In Geography, Cold wall is the line or surface along which two water masses of significantly different temperatures are in contact. For example in the N. Atlantic Ocean between the Labrador Current and the Gulf Stream; in the Pacific Ocean between the Okhotsk Current and the Kuroshio.

What is cold wall equipment?

Cold walls refer to the external walls of hot process piping or vessels that have internal refractory linings. … Examples of such cold walls are internal refractory-lined gasification reactors, heaters, or furnaces used in process industry that are not externally insulated.

Which statement defines the cold wall effect a cold wall?

Cold wall effect refers to a condition where a structure – such as a tank, vessel, building, etc. – has a lower atmospheric temperature on the outside than the product that is stored inside the structure. This condition can exist in structures that have coatings/linings.

What is hot wall furnace?

Hot-wall furnaces: how they work For convenience, the hot-wall furnace is defined as a vacuum furnace, which does not differ substantially from a furnace working in an inert gas atmosphere, generally in nitrogen. … The hot gas is extracted from the ferrule and reintroduced cooled.

What is vacuum retort?

A Vacuum Retort is a large industrial retort device that is used in the distillation or dry distillation process. Crude distillation units are designed in a way that they automatically function like a retort creating a vacuum. A retort is a spherical shape at bottom with a long downward pointing neck.

What is a furnace retort?

What is a Retort Furnace? A type of oven, a retort furnace creates a controlled atmosphere to apply extreme heat treatments to solidify products. A separate chamber within this high-temperature furnace creates a controlled atmosphere to heat the product indirectly.