nerve The buccal branches of the facial nerve run horizontally to pass below the orbit and around the mouth. The buccal nerve has a superficial and deep branch. The superficial branch passes sandwiched between the skin and the superficial muscles of the face.

Why are dentist needles so big?

Another advantage of larger needles is that they have a larger diameter lumen (the hollow tunnel within them). This helps to minimize injection pressure as the anesthetic is expressed (which helps to minimize pain).

What local anesthesia is used in dentistry?

Nowadays, the most common anesthetic dentists use is Lidocaine. Novocain used to be the more common option a few decades ago, professionals now use other anesthetics that work better and longer.

What needle sizes are most commonly used in dentistry?

The most common gauges are 25, 27, and 30 gauge. Malamed recommends using the smallest gauge (largest diameter) needle available which allows for easier aspiration, less deflection of the needle as it perforates the soft tissue, and less chance of breakage at the hub.

What is the safest anesthesia for colonoscopy?

Propofol is considered safe and effective for most patients, but there are some side effects that need to be considered. The drug may lower blood pressure and cause slower breathing.

Do they intubate you for a colonoscopy?

When you go in for a colonoscopy, you usually receive some type of anesthesia to help you manage the discomfort. These days, more people are receiving deep sedation with propofol for the colonoscopy, which lets them fall asleep rapidlyand quickly wake up.

Can you be awake for colonoscopy?

There are a few options for the use of sedation during a colonoscopy, including: Light: The patient is relaxed and sleepy, but most likely awake. The patient can respond to the doctor, follow any instructions, and may feel pain or discomfort. Moderate: The patient is drowsy and may go in and out of sleep.

What is the most powerful anesthetic?

Propofol is used as an induction agentthe drug that causes loss of consciousness for general anesthesia in major surgery.

Are you always intubated with general anesthesia?

Intubation is required when general anesthesia is given. The anesthesia drugs paralyze the muscles of the body, including the diaphragm, which makes it impossible to take a breath without a ventilator. Most patients are extubated, meaning the breathing tube is removed, immediately after surgery.

What is the most common anesthesia?

Propofol (Diprivan) is the most commonly used IV general anesthetic. In lower doses, it induces sleep while allowing a patient to continue breathing on their own. It is often utilized by anesthesiologist for sedation in addition to anxiolytics and analgesics.

What is balanced anesthesia in general anesthesia?

Balanced general anesthesia, the most common management strategy used in anesthesia care, entails the administration of different drugs together to create the anesthetic state. Anesthesiologists developed this approach to avoid sole reliance on ether for general anesthesia maintenance.

How is balanced anesthesia administered?

Balanced anesthesia using high-dose synthetic opioids administered in divided doses during the first hour of surgery or a continuous infusion of the ultra-short-acting opioid remifentanil produces a satisfactory and controlled fall in blood pressure with a relative bradycardia.

How many stages of anesthesia are there?

There are four stages of general anesthesia, namely: analgesia – stage 1, delirium – stage 2, surgical anesthesia – stage 3 and respiratory arrest – stage 4.